A new stage in my life...................

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Rageddy Anne

Registered User
Feb 21, 2013
This is all wonderful to share. Despite aches and pains and sore tums etc, you both look so at peace. And what a beautiful place.

The river looks majestic. Like you, SYLVIA, not being a swimmer I wouldn't want to get in the water either , but maybe you will just dip a toe.

The stick must give you confidence with walking, and could also be used to keep those monkeys at bay. I imagine they're looking for food... How peaceful and sleepy the cows look.

Has the old gentleman got his hand in Helen's head, or am I imagining it? Looking again, I think his other hand is on Sylvia's head. Does that mean something?
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Registered User
May 10, 2010
Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing them, and Nitram and BeckyJan for sorting them out.

Great to hear you both had an extraordinary marvellous day. Especially after earlier thinking it would be an uneventful one. I just love seeing your photos, you look relaxed, and the surroundings and people are so interesting to see. I always associate vibrant colours with India, the clothes, and I love colour.

Helen I hope your Delhi belly is better now. Your back easier, Sylvia. I am going to read Izzy’s link to Ayurvedic massage, have only a vague idea about it but have heard it recommended.

We bought baskets of flowers with candles in for the people on TP who have been recently bereaved. We sent three on their journey as we thought of you.
Deeply moving. Lovely gesture, and to see photos of the baskets of flowers.

Everyone sounds so friendly and helpful. Your accounts of everything are amazing and so enjoyable to read.

You will be tired in the evening after all that has happened today although I hope a contented tiredness. Wishing you peaceful, refreshing sleep tonight.

Loo xxx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Thank you so much Jan for the effort you have put into getting our pictures the right way up. I've had difficulty with Facebook as they won't accept the video I did. They accepted one yesterday????!!! And thank you to Nitram for all your efforts.

My stomach pain has gone now and then I felt hungry. Sylvia went down to the cafe to order me some spring rolls and one of the lads will bring them up. Sylvia stayed with me to answer the door as I didn't want to get out of bed. We are having great days and we are looking after each other:)




Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Saffie now has software to do a batch rotate/resize and knows the size to fit the screen!!!!
Yes, I have it now thanks Nitram but I still have do download them singly so is much as I was able to do with the software I already had - only I have to turn those individually instead of being able to turn the whole folder/batch as with this one.
With an old computer and a pretty full hard drive, it's running very slow, so it takes forever!
I'll keep experimenting.

We bought baskets of flowers with candles in for the people on TP who have been recently bereaved. We sent three on their journey as we thought of you.

What a lovely thought. I don't know if I still can be considered recent but I'll say thank
you anyway. :)

Your allowing us to share like this is so unlifting. Thank you so much. xxx
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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thank goodness Helen could collect her thoughts and post in some order.

It really was a wonderful day and so emotional, I could cry just thinking about it. Dhiren would have loved it and yet it was for him we went.

Helen suddenly decided she wanted to float the flowers in memory of those who have recently died on TP. It was a miracle we managed to float any for we were immediately surrounded by flower sellers and it was so difficult to ask the price, juggle our paraphernalia, bags, sticks, cameras, water bottles, while dealing with children , some wanting to help, others wanting money. Anyway we did float them in memory of those who've been lost and just managed a couple of photos.

In some respects it was a rehearsal for 23rd and in other respects it was just a beautiful experience on its own.

From the children who helped us light the candles and incense and float the flowers, to the old men from the temple, who welcomed us to the Arti ceremony, and placed the orange bindi on our foreheads and to all who wished us Happy Holi seeing our coloured faces and my coloured clothes. I say 'my' because My white top was covered , while Helen's white trousers remained pristine.

It's a standing joke between us. I'm a mess pot and can't wear white for more than five minutes without spilling something, while Helen can wear white trousers all week without getting a spot on them.

So now we are back at the hotel. My back is fine when I walk but painful when I sit or stand . Helen has eaten and we hope the Delhi belly has gone.

I can't post any photos, my iPad is too clumsy for me to carry round so Helen is chief photographer. I have taken quite a few with my camera but will have to wait to download those when we arrive home. By the they'll be old news. :)

Yes Anne the old mans hand was on Helens head.

Yes Saffie Dave is included in the floating of the flowers.
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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
I understand the emotions behind your experiences today but it does sound to have been very special and memorable. Sorry about your back but its not preventing you doing things so thank goodness for that.

Take care x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thanks Jan.

I think it would have been emotional even if there had been no connection. It was beautiful and sincere and real. I have some wonderful photos of the Arti ceremony but they don't include the singing or the music. Helen may have managed a video.

There is something powerful about fire at the waterside and people from all over the world joining together in prayer .


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I can't post any photos, my iPad is too clumsy for me to carry round so Helen is chief photographer. I have taken quite a few with my camera but will have to wait to download those when we arrive home. By the they'll be old news.
.....but re-living the memories when doing this all over again Sylvia. A bonus.

It all sounds absolutely amazing and wonderful and exciting and I can understand your emotions thinking about Dhiren.
It sounds very moving.
Thank you both for thinking of us all here and especially for floating the flowers.
A memory I shall treasure. :)

We'll all think of you on the 23rd. You have met us all I think so it will be a very appropriate time to think of you and Dhiren on such a very special day for you both.

Narurally, we will think of Helen too and the lovely time we have spent with you both.

I do hope your pain subsides soon. It's such a shame it happened at all but especially so soon after your arrival. Take lots of care. xxx


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
I've had a few tears over your thoughtfulness. How wonderful to float the basket of flowers and candles. Helen-I'm glad that your tummy troubles appear to be subsiding. Sylvia -your 'rehearsal' for Dhirens final release sounds just perfect. He will finally be 'home' where he deserves to be. So much heartache must flow through the Ganges-but also maybe some hope for peace for the future-I do hope you find some peace on the 23rd Sylvia.

Lots of love to you both

Lyn T XX


Registered User
Dec 1, 2006
It is so great to read your journal and to look at your lovely photos. It is such a contrast to humdrum life at home on a chilly March morning. Ir is a very special privilege being able to follow your travels as they happen, (yes, even into the conveniences). :) Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Today must be the most important day of Holi because absolutely everything is closed.

We were woken early by drum beats, the loudest music, cheering and shouting. By the time we went down the party was in full swing. Everyone and everything was covered in red, yellow and orange powder. The outside area was full of happiness, we were greeted with spots of powder gently pressed on to foreheads and cheeks, and stroked onto cheeks. The stroking on cheeks meaning 'may you have a permanent smile'.

The cafe connected to the hotel is closed and we were told everything is closed. India has shut down for The day.

We'd had no breakfast and when he saw we were preparing to find somewhere to eat, the cafe owner told us to go to our rooms and ' because you are English and like mothers to me ' he would have breakfast sent up. He didn't want us to eat in any public areas because others would want food too. Wasn't that kind!

So here we are sitting on a veranda in brilliant sunshine with the sounds of music and happiness all around us.
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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Here's Helen writing her post for TP



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Aw Sylvia how kind. That almost brought tears to my eyes. You are certainly experiencing the 'real' India. Have a lovely day.


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
I must admit it was very special to us lighting those baskets of flowers for those bereaved. I feel very, very re-connected to TP in that I vividly remember the journey with Alan as dementia struck, progressed and ultimately claimed his body (not his spirit). I vividly remember him flying away and the crippling loss of not only him but all the people who had come into our world to help care for him. I know the heartache.

We have decided to dedicate another day at the Ganges to light and float flower baskets for all people on TP that we know and love who are in the thick of caring.

On a different note. We have woken to drums, singing, music and shouts of glee. Everyone here is celebrating Holi. We have been painted again and we expect much more as the day progresses. Veer, one of the managers (owners?) is always very happy to see us and he said we are like his mother. I think because of our age, we are given a little special treatment. All the people working in the hotel have family, friends and a few guests celebrating and we are happily included. We've escaped for the moment to have our breakfast but will go back down to join them.

Here are a few pictures with love


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Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Here are a few more.


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