House Advice part 2

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Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I just thought to get your things out of the way asap as you almost certainly know they will be cleared out. I think you said they were putting the house on sale? In that case they may want it completely empty. Why not have a polite word with them and ask them to keep your things until your removal date. I know SVDP people are usually retired but do you attend Mass - in that case there may be younger people who could help you - I am sure they would if they knew your situation.

Please don't involve the police any more - they are probably fed up with it and have better things to do. They would view this as a domestic issue that you should resolve between yourselves. Solicitors are obviously useless as you found and do you know how much of a bill you have racked up with yours? You ought to find out.
I will deal with the bill when I get. I have already making a payment since this nonsense started. As far as talking with no way. I am taking this stance because of what we have went through and what Jordan went through a fortnight ago.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Thank you,. I have just learned what the house has been priced at £150,000 got a lovely text from the older TT we have got three dates for you leaving. Please confirm. I just ignored it. Police came to see me about my things that have disappeared from the house. My lawyer is hopefully going to represent my niece.
I am going up to the house early tomorrow pick up more things. I am going to bit in bits on the 24, I know I am .
Back to work on Monday, off Tuesday and in for the rest of the week. I had an interview for another post, I have just to keep going


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Why not confirm you move date?
if you dont they will likely throw the stuff , thinking you are gone
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Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
My solicitor has already told them we will be out of the 1st of November. I managed to get a cancelletion with the removal firm and will be out of the 24/10/2023


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I went up to the house tonight it looked so bare. Tomorrow is not going to be good, but I have got to keep going. These clowns are taking me to court at the end of the month saying I delayed the sale. I never did any such thing. Any tips


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Ignore them. Do they have the req paperwork to actually go ahead with the sale yet? Presumably so.
About two weeks ago you said the house was going on the markey, you are out today- what is their beef?

Thought they were taking you to court to evict you?

Amongst all the this, make a list of dates- date the house went on the market and the date you took posession of flat & moving date - they will ook a bit stupid in court
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Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Part of the Sale paperwork is an undertaking by all of those that live at the property that they will move out on or before the date of completion.
This is a normal part of the sale process, unless you have refused to sign this, then there is no way you have delayed the sale, in any way shape or form.
This paperwork would be created by your solicitor, (the solicitor who is dealing with the convancing) as the normal way of business.



Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,
Got over 90% of it done, I didn't mess about this morning went up to the house give the guys the keys and they got on with. I have still got about ten bags to go and have got a price of £80 to pick up the rest. SDVP paid for today which I am eternally gratefully for and paid for my bed.
I am still in a state of shock, I would give the moon just to see my mum give her a huge hug and tell her that I love her. I went up to the house last night and it look so bare. I just seen ghosts and I have been forced into a new world. I am really struggling today.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
I went up to the house tonight it looked so bare. Tomorrow is not going to be good, but I have got to keep going. These clowns are taking me to court at the end of the month saying I delayed the sale. I never did any such thing. Any tips
I delaying a sale(even if you had done so)a matter for the courts?Try to move on now, you
have a new home ,look forward not back


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
I delaying a sale(even if you had done so)a matter for the courts?Try to move on now, you
have a new home ,look forward not back
That is what i am trying to do. It is hellish, I didn't delay the sale, I completed on my flat on the 10/08/2023. Anybody that knows buying property how long it can take. I had a originals move in date of 14/09/2023, but I wasn't able to meet that deadline. These prats are just wanting one more dig and to get money off me. The TT's blame me for putting our so not wonderful father in a care home. I had to do it, he would have killed me or my mum or my niece. I was left with no choice and it was SW that took him and the medical team . He was a danger and would have killed someone if he had continued to drive. I gave my mum four years without hell. She made the decision not to have him back.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,

I got the majorty of the stuff out on Tuesday, but need to get two bags out tonight going up in a couple of hours. The TTs never checked the house before the viewing yesterday. I had given the key to the removal men and couldnt say. Appartnely the place was in a mess and I got what for by text off the older idiot. She said it was a disgrace, I had not told her I was moving out. My solicitor had informed them.
Then the last text "it was said my mum would be rolling in her grave" I had to repeat do not speak to them in block caps. I have know had to get a new number and inform the small number of people I know of the change.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear @Ineedhelp,

The closer you get to moving entirely the less power the TTs have over you. When I was in your situation I was ready to move on a certain day between lockdowns and the removal company phoned at the last minute to say that they couldn't do that day and I could I do the following day? I said that that was okay because I was renting the elder my two brothers wasn't very pleased because he said that they wouldn't have been able to do that if I was buying a flat but I was renting and moving during lockdown so I was okay. I ended up laughing to myself and my neighbours were overjoyed to have me in the neighborhood for one more night. Just ignore the twins

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