One journey ends...


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
I agree with everyone else about your account of today - so beautifully written.

I cannot add more except to say your Mum and Dad would be exceptionally proud of you. I love your mention of an 'Amen' in the midst of the prayer ; seems like a good idea to me. ;).

You are and have been an inspiration to many of us. I do hope we see you around TP supporting others as always and using us when you need support too.

Time to take care of yourself now too.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
Annie, one more person to add her thanks and praise for all you have done. Throughout my relatively short journey, I have read and felt each step on your way. I have wept and laughed, raged and mourned. You have shown enormous courage and you ( and yes all your family but you especially, because you shared it with us) have been a huge inspiration. You have supported us when we have been down, even though there must have been times when you wanted to say push off and leave me alone. So now there is a whole new path waiting for you, go enjoy, learn to laugh again, yes weep, yes mourn, but you are free to laugh, smile and enjoy being with your family without having to look at the clock or check the calendar.
You can love Mum and Dad without hating the disease or the fact that they were not together, for they are now.
It will be nice to hear from you, but promise me that you will take some time out, and, as the saying goes, smell the coffee.
Keep well, keep strong and know that you did your best. Take care my friend, love to your family, Maureen.x.x.


Registered User
Apr 11, 2009
Dearest Annie,
Your post describing your mother's funeral was beautiful.
You sound full of love and ready to face the world.


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
Dear Annie,

What a lovely account of your mum's funeral - it sounds as though the care and love you've always given to your mum were to the forefront of the celebration of her life.

I have found that I've still needed TP after losing my mum - it was and still is a necessary part of learning how to live with the effects of dementia, even though my mum's story is now over. It is impossible to just switch dementia off, much as one might wish to at times.

So whilst there are elements of looking backwards, there is much to look forwards to. I am sure that your lovely children will always make sure that looking to the future is the focus of your days, although your heart will ache for what is past. You must be exhausted now - I do hope that you are able to take a bit of a rest and focus on doing some enjoyable things for yourself.

Best wishes :)


Registered User
Aug 20, 2008
Dear Annie

I read your post last night with tears in my eyes.

Your love for your parents shines through. The devotion to your Mum's care was 2nd to none. Even from a distance, you did everything you could for her.

I'm glad the service was so beautiful, and that you gained such comfort from your Mum and Dad being together again is such good news.

You have supported so many of us on here throughout all the ups and downs of your own journey. You write beautifully and always seem to know just the right thing to say.

I truly hope we will still see you around on here.

You take care of you, now.

elaine n

Registered User
Jun 1, 2010
west country uk
Annie, what a beautiful post. Your love, strength and courage shines through. You were a wonderful daughter, so caring, not just to your mum but to everyone on TP as well, even when things were really hard for you, you had time for others. I hope you're able to take some time for yourself now to heal and remember we'll all be here to support you through any dark days you may have. Sending lots of love xxxxe


Registered User
Mar 24, 2011
Horsham, West Sussex
Annie, what a beautiful post. Your love, strength and courage shines through. You were a wonderful daughter, so caring, not just to your mum but to everyone on TP as well, even when things were really hard for you, you had time for others. I hope you're able to take some time for yourself now to heal and remember we'll all be here to support you through any dark days you may have. Sending lots of love xxxxe


I haven't been here long, but I can see what a wonderful inspiration you have been. I hope I continue to have the strength and compassion that you have shown. For all of us the journey is different with various obstacles along the way, but we all come here because we care and want to the best that we can, and sometimes we just need to know that we aren't failing, or doing it wrong, just trying very, very hard to get it right. There are no instructions just the advice of others that have been there before us to help us avoid making the same mistakes.

I wish you peace and time for reflecting on the good times you had with your Mum and Dad.




Registered User
Jun 19, 2009
Dear Annie

I am so glad that everything went well and your mum and dad are reunited together.
Take care Love Dibs (Deborah) xxxxxx


Registered User
Feb 10, 2011
Dear Annie,

Your post was really beautiful.

Your ability to love has gotten to me.......

Over the last 5 yrs I realize I have slowly been shutting down, distancing myself from important people, not wanting to be hurt. Half living. Today is Auntie's funeral a very important part of our family life. I have neglected her so much. I am sad but know she will forgive me..........

Somehow, you have touched me and I want to wake up. I want to love and receive love, fully.

Thank you for sharing so much with us. Carry on being the person you are.

Much love and gratitude Bastan. xxx


Registered User
Aug 22, 2009
thanks Annie, I do hope you visit TP and let us know how things are going. I am so glad the funeral was as you wanted.


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Dearest Annie,i just had to come back to TP today,to see how your beautiful mum's funeral went.

It sounded just perfect.

You have been such an amazing daughter,to your mum and your dad,and a truly unforgettable TP friend.

You have helped me more than you'll know,sending me kindness and warmth when i've been in the depths of despair.For that i will always be so grateful.

Sometimes we get enveloped in this dreadful disease and it takes over our lives completely,but you and your beautiful family deserve so much more.

In some ways i hope to not see you around,maybe only for an update to let us know your life is better.You deserve it so much.

Sending my utmost respect and love Annie.

Karen xx

You've put it so much better than me, Karen. :)

Good to hear from you too, Karen, sending love to you xx


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Yes, it's lovely that you came back to check on me, Karen. I was secretly hoping you would...:)

I have "met" people here who will have changed my life. We may never meet but I imagine in years to come I will still be referring to the things that Kassy said, or that Miss. Cool taught me, or that Pied helped me with. Lives that run in parallel for a while then run off in different directions at a later point. But the names, the memories and the help and advice will always be remembered.



Registered User
Oct 29, 2009
South East Essex
Annie,I am so glad that that your mum's funeral was such a lovely, & uplifting time. Despite your obvious grief a sense of peace comes through your words. I know that you will miss her dreadfully but at the same time know she will never be lost to you.

I was browsing the web looking for the words to " She is gone" when I discovered this poem which I like so much. Hope you like it too sends his love.htm

Love to you & your family



Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs

Your mum's funeral sounded like the perfect combination of sadness, laughter and most of all love. I remember how I wanted my dad's funeral to be just right, I felt it was the last thing I could do for him, and you did your mum proud.

As others have said, now is the time to look after you. Be kind to yourself, and give yourself time.

I'm glad TP has helped you so much, your words echo so much just what I owe to TP - the knowledge, the understanding, the support and the friendship. The strength of TP comes from the members, and you have been the epitome of that. TP is still here for you.

Take care x


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
I picked Little P up from the school disco tonight and she told my friend, "mum was crying last night cos her friend in the Alzheimer's society's mum has died."
She'd found me reading this thread so I'd explained.

And as for helping you Annie, I only remember you helping me with your amazing ability to find a chink of light in a very dark tunnel. You are the most positive person I know!


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Oh, that's so sweet, and so sad too. So many times, my 3 have come across me on TP, and I'm there, trying to concentrate, trying to write something constructive, and they're nattering in my ear...! :). But when it's something that's affected me, they see that too, and it's just another way in which dementia has touched their lives as well as mine.

Please tell little Pied, that mummy's friend will be fine, and that she says a big hello! Like little Pied, no doubt, I'm focussing very much on Christmas, planning all the fairy lights, decorations inside and out! I'm even planning a mini-grotto in the garden with lights overhead (like stars) and a beautiful tree with stars on the branches. We have little robins and a gnome with a Santa hat that's slipped down over his eyes! Now looking for the perfect Angel to place on top of e tree. The first new one in years. This one will be a guardian angel, and it will be in honour of mum, now that she has joined dad, and is watching over me. I'll get the children's advice on which is most fitting. It's all about the children this year. I have a lot of making up to do, and give me an event and I'll make it magical. Just like my mum always did...:)


Registered User
Jul 27, 2010
Rural North Northumberland
Hi Annie, your love for your Mum shines through and I'm so pleased the funeral was just how you wanted it and best of all your Mum and Dad are now together.

Hope to still see you around TP take care and thinking of you xxxx

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