Please..if there is a god out there..

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Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
We, Jan and I, can't get on with anything either until we hear that Eric is off and away for his lunch.

Apart from cleaning, what are you planning to do?Love


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Thanks everyone...sorry for that brief message but every time I tried to get to the lap top to tell you..the phone rang...:rolleyes:

There was a last minute hitch with the loo....:eek:
But otherwise no problems.

It's such a lovely day I'll spend some time in the garden thisafternoon..:)

Later on there'll be time for a leisurely soak in the bath..:D

The taxi will pick Eric up at 6 so he'll be home for about 6.30.

At the moment I'm just letting the peace of the house wash over me!

Have a good day, everyone. I'll be back later.

Love xx
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Registered User
Sep 7, 2009
At the moment I'm just letting the peace of the house wash over me!

A moment to savour indeed, enjoy gigi


ps no garden time for me, hubby has decided to build a conservatory, it's a dirtbowl and the dogs are loving it, poor house :eek:


Registered User
Mar 23, 2005
Hi Gigi,

That sounds like it all went very well. A combination of your inventiveness (building on an existing issue that was on Eric's mind) and Eric's own frame of mind being made more malleable by his illness.

It's good that he picked up on the 'prestige' element of a taxi being sent just to collect and return him - for free!

May this Spring Clean routine can be used as a regular explanation for the new Sunday arrangements :)

Enjoy your time off.

Take care,


Registered User
Jun 3, 2005
Good that it all worked out, hope the sun is shining for you now, it's still nice (though chilly) here.

It's incredible that Eric has accepted this with very little question.. I really thought he'd give me a hard time.
I think we - carers - still think what was 'the norm' for our loved ones in better times will block things but, like other charcter traits, they come & go, or change.
How long (or short) ago did you tell us that Eric would NEVER accept intimate personal care - even from you, let alone a stranger.
As I recall, he wouldn't even accept your presence in the bathroom with him.

Love x


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Most of you will know what I mean when I tell you how relaxed I feel...:D

The sheer luxury of being able to move and breath without interruption or question...or changing TV channels!

I had a leisurely late breakfast while I browsed through the paper and looked at the crossword. Chatted to a couple of friends on the phone..and mutti who I think was half hoping I may go round..and my daughter who I think was half hoping for a last minute invite to lunch..:rolleyes:

The lounge is relatively dust free (if you don't look too closely..;))and looks respectable again!

It's such a nice day I've been able to open the windows and let some air through.

An hour and a half in the garden has worked wonders..just cleared away deadwood and done some cutting back.

Had a soak in the bath, and half an hour's relax on the bed with the sun streaming through the window.

Now if I'm lucky there'll be a bit of time to catch up with you all..:)

Love xx

How long (or short) ago did you tell us that Eric would NEVER accept intimate personal care - even from you, let alone a stranger.
As I recall, he wouldn't even accept your presence in the bathroom with him.
More food for thought..that's absolutely true, Lynne. x

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Your day sounds ideal gigi, as if you have made the most of every minute.
And you even have another to look forwards to next week. :)


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
Well done Gigi for making the most of this day. How wonderful that you could get in the garden and relax. Just what the doctor ordered I think :) I look forward to hearing how Eric has reacted to his day out.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
East Midlands
Just hoping that my forecast about Eric's mood on his return home will be as inaccurate as my prediction about having problems with him thismorning....:)

I wish that the Eric who is returning to our home could be the old Eric that I knew and shared so much happiness with. I wish I could tell him about the work I've done in the garden, and ask him to look with me when daylight comes tomorrow at the signs of spring..bluebell leaves pushing up where I've cleared away dead leaves and stems. The buds on the Hydrangea alive under the dead heads of last years flowers. The roses already showing new growth ..the first buds on the daffodils.

They're all there poised to come into their own very soon.

I'm pretty sure Eric will return very tired and vowing "never to go to that place again"

I'm dreading it...:(

Love xx


Registered User
Mar 15, 2007
I'm pretty sure Eric will return very tired and vowing "never to go to that place again"

I'm dreading it...:(

I think we need to try a bit of positive thinking here - apart from anything else I'm sure he's going to be pleased you've hoovered up! - you did do the hoovering didn't you?:rolleyes:

I've forgotten what it is like to read a whole paper - every time I sit down and open the Sunday paper and get engrossed in an article, I turn the page to find someone has cut out the next bit:eek:
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