No more on Chick's thread, time to start my own


Registered User
So sorry to hear about Mr Chuggs. If he is deemed not to have capacity, why does he need to be at the meeting?


Who wrote that song Silence Is Golden? Got that wrong, didn't they! Ain't heard nuffin more yet so I ain't going on a 25-or-so mile trip just for da heck of it. Wait till I get a phone call.


Registered User
Oh, my goodness, the question circling. That's such hard work.

I got a call from CH at 02:00 this morning. He's only gone and pulled the catheter out again for the third time. Probs whitewashed another review date as they can't do it without him there.

So no doubt, they'll be changing it again for the fifth time because of hubby's antics. It's currently driving me up the wall!

Wish better days for us all with a pallet-load of patience!

I remember those occasions so well Chuggs - being phoned to say the catheter was out again and nothing I could do about it or the NH other than put a new one in and clear up the resulting mess! They do it because it is an irritant and we are unable to explain to them that it is also a necessity. Nothing would convince my boy that he was weeing even the evidence of the bag I emptied several times during each visit. Yet he would indicate to me if he felt the bag was getting full. Horrible business and you and your poor man have my utmost caring thoughts on the subject. Unless it causes severe trauma to his bladder - one occasion I spent six days in hospital with husband - he should be alright if only passing blood for a few hours and seemingly no feeling of pain so hopefully your meeting will be able to go ahead as planned. Main thing to watch out for is that he is not brewing a UTI because the increased irritation from the strong urine may be the cause of the "pulling". Does he have a Cath-stop around his thigh holding the tubing from catheter to bag? They do stop any undue tension on the catheter - you can get them on prescription from G.P. if you ask. Thinking of you WIFE


Registered User
I remember those occasions so well Chuggs - being phoned to say the catheter was out again and nothing I could do about it or the NH other than put a new one in and clear up the resulting mess! They do it because it is an irritant and we are unable to explain to them that it is also a necessity. Nothing would convince my boy that he was weeing even the evidence of the bag I emptied several times during each visit. Yet he would indicate to me if he felt the bag was getting full. Horrible business and you and your poor man have my utmost caring thoughts on the subject. Unless it causes severe trauma to his bladder - one occasion I spent six days in hospital with husband - he should be alright if only passing blood for a few hours and seemingly no feeling of pain so hopefully your meeting will be able to go ahead as planned. Main thing to watch out for is that he is not brewing a UTI because the increased irritation from the strong urine may be the cause of the "pulling". Does he have a Cath-stop around his thigh holding the tubing from catheter to bag? They do stop any undue tension on the catheter - you can get them on prescription from G.P. if you ask. Thinking of you WIFE

Wife, you've told me more than anybody else has about the catheter. I can't get through to the ward. Home is too busy. Life is just stuck again like a broken record. Can't wait for nobody to even call me, then tell me the meeting went ahead without me.

That would just be the icing on this awful cake.

Gonna tuck this message away for safe keeping. Thanks so much.


Registered User
Hope you get some information on what's going on soon Chuggs. Thinking of you


Registered User
Wife, you've told me more than anybody else has about the catheter. I can't get through to the ward. Home is too busy. Life is just stuck again like a broken record. Can't wait for nobody to even call me, then tell me the meeting went ahead without me.

That would just be the icing on this awful cake.

Gonna tuck this message away for safe keeping. Thanks so much.

Have you tried the SW again?


Registered User
Have you tried the SW again?

Please don't ask me to relate today. I'll have a hissy fit!

The word 'bungled' is as far as I'll go tonight, let alone the 50-plus mile round trip totally wasted.

Then I came home to the letter from the hospital defining why he won't get CHC.

I've had enough.


Registered User
When you're ready chuggs we're here with the tea and sympathy. You can appeal,I'm sure Lyn T or WIFE will be along to advise.
G and T then get the sounds going


Registered User
Feel for you Chuggs, you must be so stressed and exhausted. Hope the music can work some magic. Love and hugs to you. Es


Registered User
I'm sorry you've had such a bad day Chuggs.

Yeah, I'm fed right up keep going on in the same old mode, Izzy. Fancy telling you all some good news. Sick of the bad stuff!

Ah well darlin'. Tomorrow's anuvver day, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Hope tomorrow is a better day Chuggs. Thinking about you.

Sent from my iPad using Talking Point


Registered User
So sorry Chuggs. Hope something good happens soon. What's CHC?

To do with funding. We don't qualify, and in the letter, they couldn't even be bothered to get my bloody name right.

No more tonight, LadyA. I'm too sore about that. Fed up growling. Tell me what your favourite song is!

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