

New member
Oct 9, 2023
Hi everyone, I have been caring for my mum who has Alzheimer’s in her own home for nearly 5 years. For the last couple of months she has been having delusions most days, sometimes several times a day, and I am at my wits end as to how to deal with them.

She has been living in her home for 62 years but thinks she has another house and tells me it’s up by the station. She has never in her life lived in that area even as a child, nor do I know of any family member in the past who has. She gets so distressed and agitated and demands I take her there, sometimes shouting and screaming at me. I have tried distracting her but it is impossible. I try to comfort her and put my arms around her but she pulls away and has shoved me a couple of times. I have tried lying and say I’ll take her there tomorrow but that’s pointless because she forgets I’ve just said it and we go round and round in circles with her getting more and more distressed. Sometimes I have to just walk away leaving her to cry and shake until it’s stops but that makes me feel guilty and cruel.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do because I feel I’m failing miserably.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
@DiRo Welcome to the Dementia Support Forum. First of all you are not failing, dealing with a loved one who has dementia is so very hard and every day seems to bring new challenges.
Delusions are quite common in people with dementia especially as the disease progresses. I would suggest that you contact your mum's GP to see if they could suggest any meds that might help.
I have also attached some information that you might find useful.



New member
Oct 9, 2023
Thank you. We have already seen GP but they are reluctant to prescribe anything due to the fact that she is 93 and has low sodium. GP is referring her to the adult mental health team so I desperately hope they can come up with something but it will undoubtedly be a while before we are seen. It’s just heartbreaking watching her suffer and nothing I do or say helps. It has been going on non stop all day today. She refuses (or can’t tell me what she’s feeling and thinking).