Pneumonia, swollowing issues and high sodium in blood


Registered User
Oct 14, 2023
I’ve just had the consultant on the phone from the hospital that my mum is in. She broke her hip mid Jan and has never really come round since. She hasn’t returned to being able to stand up and now she has developed pneumonia, they think this could be swollowing issues. They are very worried about high sodium levels in her blood. She is now nil by mouth until Thursday when they reassess. This was a very serious phone call explaining my mum is very unwell, and if she does recover from this infection it may reoccur and they wouldn’t keep treating it.

My question is I live abroad, do I fly back immediately? In a few days or just wait?

I’m at a loss and not sure if this is as serious as I’ve taken it. Any advice welcome, I was there 2 weeks ago, I also have a job and 2 small children to consider, but obviously the job can be put on the back burner!


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
So sorry to hear your mum is unwell @MichellePer. If it was me I think I'd be tempted to wait and see what happens, but I think a lot depends on your relationship with your mum and how you'd feel if you didn't return immediately and she passed away before you got there.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I am sorry to read about your mum @MichellePer. I would suggest waiting until after the reassessment on Thursday, as things might be clearer then. In the meantime you could be making plans in case you do want to come over to see your mum.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
The important thing is that the hospital is keeping you informed. At the moment there is nothing you can do but let them get on with their job. It must be very draining to be needed in one place but to be emotionally pulled to another.