dementia with lewy bodies

  1. SeaGirl

    Hello, to a bunch of fellow travellers.

    Hi, I am relatively new to this business of being a full-time carer, and joined you lovely chaps and chapesses as I have been finding things a tad tough of late. My husband has Lewy Body Dementia, and this is proving quite the challenge for us both. It'll be great to speak to others, whether...
  2. P

    When the truth hits

    My husband was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in 2016. Recently his symptoms have got worse especially his cognitive impairment. Until yesterday he thought his only problem was memory loss. Last night it took nearly 2 hours to explain the first and third Monday of the month. He is obsessed...
  3. S

    New member

    My sister is 68 and has been diagnosed with LBD. She is now in a nursing home as of yesterday. My niece, (it’s her Mum ] is feeling very guilty as my sister has told her ….she hates the place. My sister requires nursing care and my niece has young children. How do I support my sister and niece...
  4. Beeks

    Caring for dad

    Hi All, I wish I'd found this 18 months ago! Dad has DLB, diagnosed the same week he had a heart bypass and developed delirium from this. The past 18 months have been stressful and Mum has cared for Dad until 6 weeks ago when he was admitted to hospital for the 3rd time in 4 weeks (2 falls and...
  5. B

    My siblings are forcing my mum to go into a care home.

    Hi I'm new on here and really need some advice. I live with my elderly parents and for past 2 years I've been caring for my mum who has lewes body dementia. Mum has a carer every morning and early evening but other than this I have little support just constant criticism from my siblings...
  6. G

    Risk Feeding or Not?

    Hi everyone, I've been reading these threads on and off for a while now but this is my first post because we are really at a loss with what to do for my dad who is currently in hospital with end stage Lewy Body Dementia. We believe he had a stroke last Sunday because he went from eating very...
  7. M

    lewy body

    Oh wnt to see the neurologist today who said he got essential tremors and not Parkinson's - he remarked my husband dont Look Has he got LBD - made me smile how do a person with LBD look like- WILD HAIR DO ?
  8. B

    Lewy body dementia and incontinence

    Hello everyone, I really hope you can give me some advice. My dad was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia about 3 years ago. His mobility is extremely poor. Since January this year he has suffered from urinary incontinence. He wears tena pants during the day but takes them off when he's asleep...
  9. B

    Husband’s diagnosis

    Hi, about a month ago my husband (76) was diagnosed as having Dementia with Lewy Bodies. His symptoms had been around for about 18-24 months and he finally went to speak with our GP. Having the neurologist put the diagnosis into words was like a slap in the face and I (71) have been reeling...
  10. B

    One person,two people!

    Hi all. I am a newbie to this site and wonder whether anybody has experienced the problem that my wife has, she has dementia with lewybodies and seems to think that she has two people in the house one is me the other is her husband Ken(me) she gets very upset if I try to tell her I'm her...
  11. P

    Lewy bodies

    My mum has Lewy bodies dementia. I have given up my job and doing 24 hour care. She paces from bed to sofa most of the time she is awake. She is anxious, tearful and says she doesn’t want to be here. Generally her speak is very quiet and nothing now makes sense. It makes it pretty much...
  12. C


    I hit rock bottom a few weeks ago and phoned 111, mental health. I explained my situation as a carer of OH who has LBD and asked if I could self-refer for counselling. The person I spoke with on 111 was so good, so kind and understanding. He asked a lot of questions about what I was going...
  13. B


    I am feeling that I understand now the grief of loss although my husband is still alive. He has Parkinsons with Lewy Bodies. The Lewy Bodies was my main concern before the Parkinsons diagnosis and after diagnosis I found it easier to deal with the more extreme symptoms that I had been coping...
  14. Kerry50996

    Settling into a care home.

    My Dad was diagnosed with LBD in January this year although it has been obvious that he has dementia at least 4 years prior to this. He has moved into a care home in Wales so my Mum can visit, although she hasn’t been able to yet as she has broken her right arm in a fall. I live in N.Devon and...
  15. M


    Been just over a year ago I was diagnosed with LBD -consultant gave me a scrap piece of paper with the words LBD scribbled onto it a a telephone number for my wife to ring up someplace? and then I walk away with a stunned silence to catch the bus. Since then more or less to get on with it- Im...
  16. L

    Mixed Dementia

    Me again - sorry! I have so many questions. Mum had a diagnosis of Alzheimer's in 2015, although we know that she had lived with it for many years prior to that. The care home have told the CMHT that mum does not hallucinate who, in turn, have written to mum's GP and reported this to him. Mum...
  17. S

    New member

    I care for both my parents whilst Trying to remain working full time,mum has lived with it for 7 years now wit lewy bodies and dad was diagnosed in December wolith mixed dementia alzheimers..he is progressing fast..where do I start?I could write a book!mum has started being argumentative and...
  18. L


    Hi My dad has vascular and Lewy Body dementia, I had to take him to hospital on New Years Eve as his behaviour got out of control, and although he had been assessed twice before, I felt this was the first time I was listened too, he spent 4 months in hospital until we were able to get him into...
  19. Kerry50996

    New to this.

    Apologies in advance for the long post. Being concise isn’t my strong point! I’m 64 and the eldest of 3 girls. My parents are Dad 93 and Mum 88. My Dad has been diagnosed with probable Lewy Body dementia or maybe Alzheimer’s, anyway he definitely has some form of cognitive impairment. He’s very...
  20. S

    Runny nose when eating

    Over the last few months hubby’s nose had started to run when he is eating. Apparently this is quite common with Lewy Body Dementia. Doesn’t solve the issue but sort of explains it.