So bizarre !


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Blimey 2jays, what are you packing, I did a ski trip with the limit at 15kgs once, which included my ski boots!

H O W ??? !!!!

Come to conclusion that I must have iron knickers

On 4th pack. Got it down to just under 15kg. I have explained to 1J that we need to visit nudist beach on one day :eek: :D :D

Hope the anti bios working xx

Love to all


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
LOL @ 2Js :D

I always make the same mistake when we go away. I pack a tube of handwash detergent with the intention of washing undies etc out. Then I take enough of everything to last until we have been home a week anyway! When we are cruising, hubby usually does a launderette wash around halfway through - but our September cruise ship does not have a DIY laundry, so will have to hand wash.

I haven't put my nose outside yet but can tell that the temperature has dropped somewhat. Hubby and I have dental check-ups after lunch, so I will have to brave the outside world.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Can’t remember last time I was limited to 15kg. But apart from NZ, can’t remember when I last went away by plane. Might have been Portugal in 2002, though not sure. Too stoned on port maybe!
Been to Isles of Scilly on holiday a few times, either small plane, helicopter or boat. Must have had a luggage allowance, I suppose.

Very cold overnight, with frost. Now bright and sunny, but not warm! Though lovely rainbow as I was driving to coffee shop.
So had my coffee, picked up prescription, and got some cash. Sorted for a couple of weeks!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Laughing my socks off at 2jays, her iron knickers and the nudist beach :D 2 jays, I wore a light jumper and cardie to travel in (in case of cooler evenings), I took 4 pairs of shorts, 2 very light and cool dresses, 8 t shirts/tops, 1 costume, a sarong, a pair of sandals, light nightie and gown and enough undies for a week, with a spare set thrown in. Add travel size toiletries and that was it. I did wash a few tops, just hung them outside to dry and managed fine. If it wasn't for the camera gear, I could have managed with just the cabin case. Those knickers of yours really must be made of lead or iron, lol!

JM, hope the antibiotics have helped and that you are feeling better xxx

Slugsta, I hope everything is now sorted for the funeral - I'm not sure when it is, (I have looked but couldn't see if you had posted when anywhere) but guessing it must be soon and sending wishes for strength and peace to get through the day xxxxxx

It's absolutely freezing here, Spamar - glad you got your errands done, and hope this means you can hole up nice and cosy out of the cold for a wee while at least! We had the gritters out last night, though there is no evidence this morning that the promised snow fell - I'd be quite happy if we don't get any - its ok if no one has to go out and about, very pretty to look at - but I really don't like having to drive, or any of the family having to travel in it - I've decided that even the colleges/day centres closing and givng me extra admin time isn't a good enough reason to welcome the white stuff, lol. This Friday I am out at Nature reserve and we are supposed to be building shelters and making a camp fire - I usually love that sort of thing - BUT not when its so flipping cold!

I have totally lost it over the IT issues with work :oops: I have a monthly report to complete, despite the problems I've always manged to do it before, usually by working a lot of extra hours - but this month, I just gave up and it isn't done. I have tried. For my last 3 working days, I've been sat at my desk from the wee small hours, really trying to complete all the required admin, meaning very long days. Yesterday it took me over 2 hours to do just 2 tasks which should have taken about 10 minutes each - and I threw in the towel. I can't save the work as I go along, its only when I hit 'submit' that I discover if the system has logged me out (again) and when that happens, all the info that I have entered is lost, and I have to start from scratch. And this can happen repeatedly, it took me 8 attempts to submit one of the tasks - and I gave up counting on the second. A long email went off to the IT department on Tuesday - polite, but spelling out very clearly the problems this is causing me, and I also sent an email yesterday to my boss and her boss (who to be fair have also been emailing IT and very sternly demanding that this is sorted) making it clear that I had tried but that the reports wouldn't be done this month. I also forwarded the emails I had received back from IT, which demonstrated pretty clearly that they hadn't read my email and were just sending bog-standard replies. Anyhooo - an email from some high up in the IT department arrived yesterday afternoon, and I am being sent a new laptop, supposedly correctly rigged up to work with the new system. So - once it arrives, I really hope that its an end to the IT issues. However, until it gets here, I am not working a mass of unpaid hours struggling to try and keep up with the work. I have a backlog of long, tedious admin jobs to do, going back about 6-8 weeks because of this situation, and I am not knocking myself out to catch up there either. I will also have to transfer a lot of stuff (images and print outs, ect) to the new laptop before I send the old one back, which will take time that I havent really got, and that's going to put me further behind. It will get done when it gets done, and if there is any come back - well I have a pile of emails and logged phone calls showing how many extra hours I have already put in and how hard I have tried to sort this for the last 3 months in particular, so I'm honestly past the point where I am worried about it.

Meanwhile, a message from the CH, asking me to come in a sign some paperwork to do with the yearly review - well, if that's taken place, its the first I've heard of it ! So at some stage, I need to get to the CH when the admin/office staff are on duty to fine out what is what there! I don't have any major concerns or worries about the home, on the whole I think its exceptionally good - but I am not signing anything about a reveiw that I know nothing about without full info on what has gone on!

Miss Mac has also been in trouble over getting herself up in the mornings, and we have had a few meltdowns. Because of the IT stuff, I am usually in my office when its time for her to shift herself and so she has been warned and warned that she must set her alarm on her phone or laptop or tablet. If I surface long enough to remember, I will give her a shout (just in case) but have been so stuck with work for the last few weeks, that I can't be relied upon to act as her alarm clock. Inevitably, she has overslept a couple of times - and each time, according to her, it's been my fault. This week, it's ended up with a tantrum or two, and last time, OH stepped in and gave her a real dressing down about it. She is still sure that it's all my fault, although there have been lip-service apologies - so things are just a little frosty and tense.

Day off today - some editing, and some shopiing on the agenda. I need to hit the supermarket (bleurrgghh) and I have to go get a couple of new jumpers (double bleurrrgghhh - I hate clothes shopping) especially as next weeks residential is right on the coast and the forecast is for extremely cold temperatures. Would much rather get the house straight and then (after the editing) spend the day snuggled up with a good book, but needs must . . .

Hope you are all OK, much love to all of you xxxx


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
I hated being called in the morning when I was Miss Macs age. I liked to get myself up! Plus in the summer mother would be busy by that time.

It’s just snowed! Odd, look out of north window and it’s stopped, but still snowing if look out of east window- without moving myself! Hasn’t stayed on the ground, thank goodness. Like Ann, don’t mind being home, but dislike having to go out!

Ann, that amount of paperwork and your problems with computer sound horrendous! As I know, getting a new computer comes with all sorts of problems! Plus you’re uve been complaining about it for ages. Let’s hope there is an improvement!


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Afternoon all,

Ann, your IT problems sound horrendous! I know you have been complaining about these for ages, it comes as no surprise that you have come to the end of your tether :mad: I really hope the new comp solves the problem and that you are able to get things moved over without any grief.

Sorry that Miss Mac is still being a PITA :(She will learn to get herself up and out, but I fear there might be more aggro en route. My son was always difficult to rouse in the mornings - he might still be but it is not my problem any more!

The temperature here has dropped considerably and my combi boiler has chosen today to give up the ghost :rolleyes: Thankfully I did manage to get a shower and wash my hair this morning but we now have no heating or hot water. My son will not like being unable to have a hot shower tomorrow (the funeral is 10.30 tomorrow morning) but there is nothing I can do about that. The plumber thinks we need a new pump, which will not be hugely cheaper than a new boiler. However, a new pump can be fitted tomorrow evening whereas we would have to wait several weeks for a new boiler, so we have said to go ahead and change the pump in the hope that this sorts things out .


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Well, talk about it never rains but it pours, Slugsta! Hope the new pump works and things are
OK tomorrow as well. Will be thinking of you.
I’ve cancelled my evening out. It’s snowing here, or it was, and I don’t feel up to battling roads, even for a few miles! All it needs is some other idiot who thinks no one will be on the road and cut a corner!
I will go tomorrow and pick up some leftovers. Casserole should be even better re heated. I won’t tell her it will be Saturday before I test it!
Well, just enjoyed a rather strong g& t, it’s catching this drinking!

So tomorrow, with a bit of luck is lunch out, followed by pantomime. Should be fun!
Keep well!

Amy in the US

Registered User
Feb 28, 2015
Ann, the IT issues sound horrid and I do hope the new laptop will help. What a waste of everyone's time.

Slugsta, I had missed that the funeral is tomorrow. I'm glad your son will be there, but am sorry to hear about the boiler (as if you needed that right now). We will be thinking of you.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning everyone,

Slugsta, will be thinking of you and yours this morning. I hope that everything goes as well as these things possibly can - a hard day and sending masiive {{{{{{hugs}}}}} xxxx

I also hope that the new pump has sorted the problems with the hot water - last thing you needed at the moment! x

I hope the snow has gone, Spamar , and I don't blame you for cancelling the evening out! Its just bitterly cold here, with a biting wind that makes it worse. Not looking forward to being outdoors building shelters in this mornings project!

I hit just one clothes shop yesterday, and walked out with all the jumpers I needed, plus I grabbed a thick winter casual coat (to wear with jeans and wellies or trainers), a wooly hat and gloves - 25% off the coat and hat, so I felt I had a bargain, and I chose and bought the whole lot in under 20 minutes - my idea of the perfect clothes shopping trip :D Supermarkets also visited, freezer full ready for me being away next week, car filled with petrol and cash drawn ready. I then blitzed downstairs and the bathrooms, sorted tea and collapsed on the sofa around 4.30pm - so much for a day off!

We got another phone call from the CH last night - Mil has been in yet another 'safeguarding' incident. Not entirely sure how this one started, but it apparently ended with another resident trying to strangle Mil, whilst she thumped him repeatedly . OH answered the phone, and said that the staff he spoke to was really apologetic - but in all honestly, I don't know what they (or anyone else) could possibly do to stop Mil antagonising or hitting out aggressively at others. If she is in an obviously agitated mood, they step in and distract her, or remove her from the situation - but increasingly, her outbursts are coming from nowhere. One minute she is sat seemingly quite content, chatting with people as they pass - the next she is chucking her cup of tea at some poor unsuspecting staff or resident who happens to be near her, or will suddenly start swearing and shouting abuse at them. When she lived here, I experienced dozens and dozens of occasions where she went from seemingly calm and OK, to screaming and swearing fury in seconds and I even though I felt like I was on 'high alert' a lot of the time, there was no way of predicting exactly if or when she would suddenly blow. And little I could do to stop her once she started. I can't see how its any different for the staff. Add in the fact that there are several other residents there who can and will hit out or who will shout abuse at others, and its a powder keg situation. It's worrying because there are some very frail residents, who I know Mil could potentially do serious harm to - and some rather large chaps who could potentially do serious harm to Mil, if she happens to get involved in a ruck with them - but as I say, what on earth can the staff do?

Right - I have shelters to build, images to print and deliver, and painted lambs to drop off at the colleges today - plus two emails that I MUST send (potentially, the last task could take me longer than all the others put together!), so I had better get going.

Much love to all, and Slugsta - holding your hand today, hun xxxx


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Just back from South Africa and caught up the last page only, but wanted to send hugs to Slugsta.
Hope to catch up more completely over the weekend.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Thank you all for your kind thoughts. Today went as well as it could have, I think. The small church was pretty much full and it was clear that the vicar knew Mum well. It was lovely to see my cousins, one of them is planning to come down and spend some time here in the New Year.

Sore and shattered now!


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
So pleased it went well, and she will have been among friends, even if they hadn't seen her for a while, when she was a member of the church.

Hope you can take it easy over the weekend.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Glad it went well, Slugsta, have a rest over Christmas and enjoy your meeting with your cousin next year.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Hi everybody!
Slugsta, are you OK?
Thursday night dinner turned into go and pick some up on Friday morning! It was snowing and frosty Thursday night, wasn’t going anywhere! So Friday picked up some casserole, then went out if a 14:00 lunch, then to a panto! It was scary! I’m getting too old for these things!
Saturday Minsmere, saw practically everyone I know who works/volunteers there, so obviously not a quick trip! Also got at least one question answered, was that a polecat I saw going home one night? And yes, polecat/ ferrets are known just where I saw it. So it might have been a polecat....or a ferret...or a hybrid ( very common).
I thought it was a polecat, the first thing that I said when I saw it, in the dark, at night!
Shopping this morning, scintillating!
Now awaiting the man with some wood ( again!). He’s a lovely guy, just don’t expect him to come when he says he’s coming. Eventually, he will turn up!