The last straw.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Thanks sleepless its far from the first fall I've had but annoying because it needn't happen. Yes indeed thanks for tp it makes life bettet


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Thanks sleepless its far from the first fall I've had but annoying because it needn't happen. Yes indeed thanks for tp it makes life bettet

I'm a dog owner myself and get so cross when you find some selfish barsteward has left their animal's poo. What is it with people? You are having a rotten lousy time of it all at the moment, and hope things improve. Love, hugs and cyber flowers xxxxxx


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England

(((Bemused))) that fall must have felt like the last straw at the time! The few inconsiderate dog owners do give everyone else a bad name :mad: I do hope that your increased pain doesn't hang around for long. I'm struggling with pain today, I can't imagine having to carry on and physically care for someone else.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Thanks Scarlett and slugsta. Yes its really infuriating for those of us who try to make dog owning acceptable to all. I'm fine, got husband back to bed as usual, but I have badly twisted my knee which on top of arthritis is no joke, as you know Scarlett.
I owe a big thank you to the girl who was with us this morning. She has a chronic health condition but never let's us down _ This morning she was as pale as a ghost but she won't go off sick if she can avoid it because she knows people depend on her. She's only 21 but a lot of older people in the caring world could take lessons from her.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
I just hope that this young lady doesn't ruin her own health in the process! I speak from experience, I damaged my back in my 20s (nursing, back in the late 70s), limped on for a further 30 years but am now retired due to a worsening of the condition.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
I hope not but I do worry. Hopefully things have got better for nurses now, there is so much useful equipment to stop people being injured, but as we know, its all about money.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
I agree Bemused, but it's also about being trained and encouraged to use the equipment provided. When I was in hozzie I was always moaning at the nurses for bending rather than adjusting the height of the beds etc! We need to get away from the idea (which was prevalent in my day) that doing things manually is somehow clever.


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
It still persists in the care sector unfortunately. I regularly hear 'I can do that on my own' and my reply is if you had to do it day in day out for someone who is dependent on you , you might not be so keen. I can't so I have everything in place that I can to avoid injuries,no shame in that it's common sense


Registered User
Apr 30, 2013
Thanks Scarlett and slugsta. Yes its really infuriating for those of us who try to make dog owning acceptable to all. I'm fine, got husband back to bed as usual, but I have badly twisted my knee which on top of arthritis is no joke, as you know Scarlett.
I owe a big thank you to the girl who was with us this morning. She has a chronic health condition but never let's us down _ This morning she was as pale as a ghost but she won't go off sick if she can avoid it because she knows people depend on her. She's only 21 but a lot of older people in the caring world could take lessons from her.

When I was a young bride, back in the 60s, words like "bunions", "arthritis" and "wrinkles", were not only absent from my vocabulary, but they weren't going to happen to me! Ever! I can't remember ever hearing about Alzheimer's, and can only remember an aunt being described as "a bit doolally", which was always said with a kindly smile, by the other older relatives.

Phrases such as "where have I put my glasses", "have I taken all my tablets today", "root canal treatment", "my leg/arm/whatever is killing me" and "if only I could find a pair of comfy shoes today when I go shopping", were all foreign to me.

My diary wasn't filled with exciting things like hospital appointments, or those for the GP, dentist or optician. How times change! My sympathies are with you, as a twisted knee, on top of arthritis, plus caring for a hubby with AD, make for one damned heavy load to carry. xxxxx


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Don't we wish we could tell the youngsters they will regret it? But everyone has to live their own life, make their own mistakes. Hindsight a wonderful thing isn't it.
Yes life is so much fun as you age it's hard to find the good things sometimes.


Registered User
Oct 19, 2009
Aw, Bemused! I've just caught up with this thread. You poor love - you are having a time of it! I'm just shocked at the fact that carers there don't have to be trained? Seriously??!!:eek::eek: Care Workers, including those working in home care, here have to have this course done: I have to admit, it's several years now since I completed it, and I did an extra course in Dementia Care too. And anyone working with vulnurable people - either children or elderly, or ill people - must have police vetting. And that is done by each employer - so if you move jobs, the new employer has to get you vetted again.

Of course - that doesn't mean there aren't bad carers here! Because all the qualifications in the world won't give you the most important qualification - the empathy you need to do the job well, and to see the person within the illness or disability, and also to realise that you are not just there to care for the ill/disabled person, but to care for the carer too!

Really hope things improve for you soon. xx
Last edited:


Registered User
Mar 24, 2014
Slept like the dead last night but the downside was I woke up poker stiff. Crawled out of bed,started the day with a B/f of pain killers.
Turned into the local park with Jess and some ******* had left a pile of dog poo on the path amid the wet leaves and its dark. Yes you guessed, crashing down but fortunately not onto my knees this time. Just sat and cried for a minute. Got to my feet, no mean thing with arthritic knees eventually. Thanks to the pain killers I'm surviving atm. We had one of our good carers this morning for which multiple thanks. The poor girl looks like death and is being loaded down with extra calls. We managed to get hubs up between us and this girl needs several gold stars.
I've jarred my back and my neck, just what I needed.
I loathe people who are irresponsible with their dogs at the best of times, today....

Filthy blighters do it here, too. Always on the new pavement they built a few years ago; and down the street going to the train. You wonder how they keep their homes if they're that dirty outside.

Really sorry about your tumble, Bemused. That must have hurt :(


Registered User
Mar 24, 2014

(((Bemused))) that fall must have felt like the last straw at the time! The few inconsiderate dog owners do give everyone else a bad name :mad: I do hope that your increased pain doesn't hang around for long. I'm struggling with pain today, I can't imagine having to carry on and physically care for someone else.

Oof. Me too :( Went out and could hardly move! You got arthritis, or summink, Slugsta?


Registered User
Mar 24, 2014
Don't we wish we could tell the youngsters they will regret it? But everyone has to live their own life, make their own mistakes. Hindsight a wonderful thing isn't it.
Yes life is so much fun as you age it's hard to find the good things sometimes.

Know what I found out? You know when you're sitting at a table. Perhaps you've just had dinner and are now sitting there yapping with a cuppa with your table mates? You stick your elbows on the table and interlace your fingers. Didja know you're putting a horrible strain on every single joint, doing that? Boy, ain't I paying for it now! :(


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Oof. Me too :( Went out and could hardly move! You got arthritis, or summink, Slugsta?

I damaged my back at work more than 30 years ago. Managed to limp along until 5 years ago when a sneeze exploded an intervertebral disc and have suffered from nerve pain in my left leg ever since. Today my back itself was very painful along with the sciatica - mum was very unsteady when we went out yesterday and I had to support her so I suspect that is the cause.

Thank heaven for pain killers!


Registered User
Mar 24, 2014
I damaged my back at work more than 30 years ago. Managed to limp along until 5 years ago when a sneeze exploded an intervertebral disc and have suffered from nerve pain in my left leg ever since. Today my back itself was very painful along with the sciatica - mum was very unsteady when we went out yesterday and I had to support her so I suspect that is the cause.

Thank heaven for pain killers!

Oh mate. Nerve pain. Ooooouch. I could cry for you. Had it in shoulder; both legs; right arm and other places you never knew you had nerves! When my spine started up and the shoulders went, I wanted to fall and land on the corner of a brick to have another pain to take my mind off the one I had. It was sooooooo BAAAAAD :( That was years and years ago. Funnily enough, only heavy work eased it off. Can't do that now. Fink me left leg's gonna fall off after today :( Man, I still hurt and I didn't do much. (Cue stunned look...)

Wish I could walk!:eek:


Registered User
Nov 27, 2014
Sorry you are hurting Chuggs and Slugsta (sound like a comedy duo but I know it's no laughing matter).
Are you feeling a bit better bemused?


Registered User
Mar 24, 2014
Sorry you are hurting Chuggs and Slugsta (sound like a comedy duo but I know it's no laughing matter).
Are you feeling a bit better bemused?

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha! Yeah. I get it. Love that, Es. You done made my night, as they say on stage ;)

No, tell ya wot, I'm a bit scared, Es. Still haven't pulled meself together tonight. I should be back to normal by now, and I ain't. Still can't move without agony. Poor Bemused. Feel sorry for her, too, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Registered User
Mar 4, 2012
Hello lady a. Carers are trained but IIT is the level of training that is the problem. They have to do an online course of some kind but when they start being actually sent out they are supposed to shadow for two weeks or as long as is necessary. The problem is they are being sent out to quite complex care situations such as my husband because they have a client somewhere else who is similar. Not helpful when as in the case of our recent troublemaker, they just don't have a clue. They are all police checked.
My problem is not with the carers its with management.
They treat self funding clients the same as their staff. If you complain you get hours cut. If somebody goes off sick you don't get a replacement etc. The biggest problem is that I can't get another agency to take us on.
But we manage, I have as much as possible to do the heavy lifting work but I worry , all the time,what if something happens to me?