Our magic bitter sweet moments 🥰🥰🥰


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I do hope you’re not still on hold @Alisongs 🤣🤣 we only used district nursing services briefly here but I’m afraid I wasn’t that impressed - although u could get through on the phone!


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
............could be a long wait !
My thoughts exactly
I do hope you’re not still on hold @Alisongs 🤣🤣 we only used district nursing services briefly here but I’m afraid I wasn’t that impressed - although u could get through on the phone!
See latest post on Alisongs Diary. A Roller coaster weekend with a sobering end to today. District nurses very supportive but hospital not keeping me informed 😕


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Care Home Shenanigan’s 🏦🏦

For those who haven’t seen my other thread, I have finally resolved my finance issue with the care home. I have gone from receiving an invoice for £70 to being promised a refund of £1500. It has been a several stage business with me repeatedly having to state it can’t be right for the home to be paid twice for the room. What has most horrified me is that if I hadn’t popped in last Tuesday evening I would never have known the room was re-let and so would be none the wiser. Plus I have had the tenacity to keep getting back at them. It does make you wonder if the issue is more widespread. If I was an investigative journalist I would want to do some digging….I want to pop into the home tomorrow but will make sure I go after hours if I do decide to…

I also now have to follow up with the CHC who have sent mum’s personal info to the wrong address. I am assuming here but I think they may have sent it to where I was living with mum as he mentioned a change of address. BUT the only people who know that address are the NHS and my GP ….I gave that out only to them. So I wonder if the CHC accessed MY data………time will tell….

In other news we met the vicar re funeral …..that should be today‘s posting really.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Care Home Shenanigan’s 🏦🏦

For those who haven’t seen my other thread, I have finally resolved my finance issue with the care home. I have gone from receiving an invoice for £70 to being promised a refund of £1500. It has been a several stage business with me repeatedly having to state it can’t be right for the home to be paid twice for the room. What has most horrified me is that if I hadn’t popped in last Tuesday evening I would never have known the room was re-let and so would be none the wiser. Plus I have had the tenacity to keep getting back at them. It does make you wonder if the issue is more widespread. If I was an investigative journalist I would want to do some digging….I want to pop into the home tomorrow but will make sure I go after hours if I do decide to…

I also now have to follow up with the CHC who have sent mum’s personal info to the wrong address. I am assuming here but I think they may have sent it to where I was living with mum as he mentioned a change of address. BUT the only people who know that address are the NHS and my GP ….I gave that out only to them. So I wonder if the CHC accessed MY data………time will tell….

In other news we met the vicar re funeral …..that should be today‘s posting really.don't like you to get the better of them do they

Care Home Shenanigan’s 🏦🏦

For those who haven’t seen my other thread, I have finally resolved my finance issue with the care home. I have gone from receiving an invoice for £70 to being promised a refund of £1500. It has been a several stage business with me repeatedly having to state it can’t be right for the home to be paid twice for the room. What has most horrified me is that if I hadn’t popped in last Tuesday evening I would never have known the room was re-let and so would be none the wiser. Plus I have had the tenacity to keep getting back at them. It does make you wonder if the issue is more widespread. If I was an investigative journalist I would want to do some digging….I want to pop into the home tomorrow but will make sure I go after hours if I do decide to…

I also now have to follow up with the CHC who have sent mum’s personal info to the wrong address. I am assuming here but I think they may have sent it to where I was living with mum as he mentioned a change of address. BUT the only people who know that address are the NHS and my GP ….I gave that out only to them. So I wonder if the CHC accessed MY data………time will tell….

In other news we met the vicar re funeral …..that should be today‘s posting really.
Must be oddly satisfying to get the better of the situation at last. I 🤗🫂


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh and to top it off accounts kept emailing me saying Dear Judith….my mum’s name 😱😱😡😡😡

She’s the dead one! I made sure I replied to each email with my correct name…

To retain my sanity and humour however in another job today I had to get some insurance for the Estate. I did say I was clearly acting as executor….I was asked my mum’s job status 😱😱 I said partying in heaven 🤣🤣🤣


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Oh and to top it off accounts kept emailing me saying Dear Judith….my mum’s name 😱😱😡😡😡

She’s the dead one! I made sure I replied to each email with my correct name…

To retain my sanity and humour however in another job today I had to get some insurance for the Estate. I did say I was clearly acting as executor….I was asked my mum’s job status 😱😱 I said partying in heaven 🤣🤣🤣
Well done on standing your ground with the care home and for retaining your sense of humour xx


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Oh and to top it off accounts kept emailing me saying Dear Judith….my mum’s name 😱😱😡😡😡

She’s the dead one! I made sure I replied to each email with my correct name…

To retain my sanity and humour however in another job today I had to get some insurance for the Estate. I did say I was clearly acting as executor….I was asked my mum’s job status 😱😱 I said partying in heaven 🤣🤣🤣
Brilliant answer 😇🎉🕺


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
The Parallel Universe

Ive been determined not to let the money stuff get in the way of my good relationships in the care home so I went in last night. Timed my visit at 7pm so after management left and to see both day and night staff. Well it was lovely 🥰🥰🥰 When I arrived Mr Grumpy gave me a lovely smile and a hug! We even had a relatively coherent mini conversation when he told me things were ‘hard’….lots of other smiles and hugs from Staff and residents.

The usual chaos reigned. One of the staff was stuck in the lift and a resident threw up all over the Baby 😱😱😱 who then had to have her hair washed in the sink as she couldn’t go in the washing machine! I popped into all the rooms of awake residents - some probably no recollection of me but happy to have company.

I had a lovely chat with one of the carers. They are from India and had lots of questions about why funerals are so delayed and how mum is currently being looked after. Their freedom in asking questions was so refreshing. It was really nice to talk about it (in contrast to my colleagues today who didn’t even mention I had just lost my mum 🙈🙈).

I will go back during the day as one of the ladies I want to see (she has no visitors ever) is asleep at that time…soon I will brazen enough again!

Being back at work today ironically missed mum. Well going and giving the lovely late stage baby version of mum a kiss 🥰🥰 I always thought non working days would be the worst but grief surprises us.

Notified my first bank…..glad to hopefully see the back of them…we never did get the POA successfully registered…


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Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
The Parallel Universe

Ive been determined not to let the money stuff get in the way of my good relationships in the care home so I went in last night. Timed my visit at 7pm so after management left and to see both day and night staff. Well it was lovely 🥰🥰🥰 When I arrived Mr Grumpy gave me a lovely smile and a hug! We even had a relatively coherent mini conversation when he told me things were ‘hard’….lots of other smiles and hugs from Staff and residents.

The usual chaos reigned. One of the staff was stuck in the lift and a resident threw up all over the Baby 😱😱😱 who then had to have her hair washed in the sink as she couldn’t go in the washing machine! I popped into all the rooms of awake residents - some probably no recollection of me but happy to have company.

I had a lovely chat with one of the carers. They are from India and had lots of questions about why funerals are so delayed and how mum is currently being looked after. Their freedom in asking questions was so refreshing. It was really nice to talk about it (in contrast to my colleagues today who didn’t even mention I had just lost my mum 🙈🙈).

I will go back during the day as one of the ladies I want to see (she has no visitors ever) is asleep at that time…soon I will brazen enough again!

Being back at work today ironically missed mum. Well going and giving the lovely late stage baby version of mum a kiss 🥰🥰 I always thought non working days would be the worst but grief surprises us.

Notified my first bank…..glad to hopefully see the back of them…we never did get the POA successfully registered…
its nice you visit the home and take time with residents, probably makes a difference to their day.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
The Parallel Universe

Ive been determined not to let the money stuff get in the way of my good relationships in the care home so I went in last night. Timed my visit at 7pm so after management left and to see both day and night staff. Well it was lovely 🥰🥰🥰 When I arrived Mr Grumpy gave me a lovely smile and a hug! We even had a relatively coherent mini conversation when he told me things were ‘hard’….lots of other smiles and hugs from Staff and residents.

The usual chaos reigned. One of the staff was stuck in the lift and a resident threw up all over the Baby 😱😱😱 who then had to have her hair washed in the sink as she couldn’t go in the washing machine! I popped into all the rooms of awake residents - some probably no recollection of me but happy to have company.

I had a lovely chat with one of the carers. They are from India and had lots of questions about why funerals are so delayed and how mum is currently being looked after. Their freedom in asking questions was so refreshing. It was really nice to talk about it (in contrast to my colleagues today who didn’t even mention I had just lost my mum 🙈🙈).

I will go back during the day as one of the ladies I want to see (she has no visitors ever) is asleep at that time…soon I will brazen enough again!

Being back at work today ironically missed mum. Well going and giving the lovely late stage baby version of mum a kiss 🥰🥰 I always thought non working days would be the worst but grief surprises us.

Notified my first bank…..glad to hopefully see the back of them…we never did get the POA successfully registered…
Do lovely that you are there to befriend the other dementia victims and the carers. Company means a lot


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Polling Palaver

A post for anyone in years to come reading my great work 🤣🤣🤣 maybe we are on the eve of a political shift that will be noted in history- who knows?

With bereavement and post caring brain I was so anxious to remember my photo ID ( and don’t we carers know how important that is for POA etc) I completely forgot my polling card…in fact I didn’t even look at it.

So off i trotted to the polling station at lunchtime….queued and then found I wasn’t on the list 😱😱😱 Turns out they’ve changed us all around and I had to trot myself somewhere different. Felt a right Wally with others backed up behind me 🙈🙈 Anyway I actually worked with the candidate I voted for. Back in the day I was their student pastoral worker whilst they were at university! I was impressed with their political and social activism back then…

In other news a good day at work…with my clientele the day never pans out as planned ….but 2 good client sessions and 1 …’well he’s alive‘ at least session…

And joy of the day, the good old DWP. less than a week after filling in Tell Us Once have sent us a letter requesting all the details…just in case the estate owes them money….how lovely of them…I did expect it tho..but not quite so quickly!
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Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
And joy of the day, the good old DWP. less than a week after filling in Tell Us Once have sent us a letter requesting all the details…just in case the estate owes them money….how lovely of them…I did expect it tho..but not quite so quickly!
The only efficient part of the DWP @sdmhred is that charged with claiming back overpayments to unknowing recipients but the least efficient parts is a tie between the section that deals with people's claims for benefits and the section spotting fraudulent claims and thinking about getting that money back (hence £53m claimed by Bulgarian gang!) Makes ones blood boil!


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Miserable Morning…..

well that could be interpreted in many ways 🤣🤣 for me its the rain which isgoing to make my walking less pleasant today…

My candidate did the business overnight so now they can strut their stuff in Houses of Parliament. They used to be a person of integrity…..can I have any hope that this characteristic may return to our leaders? Will services for the vulnerable improve. Readers in the years to follow can make the verdict.

Anyway this ex carer has to go to the Big Smoke again for the weekend. This time I will need to use the 🚆🚇 . Having been caring for 2 severely immune compromised people since 2020 last Time I did this was February 2020 😱😱 I used to love train travel…..