I am at breakdown today


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Hello Helen:
Your GP sounds ultra efficient - I am so pleased you have this support because you need it more than ever. It seems Alan is ok for a while if he has plenty of rest - hard for you though.

Love Jan

Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Aug 14, 2009
Hello Helen, I am so pleased for you that things are moving so quickly on the medical side, and that Alan is bearing up even though he is sleeping a lot. Best cure for an infection. This may sound terrible but please don't misunderstand me. I had to call the doctor out today because of my husband's condition. He too has fluid on the lung as you may remember and today he too was diagnosed with a severe chest infection. He had antibiotics for the chest 2 days before Xmas but they have not done any good, so now he is on a stronger one, plus AB drops for his left eye which is also badly affected. AB is all they can do for my husband because of his stroke history. I am therefore hoping that for you there is more hope. When you have the results I am really hoping that they can find medication that will assist Alan in getting better again. Obviously this is not doing his dementia any good I appreciate this as well as you, but please stay positive. Alan will hopefully be able to stand any treatment they may offer him. I am thinking a lot about both of you. Take care
Win x


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
It doesn't feel hard Jan. That break I got when I asked Alan's son to have him last Saturday was like a magic wand. It really gave me space, time and peace although I had no idea what was lying a few steps ahead:eek:



Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Hello Winnie,

I am sorry to hear that your husband has an infection too and I really hope that the antibiotics clear it up quickly. Sending love and my very best wishes to you both:)


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008

Glad the hospital are getting the scan and appointment as soon as, some times the not knowing is the worse part,

Try to rest up lady.

Sam Iam

Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Helen, I was looking at you both in the pictures, they are lovely xxx
Your GP is getting things going quickly Helen.
Thinking of you,.
Helen you are such a strong woman and Alan is lucky he has you fighting his corner.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2009
glad your appointments have come through quick and that crossroads are offering you more help keep strong thinking of you love larivy

living in hope

Registered User
Dec 14, 2008
Hi Helen,
Just logged in, so sorry to hear your news, I am pleased the hospital has given you fast appointments and that crossroads are supporting you. Dont know what else to say, its all happened so suddenly, but I am thinking of you both.


Registered User
Jan 25, 2009
Dear Helen

Like everyone else i am so pleased that the appointments have come through,and that Alan and you do not have tolong to wait,you take care Marian xx


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
hi helen i hope alan is feeling ok today im glad your appointment is not to long a wait love and hugs to you xx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thank you Janlyn. Your good wishes are so nice to see first thing in the morning:)

Alan seems perkier today although he is still in bed at the moment. It is this moment by moment change in his appearance that makes me wonder whether it could all be a mistake to doubting whether he will make it to next week:eek::confused: When he is perky, he is like he is in the photographs I've just posted on here and some of the time yesterday when he looked jaundiced he seemed not long for this world.

I AM NATURALLY VERY POSITIVE and am just going with the flow and what will be will be. I know that everything is being done that can be done and I have any amount and type of support should I need it. Family members who we haven't seen throughout the illness are offering to help and I am refusing to go down the 'being angry with them' road and it is naturally becoming a loving experience. I will not let Alan be overwhelmed though with family coming out of the woodwork because he doesn't know he is so poorly and he would not want to know. I think being visited by all and sundry could make one very frightened and so up to now it seems to have a natural flow about it. One granddaughter is taking us to the hospital for the CT Scan because I could not manage on my own because the car park is too far for Alan to manage and I couldn't leave him at the door and expect him to understand where I'd have gone for 45 minutes whilst I park the car and get back to him. This kind of help takes the strain and stress out of these situations and it is truly helpful.

Love to you all and thank you for allowing me to just act 'as normal' on TP - it helps:)


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
helen i no what you mean about family lyns family have not spoken to me since i told them of his ftd so i have decided that i will not get upset by this but i am not going out of my way to let them no how lyn is coping as i dont think they want to beleave that lyn is ill so i will play it by ear. i am glad your grandaughter will be with you and alan my thoughts are with you both i will keep checking in on your thread sending all our love to you both:)


Registered User
Jun 3, 2005
Dear Helen, just popping in to say that I'm pleased to read that Alan is still chirpy at good moments, and resting in the tired ones. Is he benefitting from the pain-relief prescribed?

Also glad YOU seem to be bearing up well (as far as one can tell from words on a computer screen, Lol ;)) and being well supported as & when you need it.
It's good to hear that the appointments have been arranged promptly (under the 'guidance' of your excellent GP - will someone please give that woman a medal?!)
& your granddaughter will attend the hospital to support you both.

Love'n Hugs


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
YOU seem to be bearing up well (as far as one can tell from words on a computer screen,
I am bearing up well now that the support is back. Christmas and New Year was dreadful when no one is available at a time of great need.

The GP has just phoned to say that she thought Alan looked a bit jaundiced too but his blood results have all come back and they are all fine apart from the liver function test being very slightly under normal. I feel reassured that he isn't going to die within days which I was beginning to wonder about.

He cut the bread up for the birds this morning and now he is resting.

My car has passed its MOT and is back home so that is another thing out of the way.

Love to you all


Registered User
Nov 16, 2008
Helen, so glad it all sounds much more positive and you have much more support. Even the car is on your side! x

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Helen33 said:
The GP has just phoned to say that she thought Alan looked a bit jaundiced too but his blood results have all come back and they are all fine apart from the liver function test being very slightly under normal.

That's sounding much more positive. It must have been so heartwarming to watch Alan cut up bread for the birds.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2009
Brighter day

Hello Helen, I haven't been a member very long but I read all your posts yesterday and thought what a remarkable lady you are. The photos you posted were lovely too.It must have been very frightening and upsetting for you yesterday, but I'm so glad that things are a little brighter today. Hope the CT scan will bring some good news too.
Bless you,
Brokenhearted x

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Helen that is so good to hear that bloods came back clear and car behaved, hope you can relax a little, how has Alan been today, bet the birds are happy he is up and about. love pam