Just Moaning


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
Dad seems to be really feeling the cold now. He is in Scotland and temperatures have now dropped. He doesn’t help himself when he has incontinence accidents. He either sits in soaking wet clothes or removes them completely and walks around with no pants or trousers on until carers next arrive.
He was shivering when the carer arrived but he had called the emergency team out who dressed him. Carers unable to tell me what his temperature is. They don’t carry thermometers which I find bizarre. I bought a thermometer in dads Tesco delivery but it seems nobody saw it and thought to put it in his medicine box so it’s lost somewhere in the house. They sent me a message saying they’ve told dad to turn up the heating thermostat!!!!! Why they couldn’t just do that themselves!!! Luckily I had hive heating installed last year so I did it for dad. But it was already on 24! So I turned it to 25. Has anyone else had to put the heating on this high for PWD?
The carer said his house felt cold yet they sent a video of the boiler which showed everything was working and the hive app my end showed everything working. Even when I turned up the thermostat it showed the actual house temp has increased and I could see his boiler was calling for heat. Carer said the radiators weren’t on. I said they wouldn’t be on though once temp is reached. But they shouldn’t be cold as such. Just not hot. It wasn’t a young carer so I felt I was telling her stuff she should know. It’s difficult for me as I can’t go and check for myself.

They couldn’t find paracetamol even though I’ve bought several over his Tesco shopping as again nobody has thought to put them in his medicine box. Carers had asked sometime ago if I could send them some money to buy small items when required but nobody is allowed to give me their bank account number so I can send them cash!! I understand if I was the vulnerable person but I’m not so surely it’s up to them if they want to give me their bank details? Anyway I’m arranging for dads cleaner to pop cash into his box. I live 500 miles away and it seems everything is just made more difficult by silly rules. Nobody uses their own initiative and I’m having to do all the thinking for everyone, not just dad but his carers too!

Carer sent me a photo of dad and I was shocked to see his beard had grown really long. All up the sides of his face. I felt very sad for him. He looked like Santa. He has always looked after his beard keeping it really short and shaving etc. I’ve mentioned before to carers about possibly helping him by shaving or trimming his beard. I sent clippers but of course nobody has thought to put them aside in his box or use them. So they’ve gone missing too. They did say they could shave but can’t do beards???

His hairdresser won’t do beards???? It’s hair for goodness sake! She’s a hairdresser!! I’m not and if I was there I’d do it!! I just don’t see why that’s so difficult. I can’t find a mobile barber anywhere. Dad looks very untidy and not his usual well kept self with his facial hair. I tried finding people in his community page to see if anyone could take him to a barbers even though the incontinence may make that difficult for dad but nobody came forward. I just find it incredible that between carers and hairdressers not one of them feels capable of shaving or clippering dads beard backdown. It breaks my heart.

Sorry, just having a bit of a rant. Does anyone else’s caters helo men with shaving and beards? I’m wondering if I’m just unlucky.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It seems as if your dad needs a more comprehensive level of care than he is now getting @SMBeach and may be better cared for in a residential placement.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
I can imagine your concerns, and it's frustrating to deal with these challenges from a distance. Some carers do assist with shaving and beards, but it varies. Maybe you could discuss this directly with the care agency or explore local options, like a mobile barber, to help maintain your dad's well-being and comfort. Your dedication is admirable.


Registered User
Apr 19, 2020
Thank you. Between the hairdresser and one of dads caters, they made a huge difference to his beard etc. but having just one carer focus on this isn’t ideal. I have since found another mobile barber so hoping this will provide a better service. Dads previous barber was so unreliable and slow in responding to messages that I just stopped using him. So fingers crossed.