More holiday experiences


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
Hi @Sue741215 , a couple of friends from dementia club are going on a three day coach trip and want us to join them . My oh is doubly Incontinent and I'm not sure I can manage. Does your husband have these issues? If so how did you cope please?
Hi @maggie6445 - I'm sorry I can't help you with this as my husband is ok in that way at the moment. Hopefully someone who does have this problem to deal with will be able to give you information/advice. There will be a toilet on the coach but only one or two (who had been in the pub at lunchtime) used it. Ours was down fairly steep steps at the side exit so not good for those with mobility problems. I didn't tell my husband about it and luckily he didn't ask - I did have to try and restrict his drinks as he will drink continually if I don't. There were adequate stops with toilets available in cafes or public toilets. I hope you get some positive advice and are able to enjoy your short holiday.


Registered User
Oct 18, 2019
I have a coach trip booked for 3 days with a local firm. I thought it would work well with O/H but unfortunately , he has declared he is not going period. He thinks someone is out to kill him and it is safer for him at home. I will pack our two hand luggage bags and come Friday morning will see if he comes or not .
My neighbours are aware he may not come and will keep an eye out for him if he stays at home.
Just the thought of a few days away .......
I hope you manage to enjoy your few days away with or without your OH. I suspect he may decide to come when the time comes but am glad you feel able to go without him thanks to kind neighbours - let us know what happens and how you get on.