House Advice part 2

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Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi, I have told my solicitor not to share my address details. He has told me not to concern myself with it. I am out of the house on the 1st November. The summons is a complete fabrication and I emailed him last night rebutting everything point by point. He has already pointed out that this is a waste of time, but there persistent to continue with their campaigan before me and Jordan disappear.
I feel so down, I miss my mum so much it would be so easy to take some tablets and end it all.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,

Got my keys today, feel a mixture of sadness and happiness, but I know that my mum and James wherever they are will be looking after us. She and James would just want us to be happy.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,
Neighbour just texted me to advise that The TT's have turned up unannounced at house with a removal van.
I will probably go up to no bed, no TV, washing machine, dryer. I called the police absoutely useless civil action,.
I have got my keys for the flat, so it looks like I will be sleeping on the floor.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
Did all the these things belong to you as in did you buy them?Or were they your Mum’s?If yours surely this is theft?Are you saying the police were useless?


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Hi All,
Neighbour just texted me to advise that The TT's have turned up unannounced at house with a removal van.
I will probably go up to no bed, no TV, washing machine, dryer. I called the police absoutely useless civil action,.
I have got my keys for the flat, so it looks like I will be sleeping on the floor.
Police wont have been abe to do anything about people removing posessions they 2/3 own from a house.

its rubbish behaviour but....
have you sorted out the things you want? Get them moved to the flat soonest


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Do they?
Has confirmation happened or does everything belong to the estate awaiting proving of the will?
Mother had no valid will, didnt dad pre dec Mum? Did dad have a will? (- we dont know I dont think)
What i meant was they were equally theirs as Victoria's ?
At what point does the clearout for sale start?


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Police wont have been abe to do anything about people removing posessions they 2/3 own from a house.

its rubbish behaviour but....
have you sorted out the things you want? Get them moved to the flat soonest
This should have been planned by now. I remember taking measurements of the old flat and doing sketches to plan where the furniture should go.



Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
This must now be over the line for harassment, if the TT are going for Court order eviction, then as Landlords their actions are illegal.
With regard to the Will situation, everything in the house should come under control of the Executor of Fathers Will, with the exception of @Ineedhelp personal belonging, and her niece.


Scarlet Lady

Registered User
Apr 6, 2021
The problem here, as I see it, is that no valid wills for either parent can be found so the Scottish laws of succession apply. As far as I can tell, this should still give @Ineedhelp and her sisters equal shares in their parents estates. However, it’s still unclear (as far as I know) whether these legalities have actually been concluded yet. I’m assuming they have, otherwise it would be totally illegal to try to sell the family home without agreement from all parties, especially as one Beneficiary and a family member are still living in it.
There are no ‘Landlords’ in this case, as Victoria is part owner of the family home. I can understand why her sisters wish to sell the property so they can liquidate their share of the estate, but I certainly don’t understand why they are being allowed to behave in such an unlawful and intimidating manner in order to get their own way.
I understand why the police don’t wish to get involved, but solicitors cost a lot of money and frankly, the firms both sides have engaged are simply not doing their job. At the end of all this, ( if there ever is an end to it), I would report them to the Law Society.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
As far as I understand it, once the letters of confirmation to the estate have been issued, then house and assets of the deceased belongs to the estate as administered by the administrators - the persons to whom the confirmation has been issued. Whilst they are supposed to act in the best interests of all beneficiaries, (and they have to account to all beneficiaries), in practice, they will do so as they see fit or are as they are advised to do. Just because a parent dies, this doesn't extinguish all the poor relationship and history that exists between siblings, and may even embolden them.

Fortunately, an end is coming into sight.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Hi All,
More or less got everything in the flat offical moving date soon. I got a not so lovely text saying that the house is going up for sale this Thursday. The terrible twins will be coming up Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning to meet with surveyor. Older idiot told me that I to stop contacting her work or she will go to the police. I made two phone calls, when the fridge was taken out and the intimidation that was made by them to their niece and daughter.
I went to see the police on Saturday and asked for the harassment to stop, no contact told the police about the court case despite us moving out on the 24/10. In light of the text message, I have contacted the police again, I just went me and Jordan to be left alone and let us somehow get on life. We will never get over losing mum, but we have to try and find a way.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
The terrible twins will tell the surveyor a lot of rubbish, it is nothing to do with me now. When they new people move in and discover all the flat, let the fun and games began they will be hopefully liable and nothing to do with me. I will pay solicitors fees, my friend her money back, pay off a good sum off the mortgage. I will hopefully have enough to put away and get a holiday for me and Jordan. If she wants to go away with her old aunt. I really do feel for her, because my mum was her real mum.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2023
Yes. I am in all stuff is being moved out the house a week on Tuesday. Can I ask, do you think it is right I cut off the gas and electricty ? I have told the firms I am moving out


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Can I ask, do you think it is right I cut off the gas and electricty ?
It's up to the executor (s) to comply with the request of the insurers of the empty property, also the water.

I suspect TTs will be in shortly after you leave, they can take any necessary action.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2015
North West
Hi All,
Neighbour just texted me to advise that The TT's have turned up unannounced at house with a removal van.
I will probably go up to no bed, no TV, washing machine, dryer. I called the police absoutely useless civil action,.
I have got my keys for the flat, so it looks like I will be sleeping on the floor.
I can't believe you are still resisting this. I really think you have to accept the inevitable and move on and I think you are taking to misunderstanding what the term 'estate' means. These issues essentially are not police matters. I can understand you wanting to fight every inch of this but that is pointless and it seems by your posts that is the case. It's time to cut your losses no matter how emotional you may feel about it and move on. You have to let go of this none of what the TT's do matters anymore in the long run and that is what you have to focus on now, I know it's hard but this constant dithering and dwelling on matters is no good to you and there is nothing you can do to change it. And yes I have read other parts of the thread.
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