Terrible times


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
My husband has been in his nursing home just over 6 months and I have been not 100% happy with his care but I am close by and visit most afternoons so I can keep an eye on him . He is declining fast and is very vocal and emotional but not able to express himself now. We struggled to find a placement for him and I am now in a predicament as two weeks ago he was assaulted by an agency care worker which was stopped by a carer employed by the home.

We are in the process of review/investigation and the police are looking to charge, but I feel this may not come to fruition as everything seems to point to the agency worker being sacked from her agency but I feel it may end there.

I’d would like to move him and myself closer to my daughter but so unsure if I will be able to sell my home and request for him to be moved out of this healthcare area. His funding is CHC and im happy with his social worker and gp but not the home or its main owner.

Any thoughts on if I should get legal advice about assault charge? Any thoughts on moving my husband and my restrictions due to funding?
My husband was diagnosed around 63/64 and his decline has come fast and very hard to believe….

Sorry for ranting but I seriously need to make things change,


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
With CHC there’s probably a DoLS in place. If so, that means there will be legal restrictions around moving him. I’d ask your social worker for advice on the nuts and bolts of whether a move is even possible, before getting involved in the detail.

annieka 56

Registered User
Aug 8, 2022
That's horrible, what happened, for your husband to be assaulted.
Have you raised it as a safeguarding issue with your social worker - I suppose you have.
To move not only your husband from the care home and outside his healthcare area but yourself by selling your home is a series of massive steps.
If you can still visit him where he is might be better and I would hope staff would feel disgusted that a vulnerable resident was assaulted there and would stand by you.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
With CHC there’s probably a DoLS in place. If so, that means there will be legal restrictions around moving him. I’d ask your social worker for advice on the nuts and bolts of whether a move is even possible, before getting involved in the detail.
Yes you’re correct there is a DoL’s in place, my SW sort of talked about moving but it was a difficult time to find him this placement, it’s such a mess at the moment. I‘ll hopefully talk to her tomorrow and get a plan in place…thanks for your post, it helps to talk it out.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
That's horrible, what happened, for your husband to be assaulted.
Have you raised it as a safeguarding issue with your social worker - I suppose you have.
To move not only your husband from the care home and outside his healthcare area but yourself by selling your home is a series of massive steps.
If you can still visit him where he is might be better and I would hope staff would feel disgusted that a vulnerable resident was assaulted there and would stand by you.
Thanks for your reply, yes safeguarding involved and I’ve been present for 1 meeting with all agencies including police…..I think the care home staff are disgusted but the home relies on a lot of agency staff, I dread a repeat of that phone call. My trust has gone.


Registered User
Aug 17, 2023
Good afternoon everyone, follow on from my last post, I’ve just heard today the police will be interviewing the care worker involved in the assault, they need to get an interpreter so it’ll happen next week. Having been present for the safeguarding meeting I am yet to hear anything…. no idea if the recommendations will be shared with me. Does anyone have any experience of what happens next? Just a bit surprised i haven't been updated at all. Many thanks for any ideas

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