Second post. No diagnosis, just worried about my husband.


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
I’m going to wind down tonight whilst things are positive here.
I just wanted to thank everyone for listening to me and commenting, when you all have your own things going on (I think I’ve managed to about get everything out in the last 24 hours).
I hope I can be there when someone needs the same. Many thanks everyone x


Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Hi. I hope everyone is well.
I have not posted for a while. I thought it would be good for me to try and put it aside and just have some normality.
The biggest struggles for my husband have been at work. So things did settle down for him and quite surprisingly, he passed his probation about 3 weeks ago. He has been quite happy and positive and looking forward to work. More his old self really.
Then, Thursday of this week, I came home to my husband already home (early). Apparently, they found in the morning, that he had been measuring something that he has to measure, incorrectly. This has happened more or less since he started. It hit the fan to put it politely. They had to shut down the testing and will have to investigate back now, all of his work and this may mean recalling parts from overseas. Needless to say, they were not happy. My husband just asked if he should take a half day as off then for the long weekend and they agreed that would be best (is this just down to lack of training, or my husband not grasping/remembering, what he was shown when he started?).
He had by chance been contacted by a past colleague who has a position for a senior engineering supervisor coming up and has asked my husband if he would like to apply. I think that it is quite telling, that my husband has not mentioned this much.
I don’t want to read in to things or assume that his difficulties mean anything health wise. I want to stay grounded about everything.
I would say that whilst things have been going well for a few weeks, he has been much more himself.
He is having big struggles in the workplace - there is no denying that.
I am as I type, sitting down to work out what steps he should take when due back Wednesday.
He wants me to try and work out what his options are.
He has however agreed to go to the doctors, just for a chat.
Thank you for listening. X
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Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Hi all. Well I am just so confused. After all of the above and a very long, long weekend (of talking over options with my husband and even at his request, updating his CV, being woken up at 10.30pm to tell me he couldn’t find some certificates he needed and blaming his last workplace for keeping them - to him then finding them, to not going back on the Wednesday and then he would, to see what happened) he did go back on the Wednesday and said nothing more of it until I questioned him on it a few days later.
I asked him to remind me why he had taken a half day that day, he said it was because his colleague didn’t say hello to him when he came in (so he assumed he was going to be in a bad mood that day), so in the morning he asked to book the afternoon off. So I said well I thought it was because you’d made a mistake and they had to shut everything down etc, he was just quite vague about that and said, that was what they had told him.
Reluctant again to go to the doctors, so I am just going along with things. Nothing seems too worrying but I am just so confused about the whole work situations that are arising.
Do they happen, does he just exaggerate them, is he struggling? Anyway, just wanted to express my feelings. Thank you x
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Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
This is a useful way for me to record things I notice, without my husband or family knowing.
So work seems to be fairly settled this past couple of weeks.
I have just been thinking that there is not much of any concern really.
Worth me noting I think, that (keeping in mind my husband has been a mechanical engineer all of his life), I got up this morning and my husband told me the washing machine had broken and was stuck full of water for the second time that morning. There was an absolutely drenched through pile of washing in the sink and the washing machine was also full of clothes and water but not going. My husband explained that (he gets up early), he had put in a load with bedding and the washing machine wouldn’t drain. He said it took him half an hour to get the door open to get it out. Rather than trying to fix, or running it empty, he put a second load in and the same happened but he couldn’t open the door.
He had absolutely no suggestions as to why it was happening and not emptying. My first thought was the filter being blocked. As this meant taking the plinths off and I knew would be messy, I told him I googled it and it said to leave off for half an hour and then the door would open. He just accepted this. I just wanted to sort it once he’d left for work.
It was the filter, so I did this and set one of the sopping wet loads off. I didn’t have time to put the 2 plinths back on before work.
When I got in, my husband (who was home first) had not worked out putting the plinths on (one was very long and needed som manoeuvring in the kitchen to get on). I said it’s fine, I can sort with you. I had to take over (with his help holding it and banging it in).
This is nothing major but it is just such a decline in his abilities.
I also don’t think too much of it anymore and I don’t comment on it to him. He just laughed and said just as well I am here.
Just quietly going along noting things and observing for the time being. Thanks x