Please..if there is a god out there..

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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
I feel a whole lot better for reading your post Deborah...and Sue's...:eek:

(Pause to feed Blackbird...:))

In fact with hindsight I can laugh about our radiator problem, it is quite funny...:D:D

Thismorning I've had a letter from someone at the advocacy Service and they will be contacting me asap....:)

Love xx
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Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
I know there's support coming ...

But it's not helping me tonight.

The constant questioning and demanding is wearing me down.

I've distanced myself from Eric...but he is still shouting for me.

I'm ignoring him.

Tonight I've spoken to the only close family friend left in this country...and emailed Eric's older daughter in Australia.

They need to know that this is becoming intolerable.

They can't do anything practically about our situation...but at times like this I feel so alone with it all and feel there is no-one else to share it with.

The carer has been in and Eric is ready for bed but refusing to go.

I gave him juice..he wants tea.

He has he wants me to sit up and watch James Bond with him. I've refused.

I'm off to bed with my book...

Hope we all have a peaceful night.

Love xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I`m sorry gigi. It`s so wearing.

They need to know that this is becoming intolerable.

It`s not just family and friends who need to know this. The powers that be need to know this too.
The sooner the better.
And anyone who denies this is a challenging behaviour, need to live with it.


Registered User
Oct 1, 2006
Dear Gigi
Sorry things are so bad for you and you know my situation is the same as yours.
Tonight I have had a night off from caring, my lovely family arranged for me to go to a Sound of Music sing along with my daughter and daughter-in-Law while my son and grandson sat with hubby.
I had the best night I have had in a long time, just a simple thing but a great laugh with people in fancy dress getting into the sprit of things.
This came after one of the worst days ever and I was glad to get out of the house.
I now know I have made the right choice about full time care as I want a life before it is too late.
Selfish I know but I have come to the end of my tether.
I wish you all the best and hope things improve for you
Love Roseann xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Selfish I know but I have come to the end of my tether.
It is not selfish Roseann. You have done as much as you can but now the illness is taking over and you can no longer meet J`s needs.
That`s what it comes down to for you, what it came down to for me and what it has also come down to for gigi.
We are not superhuman and have to hold our hands up . Some situations are just unmanageable.


Registered User
Aug 29, 2006
SW Scotland
We are not superhuman and have to hold our hands up . Some situations are just unmanageable.

Dear Roseann & gigi

You have both done your utmost to care for your husbands, but Sylvia's right, it becomes impossible at some stage. This may be because of challenging nehaviour, or loss of mobility, but in either case it's beyond one person to cope with.

I hope you've both had a reasonable night, and are ready to put things in motion on Monday.

Love and hugs to you both,


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Eric slept well when I eventually got him to bed.

I didn't, I was too unrelaxed. I've just remembered thismorning that I could have taken a Diazepam....:rolleyes:

Ah well!

The questions began again when he appeared in my bedroom doorway about 6.30 asking if it was March yet...and what he should wear for work.

Thankfully he's gone back to sleep now..and I'm going to have a leisurely shower and wash my hair..:)

My daughter and Lily are coming thisafternoon for dinner. They'll pick mutti up and bring her there is some light relief for today...:D

Your night out sounds wonderful, Roseann...:D

as I want a life before it is too late.
Selfish I know but I have come to the end of my tether.

It's not selfish at all. You've done more than your best and you have every right to a life.

Love xx

sad nell

Registered User
Mar 21, 2008
bradford west yorkshire
Gigi hope you are feeling more relaxed after your shower and Hair do, i always feel better after a touch of mascara and a dab of blusher, hope you have a lovely lunch, with family, these normal things are so precious, what are you cooking.? love Pam


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
:) A huge chicken and leek pie with roast spuds and veggies..!

And Eric wants to go home...this place is ok for now but he thinks he'd be happier at home. Apart from anything else there must be a lot of post waiting for he's asked me very politely if we can go tomorrow..

I told him we'd see what the weather's like...;)

Enjoy the rest of the day, everyone..!

Love xx


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Gigi,

Just sending love and to say I'm thinking of you from afar. I hope you have a lovely time with the family - a change can be as good as a rest.

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