My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s about a year ago but things had been going wrong for about 18 months before that. Increasingly his behaviou.


New member
Mar 30, 2024
I cannot keep writing he same thing. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s about a year ago but there were issues before then. His behaviour is increasingly difficult and bizarre. I feel low and despondent. I want to walk away.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I cannot keep writing he same thing. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s about a year ago but there were issues before then. His behaviour is increasingly difficult and bizarre. I feel low and despondent. I want to walk away.
hello @Meaux that is hard for you. is it worth talking to the doctor about his behaviour and see if there is anything they can do. could ask for an assessment for him and carer assessment for you from ss to see if there are any things that could be put in place maybe to give you a few hours break. maybe a befriending would help. i have a befriender for me. once a week, a lady phones me for an hour. ive had her for 2 years and weve built up a good friendship. do you have help coming in or family to turn to?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello @Meaux Welcome.

It sounds as if your experience was similar to mine.

I had problems with my husband at least 6 years before diagnosis.

I had retired early because of ill health and the problems seemed to begin then.

At first I thought we were getting under each other's feet, both being at home together all the time.

Then I wondered if he was becoming a grumpy old man.

As his behaviour towards me and his attitude became more challenging I wondered if our marriage was coming to an end.

Finally he had a diagnosis of Alzheimer`s.

If our problems had seemed bad before they were worse than ever and I`m not surprised you feel low and despondent and want to walk away. I felt the same.

I stayed because it's what we do. I can`t pretend it was easy but I didn`t feel I could desert him when he was ill and our son would have been heartbroken.

I hope you will get the support you need from the forum and find others who can also identify with you.