Nursing homes


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Nursing Home

Hi everyone,

Am not able to post about myself at the moment but you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Aisling xx


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Support being sent your way too aisling. Hope you are not too down. Remember we are here for you as well. X


Registered User
Jun 15, 2016
Sending support

Thank you. In bad state and hoping to get myself out of it.

Aisling cx

It seems, from reading others posts, that you are a tremendous support to others on here, so allow your self to draw strength now from their support.

It is all too easy to 'cope' by helping others but there is a time when you need to look after yourself and it seems to me that time may be now.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
It seems, from reading others posts, that you are a tremendous support to others on here, so allow your self to draw strength now from their support.

It is all too easy to 'cope' by helping others but there is a time when you need to look after yourself and it seems to me that time may be now.

Thank you Stanley and lemon juice. Have lots of stuff to sort out for OH, now in NH. Health Board making mistakes re fees etc. forms and more forms........ Witnessed by ......

Apart from caring for OH, going to meetings etc I am not able to do anything else. I know I am grieving for OH and so lonely without him. TBH I think it is also major depression. There I have written the dreaded word. Am not eating properly, and all I want to do is sleep whenever I can....... Apart from going to see OH, I don't want to go anywhere. Everything is an effort..... A huge effort. The only people who know are my great sister and 3 great friends who don't live near me but check in with me at least once a month. Thank God for them. Also of course all you wonderful TPs I would win an Oscar when I am with OH. Staff think I am great!! Afterwards I want to hide away.....

I don't want to listen to people who tell me how great it is that OH is in NH and how much my quality of life has improved! If I mentioned tiredness, then the advice about what I should do eg fresh air, hobbies, going out, get my hair done, etc etc. Nothing wrong with my hair!

The only thing I can still do is try to help others on TP. We are all on a lonely road together.

I don't really like writing this post and it may not be posted at all. Am a private person. I will probably check it again and again. If I can get the energy to post I know I can get help. I do not want to stress other people either.

Recent " research" findings are also upsetting me. I understand the ethics of research from another lifetime!!

I feel so broken, stressed and tired.

Yes, I went to doctor.

Blessings always,



Registered User
Mar 2, 2016
Oh Aisling glad you went to the doctors. We all need help sometimes and you have done the first step. It is strange how we can put a front on for everybody else and crumble to pieces when alone. When I went for something to help me I went in calm and within a few minutes of talking broke down and I have never done that before. I think once you start talking and get everything of your chests there is nowhere else to go but to let the emotions take over.
Would you ever think of moving near your sisters or friends saw you could have more company.
Anyway support to you Aisling and always here for you.xx


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Aisling, so glad you went to docs. I've been there as well. Also understand the ethics of research from another life! These days when I read something about the latest cure or early diagnosis I just mutter, yes, but have you ever lived with anybody that has dementia? And throw the paper in disgust! Not yet thrown the iPad though.

You are invaluable on here, believe me!


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Aisling, so glad you went to docs. I've been there as well. Also understand the ethics of research from another life! These days when I read something about the latest cure or early diagnosis I just mutter, yes, but have you ever lived with anybody that has dementia? And throw the paper in disgust! Not yet thrown the iPad though.

You are invaluable on here, believe me!

Just wondering what percentage of funds are used in research.... Is research done by independent people? Are there stakeholders in the background? You understand the ethics too......

Please don't throw the iPad out!!!

Aisling xx


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Sometimes the research is done by people like AS, sometimes commissioned by them, or similar, and carried out by universities or pharmaceuticals companies. It really depends on what the subject of the research is. No idea if percentage of money raised is used for research, though I am sure it is around somewhere. Obviously the charity or commissioning body has to cover their own costs.

Of course, if anyone does find a drug that might be suitable there are years of testing before it can be launched on the unsuspecting public!
What really gets me is the pronouncement that if you stop doing this, or start doing that, you won't get dementia. Not stating that there are 100 or so types, and billions of people with a different genetic make up. I was reading one of these pronouncements, and they were suggesting everything that OH did would keep him free of dementia! Actually, in his case, as his father and sister had it, I would guess their was a genetic component.

It's a whole different moral and ethical question whether you would like to know the possibility of you getting it in, say 15 years time. Personally no, but others would probably differ. Imagine the glee of the insurance companies!!

Sorry, this is a bit of a 'high horse' subject with me, together with the changes in the NHS and social services that try to make it impossible to access services when you want them. A year (to the day) after OH died, I still haven't got the energy to stand up and shout about it!
iPad still intact!


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Yeah. It's the same with cancer. All the "superfoods " diets, supplements etc. I still think we all should be taking care of our health: lots of vegetables, beans, peas, fruit, whole grains, good fats. And of course, exercise. Less time in front of screens if possible, more time relaxing with books, friends etc. And regular sleep, if we can - but these things aren't always achievable for everyone all the time. We could spend our lives and every penny chasing the next promised cure or preventative. Will it make us happy? It didn't make William happy, and didn't stop - or even slow down - the progression of his dementia. Quantities of coffee, high doses of B vitamins, fruit/veg smoothies with "supergreens " added, coconut oil, and many more.
Some research is valuable. I described on TP a lecture I went to last year on research being done on possible links between age related macular degeneration and cognitive impairment. Macular pigment comes from fruit and veg and oily fish. - Or from various supplements.

Personally, I wouldn't want to know if there was a possibility of me developing dementia. Because, when you think about it - well, there is the same possibility that I will develop dementia as that anyone else will. And- there's a greater possibility that I won't, statistically! :)


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Tbh, I'm more concerned about things I can do something about - keeping myself reasonably fit, and healthy generally. I've been off sugar now for two weeks, and now don't miss it. I'm waiting to see if it has any affect on my migraines - I had a dull headache for a few days when I stopped sugar, and stomach cramps, but haven't had a migraine for nine days, which is a long time without one for me! :)


Registered User
Dec 5, 2015
Yeah. It's the same with cancer. All the "superfoods " diets, supplements etc. I still think we all should be taking care of our health: lots of vegetables, beans, peas, fruit, whole grains, good fats. And of course, exercise. Less time in front of screens if possible, more time relaxing with books, friends etc. And regular sleep, if we can - but these things aren't always achievable for everyone all the time. We could spend our lives and every penny chasing the next promised cure or preventative. Will it make us happy? It didn't make William happy, and didn't stop - or even slow down - the progression of his dementia. Quantities of coffee, high doses of B vitamins, fruit/veg smoothies with "supergreens " added, coconut oil, and many more.
Some research is valuable. I described on TP a lecture I went to last year on research being done on possible links between age related macular degeneration and cognitive impairment. Macular pigment comes from fruit and veg and oily fish. - Or from various supplements.

Personally, I wouldn't want to know if there was a possibility of me developing dementia. Because, when you think about it - well, there is the same possibility that I will develop dementia as that anyone else will. And- there's a greater possibility that I won't, statistically! :)

I wouldn't want to know either! Would like to see more funds being used for health care for people with this awful disease.

Support for carers might also help! I am totally burned out ......whatever that means. I don't seem to have anything left. Sorry after posting stuff about me and then sending it....... I think it is cave time again......

Aisling xx


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
I wouldn't want to know either! Would like to see more funds being used for health care for people with this awful disease.

Support for carers might also help! I am totally burned out ......whatever that means. I don't seem to have anything left. Sorry after posting stuff about me and then sending it....... I think it is cave time again......

Aisling xx

You post away - better out than in, as they say!