House Advice part 2

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Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Another visit from the terrible twins, " We are not paying for the repairs because we did not live in the property was the reply ". They told me that they have got the right to tell me to get out because they own jointly together 2/3's of the property, while I own 1/3.
I have got an email from an estate agent who advises that in the current market and conditions, it is better to get the house done up and sell it with it being in a presentable/ move in condition. This is due to people not having the funds to do up properties. I told the older idiot terrible twin that I was abused by the monster, but did not want to know.

I am fed up with this constant turning up, when they like. My mental health is suffering and my solicitor wants to speak to me concerning it. I have told the older stupid idiot to text me when they are coming up, so I can be out. She told our niece that the house did not concern her. Jordan was brought up by my mum in this house as her own.

I have called the police because I really felt quite intimated.. The younger terrible twin is Jordan's mother, but has cut off all contact told my wonderful niece that she was conceived through a rape. She has never acknowledged any birthdays, Christmas etc. She has got married again and has a son, lives in West Lothian. Police are suppose to be phoning me tonight.

Despite all this, I am starting back at work on Friday and have got a couple of interviews lined up. I need to leave my current job. Please send me some good wishes and tell me the bad times will end.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Ooh you poor thing. Only families, the people who should love us , can be this cruel. Hang on in there, it will end, the house will be sold and you can have nothing to do with them ever from then on. I think you are doing the right thing trying to have as little contact now as you can. Despite the fact they ‘own 2 thirds of the house surely if it’s still your home they have no right of entry without notifying you in advance, possibly even in writing? That’s how it would be if you were a tenant, your landlord/lady would not be allowed to just turn up out of the blue, or enter the house without your permission. I hope the police can give you some good advice. Remember when the house is sold all expenses are deductable before any monies are split. Sending you BIG hugs.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Ooh you poor thing. Only families, the people who should love us , can be this cruel. Hang on in there, it will end, the house will be sold and you can have nothing to do with them ever from then on. I think you are doing the right thing trying to have as little contact now as you can. Despite the fact they ‘own 2 thirds of the house surely if it’s still your home they have no right of entry without notifying you in advance, possibly even in writing? That’s how it would be if you were a tenant, your landlord/lady would not be allowed to just turn up out of the blue, or enter the house without your permission. I hope the police can give you some good advice. Remember when the house is sold all expenses are deductable before any monies are split. Sending you BIG hugs.
Thankyou. The younger idiot NHS Nurse and PHD told me that I had taken the difficult route, etc them have to become executors etc. This is a process that happens when someone dies, etc


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Another visit from the terrible twins, " We are not paying for the repairs because we did not live in the property was the reply ". They told me that they have got the right to tell me to get out because they own jointly together 2/3's of the property, while I own 1/3.
I have got an email from an estate agent who advises that in the current market and conditions, it is better to get the house done up and sell it with it being in a presentable/ move in condition. This is due to people not having the funds to do up properties. I told the older idiot terrible twin that I was abused by the monster, but did not want to know.

I am fed up with this constant turning up, when they like. My mental health is suffering and my solicitor wants to speak to me concerning it. I have told the older stupid idiot to text me when they are coming up, so I can be out. She told our niece that the house did not concern her. Jordan was brought up by my mum in this house as her own.

I have called the police because I really felt quite intimated.. The younger terrible twin is Jordan's mother, but has cut off all contact told my wonderful niece that she was conceived through a rape. She has never acknowledged any birthdays, Christmas etc. She has got married again and has a son, lives in West Lothian. Police are suppose to be phoning me tonight.

Despite all this, I am starting back at work on Friday and have got a couple of interviews lined up. I need to leave my current job. Please send me some good wishes and tell me the bad times will end.
Good luck and believe the bad times will end. When I got my flat I started to recover and when I moved in I felt I was on holiday.



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
The Hard times WILL nd, just make the route to that end as painless as you can.
Have you got the funds to do it up? Doesnt sound as though they will contribute- quite how its then fair they get 1/3 of the 'improved' price is beyond my understanding

Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
So sorry about all this, @Ineedhelp . But @MaNaAk is right: all things will pass. Forget about the house and the repairs. Let them get on with it and have nothing to do with it. Concentrate on looking for somewhere else to live and your future in another job. Your niece deserves the care you give her. Your sister(her mother) should be ashamed of herself, no matter the circumstances of her birth, that she left her child to be brought up by you and your late parents.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Good morning @Ineedhelp,

I've re-read this and if I were you I would just move as soon as possible that way they have no power to make you pay for the repairs. I felt gleeful when I moved out and left my brothers to sort out the insurance on an unoccupied house. They had assumed I would continue to pay all the utility bills. What happened was that I ended up with repayments for some of them including the council tax!


PS: I think you should approach at least two other estate agents.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
So sorry about all this, @Ineedhelp . But @MaNaAk is right: all things will pass. Forget about the house and the repairs. Let them get on with it and have nothing to do with it. Concentrate on looking for somewhere else to live and your future in another job. Your niece deserves the care you give her. Your sister(her mother) should be ashamed of herself, no matter the circumstances of her birth, that she left her child to be brought up by you and your late parents.
Thank you. You right about her, she is a vile person.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Another visit from the terrible twins, " We are not paying for the repairs because we did not live in the property was the reply ". They told me that they have got the right to tell me to get out because they own jointly together 2/3's of the property, while I own 1/3.
I have got an email from an estate agent who advises that in the current market and conditions, it is better to get the house done up and sell it with it being in a presentable/ move in condition. This is due to people not having the funds to do up properties. I told the older idiot terrible twin that I was abused by the monster, but did not want to know.

I am fed up with this constant turning up, when they like. My mental health is suffering and my solicitor wants to speak to me concerning it. I have told the older stupid idiot to text me when they are coming up, so I can be out. She told our niece that the house did not concern her. Jordan was brought up by my mum in this house as her own.

I have called the police because I really felt quite intimated.. The younger terrible twin is Jordan's mother, but has cut off all contact told my wonderful niece that she was conceived through a rape. She has never acknowledged any birthdays, Christmas etc. She has got married again and has a son, lives in West Lothian. Police are suppose to be phoning me tonight.

Despite all this, I am starting back at work on Friday and have got a couple of interviews lined up. I need to leave my current job. Please send me some good wishes and tell me the bad times will end.
Houses have 2 prices.
Sold as is, faults and all.
Sold in as "new" condition.
The real questions, "How much will it cost, to bring it up to As New Condition? Will this be recouped when sold?"
Put the house to auction, sold on the fall of the hammer, at the true value. Job done.



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
I have got an email from an estate agent who advises that in the current market and conditions, it is better to get the house done up and sell it with it being in a presentable/ move in condition. This is due to people not having the funds to do up properties

Times are hard, housing market is in crisis due to interest rates, people just cant afford mortgages.
Your property, as it is, offers somene the chance to buy at a reasonable price, and improve over time, as and when they can afford it.

Ideal.They dont need quite such a a big mortgage, and can get a roof over their head.

You 'do it up' at a cost to you, unless you have the skills and ready money to do it up yourself, you bump up the price a bit and lessen the purchasability for some.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Houses have 2 prices.
Sold as is, faults and all.
Sold in as "new" condition.
The real questions, "How much will it cost, to bring it up to As New Condition? Will this be recouped when sold?"
Put the house to auction, sold on the fall of the hammer, at the true value. Job done.

I think this is a great idea from @Bod @Ineedhelp.



Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
I have got an email from an estate agent who advises that in the current market and conditions, it is better to get the house done up and sell it with it being in a presentable/ move in condition. This is due to people not having the funds to do up properties

Times are hard, housing market is in crisis due to interest rates, people just cant afford mortgages.
Your property, as it is, offers somene the chance to buy at a reasonable price, and improve over time, as and when they can afford it.

Ideal.They dont need quite such a a big mortgage, and can get a roof over their head.

You 'do it up' at a cost to you, unless you have the skills and ready money to do it up yourself, you bump up the price a bit and lessen the purchasability for some.
This is what we did with the old house although we ripped up the carpets before moving in and did away with the curtains.



Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
TT's came up on Thursday had me upset again "we own 2/3's combined and we can tell you to leave" I told the older clown that monster had abused me". They also mentioned they are not doing the repairs because they did not live in the house. Her response "Your talking about something that happened 10 years ago" Older clown you are being awkard. I sat in my niece's room with her and refused to speak to them until they left. The younger vile one is a nurse " we are going to call the police and get you an ambulance" Needless to say their was no sisterly concern, no ambulance was called. Older idiot has lost the plot and I think is clearly showing dementia symptoms. I now realise that I only feel total contempt for both of them.
I was pretty shaken and spoke to the police who were okay as I had mentioned that I felt like killing myself.

I am going to wait until the house goes on the market and then leave. Council have awarded me medical points and have advised that they will rehouse us as the current house is doing me no good at all. They have set up a What's app group and included me. I give the briefest of answers.

The TT's had someone around this morning to take away the ramp that my mum used for her wheelchair. I am feeling pretty sad, but I now know that I have to leave and make new memories, but I
will always love her to the moon and back. I told her this every night in that dreadful hospital.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
TT's came up on Thursday had me upset again "we own 2/3's combined and we can tell you to leave" I told the older clown that monster had abused me". They also mentioned they are not doing the repairs because they did not live in the house. Her response "Your talking about something that happened 10 years ago" Older clown you are being awkard. I sat in my niece's room with her and refused to speak to them until they left. The younger vile one is a nurse " we are going to call the police and get you an ambulance" Needless to say their was no sisterly concern, no ambulance was called. Older idiot has lost the plot and I think is clearly showing dementia symptoms. I now realise that I only feel total contempt for both of them.
I was pretty shaken and spoke to the police who were okay as I had mentioned that I felt like killing myself.

I am going to wait until the house goes on the market and then leave. Council have awarded me medical points and have advised that they will rehouse us as the current house is doing me no good at all. They have set up a What's app group and included me. I give the briefest of answers.

The TT's had someone around this morning to take away the ramp that my mum used for her wheelchair. I am feeling pretty sad, but I now know that I have to leave and make new memories, but I
will always love her to the moon and back. I told her this every night in that dreadful hospital.



Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Get out as soon as you can, and shut the door on them, get on with your own life.
they are doing you no favours.

What do you hope to acheieve by keep telling them that your father abused you? All its doing is upsetting you.

he's gone now, you are safe


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i wouldnt bother to tell them your dad abused you, its just another weapon they can use against you by not believing. yes hes not around any more but you are obviously still troubled by the memories. it doesnt matter how many years ago it happened. i would seriously consider counselling to be able to accept that it happened and to live with it. it took me a long time to work through it and to learn to leave it behind and live your life. not easy but as long as you keep telling your sisters, then they will be in control. i have a sister and she is also such a waste of space we havent had contact for years. but that freed me to go and live my life free of the family and memories. my dad is still around but i dont want a penny piece out of him. my sister can have the lot. that is pure freedom.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
i wouldnt bother to tell them your dad abused you, its just another weapon they can use against you by not believing. yes hes not around any more but you are obviously still troubled by the memories. it doesnt matter how many years ago it happened. i would seriously consider counselling to be able to accept that it happened and to live with it. it took me a long time to work through it and to learn to leave it behind and live your life. not easy but as long as you keep telling your sisters, then they will be in control. i have a sister and she is also such a waste of space we havent had contact for years. but that freed me to go and live my life free of the family and memories. my dad is still around but i dont want a penny piece out of him. my sister can have the lot. that is pure freedom.
Please follow @jennifer1967's advice as I think you could do with counselling and have as little to do with the TTs as possible.



Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Dear @Ineedhelp,

I hope that amongst all this you and your niece do get to go out somewhere and relax even if it's just for a cup of coffee.



Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Dear @Ineedhelp,

I hope that amongst all this you and your niece do get to go out somewhere and relax even if it's just for a cup of coffee.

Thanks . My niece is out and I am in the house just about to revise for an interview. Just watching the tennis before I start .
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