So bizarre !

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
And it looks like she removed the pull ups, probably as soon as I left her room last night :( Shes taken off cotton and waterproof pillow cases, pushed down the kylie, and laid the pillows and cases over the wet patch again, so everything bar the actual duvet needs washing. And, she has once again blamed me, saying that I have 'sneaked into the room' and poured water over her bed - I must have, because SHE has certainly not wet it. And as she hasn't wet it, she argued that she didn't need a wash, either.


Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Just seen your post, Red - Good luck with the journey home, hun x

Spot on with OH - its been discused several times, but clearly, I'm not getting through - so I'll have to try harder, won't I?

Grace L

Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
Ann.... I know it wont really 'help', but I used to get blamed for my husbands accidents ALL the time.
I think its just another part of Alz/ VaD that we live with , nothing I could do / say...

A lot of the time, if he had an accident in the day... he blamed me for being in the bathroom...
and stopping him going in.... I made him do made him look stupid.
(I wasn't of course, but he needed to blame someone)......

He could be aggressive when he 'had accidents' , which was another battle to deal with.

(Thankfully, MiL is happy to wear her tenas, no need for super absorbent knicks yet. But .....she is always anxious if I go into the bathroom, in case she needs it more than me, and she no sense of timing, and cannot understand I will be in/out (only having a wee) in less than 2 minutes).

Red .... safe journey home.
Treat yourself over the weekend, forget about any housework .. have some 'me time'....


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Spot on with OH - its been discused several times, but clearly, I'm not getting through - so I'll have to try harder, won't I?

Hmmm - the thing is they enjoy working on it so much and then are incapable of actually looking at their watches. OH got home and said he'd do an hour on Big Red, didn't go training with daughter said he'd go later and then never went and came in at dark. However we do need it for 29 July, our old one is OK in this country but engine is tired and needs an overhaul which we don't want to do.

If you've got no plans you need him to share this, I bet respite seems a long time ago.

With the phone calls, can you give her a 'dead' handset to make them or 'make' the call even if she doesn't know the name and say they've got the day wrong and it's tomorrow. It seems to come across a bit confrontational the way you ask for the name and say you can't phone without a name and perhaps needs trying to divert. Sorry if you've tried this.

Redlou - have a good journey - I hate sitting round airports at the best of times. Keep popping in
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Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013

With the phone calls, can you give her a 'dead' handset to make them or 'make' the call even if she doesn't know the name and say they've got the day wrong and it's tomorrow. It seems to come across a bit confrontational the way you ask for the name and say you can't phone with a name and perhaps needs trying to divert. Sorry if you've tried this.

Tried unplugging the phone then handing her the handset and I've even tried putting in her old number, knowing its disconnected and letting her hear that the number is unobtainable. She just keeps on asking me to try again and again, or accusing me of deliberately dialing the wrong number. Though she wants me to actually do the dialing, she then wants to speak to 'them' herself - I've tried 'pretend' conversations a few times, and each time she has been cross because she hasn't spoken to 'them' and because she doesn't believe what I then report to her. What I do now is say 'Yes - I'll ring - whats the number?' - I guess I'm trying to avoid giving her an opening to blame me for her not being able to contact whatever ficticious person she is after talking to, and that's worked a few times. Last night, it didn't work though, as she simply couldn't understand that you need a specific number, she semed to think that you just have to push any old number on the phone and you are somehow miraculously connected to whoever it is you want.

This morning, she has had her coat on for the last 15 minutes and is wearing a rut between the sofa and the front door as she goes to and fro, announcing she is 'going to start walking' or that she is 'off to catch the bus now'. Then she comes back, tells me the door is locked, I remind her that the mini bus will pick her up, that the driver will knock when he arrives, she says OK, sits back down - then about 2 minutes later is up and off again :(


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Morning all,
I won't say to you ' hope all is going well' cos it obviously isn't.

Ann, was mil dry when she was in respite? Can't remember what you said, and have you kept to not drinking coffee in the evenings? It was after 18:00 for OH.
Think you need very serious talk with OH. It's his mother, after all. Are you taking mil with you when you go for a trip in Old Red? Cos if you aren't, what's the hurry? Or has she got respite on the horizon? (If you are thinking of taking her, I think you both need help!)
Fortunately, my OH was happy to wear pull ups, as there was great shame in being wet and he would do quite a lot to avoid it. Didn't help the times when he just didn't have time to get to the loo and sit down ( to pee). And one day when I said, just do it, he looked quite affronted!

Red, hoping your journey goes well and everything is OK at home.

You will be pleased to know that I am still feeling better! Spent 45mins on computer this morning looking for a particular photo that seems to be misfiled! Like an awful lot of things! Think I am going to spend a lot of time sorting things out and re-filing. I wanted a couple of pix for his room, so chose one if our wedding pictures and one of him riding, and steering, a traction engine! Although it was on his birthday 6 years ago, it made enough of an impact on him that he still remembers it.
Apparently the guy who owns traction engine is spending this week driving steam trains on the Poppy Line, in North Norfolk. Nice work if you can get it!

Anyway, recovery continues apace, long may it last! Going to see OH in a bit, that might be a wake-up call.

Have as good a day as you can!


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
It was! ( a wake up call). No, won't and shan't being the principle words! Oh, well, at least I can leave these days.
Thunderstorms around here, plus field irrigation that's all over the road. Stop in the right place and your car gets washed!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Sorry you had a not very nice visit, Spamar - hope it hasn't upset you, hun xxxx Had to laugh at the car getting a wash! Still gorgeous here, but the sky is starting to darken to that lovely blue storm light you get, so I'm expecting the heavens to open at some point.

I don't know if Mil was dry for the whole week, at respite - I know they had 3 dry nights, because I spoke to staff who got her up 3 mornings who told me. None of the pads or pull ups came back with her, so I assumed they had all been used!

Had a hectic day here - lots of housework to do, and shopping (got the bag I wanted and had odds and ends to pick up). This afternoon, managed to nearly drop my camera but in catching it, the edge of the lens hit a brick wall - thankfully I always use a screw on UV filter and that took all the damage - cracked right across, but at least the lens was OK - but then I tried to take the filter off. Wouldn't budge - the rim was dented and it must have damaged the threads. Tried every trick in the book that I know, no joy - so had to fly down to Maplins, where the lads there are just fab and after over an hour, they managed to remove the glass from the filter so I can at least use the lens. Panick stricken completely - so scared I would loose the lens, which would cost me £600 at least to replace! The bride collecting her images was running late, so I had to reschedule her till this evening so I could go get the lens sorted, that took so long that it was time to pick up Mil before heading home - and once i got her, I hit the worse traffic I've ever seen in this area. Took me nearly 45 minutes to get home.

To cap it all, when she got in the car Mils first words were to thank me for looking after her baby! Pointed out how bad the traffic was and asked could she be quiet till we got home, hoping that she would drop the subject, but no chance - as soon as we got in, could she ring S**** so he could fetch her baby back? Then almost straight away into telling me not to cook her tea, she will have it at home. And that's all she has gone on about ever since - home, home, home :( She seems to think she lives in Ireland, has OH mixed up with her brothers, is going on about how its my fault she has missed the train, how its my fault she can't get home, something about she hopes I'm going to cover the bill for her tablets because they will be dearer for her if she has to stay 'here' - did I not know her tablets were cheaper for her at home?. On and on and on - not had tea yet, and already thinking it may end with her being asked to go to her room :(

Roll on 9pm!


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
OMG how are you coping? Sorry to hear about lens but glad the boys could do something and get it off!
I was a lot better leaving OH than I usually am, but felt quite ill once at home (don't think it wa OH related!) So didn't do much all afternoon.
And it's so hot just now! Cold shower maybe!

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Hope you're feeling better now, Spamar xxx We didn't get the storms last night - it went dark and overcast, and really cold, but no rain. Shame - I love a good storm!

Mil calmed a bit after tea, thankfully - very confused though, mostly thinking she was in Ireland and that OH was her brother, even though none of her actual brothers have the same name as him. When he got home from work, she asked him a couple of times when the two of them were going home and just seemed puzzled by him saying that he was home. Tried something new last night - OH went up with her and talked to her about wearing and keeping the pull ups on - his idea, he wondered if as she was thinking of him as an older brother, him saying it to her might have a bit more impact? Worth a try, I guess. Another 'we'll see'! 10 minutes after he came back down, Mil followed him down, seemingly in a panic about getting our youngest 'back home to her parents' - we get this every so often, she suddenly is sure that dau belongs to one of the Irish relatives and that she (Mil) has to take her home to her Mum and Dad :( She has got really worked up over this once or twice, getting cross at us for 'letting the child call you two Mum and Dad - her real Mother would be so upset!', but last night OH was able to calm her really quickly, and back up she went. Haven't heard a peep since, so fingers crossed that the pull ups did go on and stay on! When I made up the bed yesterday, I left off the mattress topper and the kylie - she is stripping them off most nights, so they are not adding to her comfort - just to the laundry pile!

Weather looking good, with only one brief spell of light rain forecast for later this evening, so the service for todays couple should be able to go ahead outdoors, in a really gorgeous courtyard at their venue, and we should be able to take full advantage of the whole location. I'm just off to have a shower and get sorted, will have to wake Mil up around 9a.m., so I can see to her getting washed and dressed, and then I'll be off!

Red - hope you are home safe, and to all, hope you have a good day xxxxx
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Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Hope OHs lecture worked, and the wedding goes well. It's brilliant weather here anyway, though getting a bit windy.
Red, have a good day!
You know I said I was hot last night? As I went to bed, put a hand on radiator and it was warm! But the central heating was off. Even the main thermostat was set to 17! Went found and turned each radiator off. This has happened before, but get told this doesn't happen! Will try again. Honestly, the system I and ex had put in our first house worked fine, what have they 'improved' in the last 40 odd years?
Anyway, feeling a bit shattered at the moment, so it's iPad time!
Have a good day.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Hope your wedding went well Ann.
Red - hope you are home OK.

Sparmar - we have had issues in this house with radiators heating up when hot water only on - always told couldn't be fixed, but when new boiler put in apparently the wrong sort of divertor valve was fitted, he replaced it and much better but not fixed. Neighbours with same house style have all had same problem.

Well - I've had a very long day - will update tomorrow in more detail. Left house at 7am, took daughter to race in London, 3 hour drive, and came back past mum's house on M25. I don't think I will be going there ever ever again, and wanted a jolly good cry, but not in front of daughter. Got home at 9pm. Need to find time and space for jolly good cry.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Don't think they have improved anything in the last 40 years Spamar, lol - we have an issue with occasionally finding that we can't get hot water unles we make sure the heating is off - OK in the Summer, but a pain in the winter!

{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} JM - I hope you got time for your cry - sometimes its the only thing that will help you feel a little bit beter xxxxx

Wedding was fab - but crawled out of there exhausted, lol. Big do, with very happy and exuberant guests - it was a bit like herding a mixed bunch of over excited kids and puppies trying to get the shots done :D As is always the case with a wedding day, the careful timetable goes out the window, and the photography time is squeezed - thankfully we are well used to this, and I am pretty sure we managed to get all the shots requested, as well as a good selection of a lot of others - now just a matter of editing 1400 photographs, and whittling them down to the 200 that is my share of the 400 requested - suspect they will be getting more than a few extra's :D Not sure why but by the time we drove back home, it wasn't just my back and hip playing up - my feet and ankles were swollen like balloons, left foot especially, to the point that after sitting in the car after the 30 minute journey I had a bit of trouble walking! Still a bit sore, but much better this morning, though, so all good :)

The day didn't start well, as when Mil got up it was obvious that despite OH's 'talk' with her, she had again removed the pull ups, probably (judging by the fact they looked unworn) as soon as he had left the room - and absolutely soaked bed again. Worryingly, despite all the efforts and precautions with making sure she is washed from tip to toe, and using creams to protect her , her skin is starting to suffer, especially on her bottom - nasty looking sore patch, which she is scratching at and making worse :( As well as the wet bed, she got up in a really, really horrible mood, which OH got the real brunt of when he got up. When I left for the wedding, she was sulking on the sofa in the dining room because she couldn't get out the front door, and refusing to speak to him. She seemed fine when I got back, but OH said it wasn't till the late afternoon that she came out of the bad temper, and by the sound of it, till then she gave him one hell of a hard time. After I got home, OH nipped down to the local chinese to grab me something to eat - both of us too darn tired to cook, and I was starving - and while he was out I got a lovely confabulation about how they had spent the afternoon playing chase and having races in the garden - according to Mil there was herself, our youngest, Her S*** AND My S*** - plus 'that lad that YOUR S**** is friends with' and surprisingly, my wedding photography partner - odd, I could have sworn that he was working alongside me all day, but there you go!!! Anyway, Mil didn't think she had won any of the races but said she enjoyed it !

OH in work on a 12 hour shift today, so hoping she is in a better mood. I'd like to try and talk her into the bath today, but swithering over attempting it as my back is still pretty sore from yesterday - will see what sort of a mood she is in when she gets up! meanwhile, while its quiet, I'm uploading the images and sorting out one or two to edit for a 'sneak peek' on our FB page, though I think I'll leave starting on the rest till she is in day care tomorrow!

Hope you all have a good day xxx


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Good morning
Must apologise, went to bed early and got up late! Then had a shower, something I'm careful with cos I can't always stand long enough to shower and wash hair! Unlike OH who could be there 30mins, or until he'd exhausted the hot water!

JM, thanks for that, I will suggest it when I get round to having it serviced. 8years ago, soon after we moved, we had major building done. New heating was one thing and the plumber was the worst I have ever seen ( contracted by the builders, and I wouldn't recommend them either!). So it wouldn't surprise me if he got it wrong. The family firm I have to do a boiler check is local and better, so if I explain that it might be the wrong sort of diverter, I might get somewhere!
Hope you found somewhere to have a good cry!

Ann, that's worse ( no hot water unless heating is off). At least I can go round and turn radiator off!
Your poor legs! Too much on your feet? But that's no help. Change of tablets? See GP? I've had it but usually wrong tablets and, of course, you can get it after hip replacement ( even though that was over 9 years ago).
Mil, well what can I say that hasn't been said ad nauseum? Probably too late now, but I wouldn't bath her, let your back recover first!

Red, hope you are home and everything's OK

It's lovely weather here, so enjoy yourselves! I'm off to see OH later!


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Hi All
Home - lots of family gathered and get-togethers, which is lovely, but OH and I also craving some time alone and routine. During brother's bit of memorial service tribute he mentioned that my dad thought the only reason he survived WW2 was because he had his weekend leave at what turned out to be a critical battle for his battalion - when he came back he walked past row after row of bodies, their feet sticking out from the covers, and soon discovered most of his mates were among them. :(
JM - sometimes a good cry is the only release.
Hope today is sunny in weather and mood for all of you.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Red - I hope you and your OH have managed to get some time alone Hun - I'm not surprise you feel you need it, you haven't stopped sice you flew out and you must be so exhausted, as well as needing some time yjust for you to catch your breath and start to take everything in. Glad your dad's memorial service sounds like it went well - so sad, your brothers tribute xxx

Spamar - hope your visit to OH went well x I've got an appointment, end of next week, I think with consultant about back/hip - will see what he says then. Must admit, feel like the last 3 years or so that I've just been passed round, trying this and that, with nothing really helping so far :(

JM - hope you are feeling better now, hun xxx

Horrendous day yesterday, here, though it started off well with a dry bed, as Mil kept the pulls ups on - Yay! Huge bonus, considering how achey I still was. She came down in her dressing gown for breakfast, after 10am, fussing about needing her hair washed as soon as she came downstairs. By this time, I had a fruit loaf baking in the oven, so after she had brekkie, I asked her to 'just wait' for 15 minutes till it was done, before I came up with her to 'give her a hand', using the usual excuse of her 'dodgy shoulder' as a reason for why I needed to help. Which got me 15 minutes of repeated 'I want to do my hair now', 'Can you come and do my hair now?', 'If you won't help me now I'll go and do it myself!'. Over and over I explained she just needed to hang on till the baking was finished, she would subside for maybe a minute, then start again. She just couldn't retain the info for any longer than that.

When I asked, she refused a full bath, so I settled for giving her a good strip wash and doing her hair. Back downstairs, she went into a loop of every couple of minutes 'Should I get my shoes on now? Where's my coat?' - over and over, I explained we weren't going anywhere, each time got back 'You said I was going to town/school/work/the dance/the races/to collect the children' - and this went on till about 12.00, when she dozed off on the sofa. Grabbing the chance at 5 minutes peace, as I hadn't had a good night with my back, I sat myself on the sofa in the lounge - and I dozed off too :eek: 3/4 of an hour later, Mil shook me awake - 'Come on Ann - I need to go home now'. And that was it. Full blown sundowning that lasted till after 7pm last night :(

I swear I tried everything I could think of to try and calm her, but absolutely nothing worked. She refused point blank to go to her room - and to be honest, the way she was, I felt it was probably better that she was where I could keep an eye on her anyway! She jumped from one accusation after another - sat crying because I'd killed all her brothers and she knew I was just waiting for the chance to kill her too. I was after her money and she stood over me shouting that I wouldn't get a penny because her husband was going to 'come down and sort' me out. Refusing drinks on the usual grounds that I'd laced them with arsenic. I did the 'I'm sorry you feel like that, but I'm not going to discus it again' - so she sat in the dining room wailing at the top of her voice about what her poor Mother would say if she knew what I was doing, and how she hopes someone can hear her and get a message to her parents. I put down a small lunch for her, half expecting her to refuse it, but she tucked in without a word and I thought she might calm down then - she finished eating and headed out into the back garden (garden fully enclosed, so I knew she couldn't get out) - I let her go, just watching her down the steps, as the weather was lovely and she does like the sun. She headed for the swing seat, and I figured maybe she would calm down a bit if she sat there and rocked herself for a while. I pottered about, keeping an eye - and suddenly saw her stood on the opposite side of the garden, ripping twigs/small branches off one of the shrubs and trying to lob them over the fence into next doors! When she picked up one of the doggy's tennis balls and went to lob that too, I called out and asked what she was doing. She was like a kid caught with their hand in the sweetie jar - 'Im just playing' she said! In she headed and back into why was I keeping her prisoner, getting more and more agitated. OH had given her diazapan the day before, and I really didn't want to give it 2 days in a row (I worry about her heart :( ) so I decided to try and ride it out. For nearly an hour, she sat yelling out that I was keeping her prisoner, had killed her 'sisters', had stolen her children, then - when I came through to offer her a drink - she knew all about me! She knew I was 'in it' with those 3 other men, that I'd killed that man and that I should have gone to prison like the others did (?) and as soon as she got hold of the phone, she would be phoning the police and telling them. I left her to her yelling and went back into the lounge, putting a music channel on the TV and ignorig completely.

All quiet, eventually, for about 15 minutes, and I remembered I had to phone a garage and book the car in for its MOT - we'd forgotten it was due, and can't use the car now till its done! She seemed to be dozing, so I grabbed the phone and nipped out the patio doors to call. I'm busy booking the car in, the doors open - and Mil starts screaming about being kidnapped, shouting 'whoever she is talking to - call the police - she's a murderer too' :eek: Heaven only knows what the poor guy on the phone thought of me trying to explain!

She dropped a tissue at some point and the pup had had a field day with it - swept it up, completely ignoring the chunnered remarks and nasty comments and stupidly left the brush leaning against the wall by the kitchen before going back into the lounge. Next thing, she'd picked it up - and was banging it against the door that leads into the lounge! Not hard -she didn't have the strength - but over and over and over! When she then moved onto the glass patio doors, I marched in, took it off her without a word - and she let loose with a stream of obsenities and curses that would have made a sailor blush! The next stunt was to go over to the computer and start pressing random keys and picking up the mouse and banging it on the worktop - so mouse tucked away out of her reach and pc turned off - honestly, it was exactly like having an extremely badly behaved 2 year old in the house! I managed to stay calm and kind for most of the day, but did snap at her a couple of times - caught myself on a went back to calm, but its so hard when its constant like that, and when you don't know what's coming next :(

Tea - same as lunch - put it down in front of her (I set up a small tv table) and she went from calling me a 'murdering cow' to (believe it or not) a very polite 'Thank you - this looks nice', all in one breath. After tea, she continued to sit in the lounge till just after 7, keeping up a stream of muttered and shouted insults and accusations. Then she came through to the lounge, sat down and with a smile, asked me what sort of a day I'd had!

After that, she was calm, but repetetive 'I think I'll go to bed now' every 5 minutes, with some very odd delusions/confabulations thrown in, including her suddenly asking 'When you stood up and told the class about the person who talks too much, were you talking about me Ann?' and out of the blues her assuring me that she didn't mind if I reported her and she got expelled! 9 o'clock was extremely welcome last night!

Today, as the car can't go in till Tuesday, I'm stuck with having the mini bus bring her home just after 3pm - and OH on another 12 hour shift, so potentially, a long evening :( So I'm just going to get whatever editing I can done today - and brace myself for tonight!

Hope you all manage to have a good day xxxx


Registered User
Jul 30, 2014
Ann I am very inexperienced at dealing with dementia but your MIL presentation seems exceptionally challenging. Is it time to ask for a further assessment?
I second that.
If she's worse at home than out, is there an element of wanting to cause trouble? Is it that weird twisted dementia logic, when they are so fixated on what they want (in MiL's case, going home)? She maybe thinks causing trouble may make you return her to her own home?? :confused:


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Morning on this sunny day!
Ann!!! How do you keep your cool?? I would be screaming after 5 mins! I can only admire! Hope your back and legs are OK now. I was very lucky in that I chose ( well, asked a friend who knew these things) the best rheumatologist in the area and he was marvellous. Really sorted me out at that time.

Red, hope you're sleeping well and coming back to normality.

When I arrived to see OH yesterday he was still in bed. Didn't want to get up, didn't want breakfast, didn't want coffee.
Not sure wether he was pleased to see me or not. However, got him to drink apple juice, when I went to get it he started the cold coffee and spilt it! When I went to get 2nd apple juice, he finished the coffee!
Things I found out: some of his pills are being administered covertly ( he only take 2 pills anyway), he hits out first thing in the morning when they try to get him up ( would you want to get up at 07:00 in his position). I've also asked them to try and sort out all the haematomas he's getting. He has done for a long time, but not a new one every day! Especially when he's escorted everywhere and can hardly walk.

Cheers, have a good day!


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Hi Ann, I hope you dont mind me posting on your thread. I always read it and am full of admiration for the way that you cope.
I know that your mum comes from Ireland and I was just wondering - did she grow up during "the troubles"? She seems to have gone back to her childhood now, so thats why I wondered.