another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
This is such a positive thread. I shall be watching it! OH, 67, still very self aware which makes it doubly hard to see the funny side of anything as he's still pretty much in denial, declining very fast, and basically no short term memory. Diagnosis only 9 months ago. Thank you for all the lovely posts, I'll try and find something to contribute!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Yesterday I bought a new mop. I'm sure you all understand why. It's nothing special but will do the job I need it to do. To hear OH talk, you would think I'd bought the Crown Jewels.

Last night we were watching 'House of Games'. During the adverts there was one for an electric toothbrush. OH got all excited and said it was the same as the thing we bought today. Err - No. Strangely the next advert was for a similar mop. Again, the excitement and this time I agreed with him that it was very similar. Back to the programme and the first question was about the film based on Elton John's life and the word 'Watford' came on the screen. Again, the excitement - that thing we bought today may have come from Watford - Err - maybe.

So much excitement for such a boring purchase. Who would have thought it?
Hi @Rishile - yes, buying the mop is exciting. I haven't done that in years!


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
cleaner to put in the bucket for the mop!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 could even treat yourself to a broom, dustpan and b rush!!! that would really be living the life!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm not sure I could stand the excitement. Oh - and I don't need a bucket. It's the type that sprays.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Well I have 2 boats if they want a day out on the Bridgewater canal, me, Mr next door and his children are off out a day out soon like tomorrow, so I'll be posting from afloat pretty soon, gets me out of the house. K


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
This conversation just sums up our lives. There are nine posts all about mops. Wow - we really live the high life don't we.


Registered User
Jul 9, 2023
what a coincidence, when my oh flooded the toilet, I couldn't find the plunger to unblock it and had to resort to using my old mop to do it...hence had to get now I have a new mop...and an extra mop head...this must be mop season...


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
This not exactly a dementia funny but.....
Any one fancy getting themselves a toy boy?

Try getting a wheelchair with no handbrake or power pack. To push your pwd.around in

I've had a few near misses and struggles with mine and I have had some very lovely young men come to my rescue🙂. One young man saw me with the wheelchair stuck on the bobbled drop kerb paving. Kept going round in circles. The young man stopped his car and came to my rescue.
Yesterday two young men working for BT outreach came to my rescue to help push OH up a steep but short slope😃. Been other incidents where help has been offered

So lovely to be helped without asking . And some very nice young men!

Replacement wheelchair with handbrakes on order and hospital has said I can adapt and put a power pack on if I want to fund it. So .. I'm off tomorrow to order one for the new chair when it comes.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We’ve had some similar experiences Maggie! I’m slightly too independent for my own good and haven’t always accepted - but I have been consistently impressed with the British public when out with mum in her wheelchair….

My sister remarked today we still have 2 wheelchairs - maybe we should start pushing each other to keep ourselves being noticed 🤣🤣🤣


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Tried to get my OH up this morning as he has day care . He is never keen at getting out of bed ,I think he finds it a lot of effort. I kept on at him to get up. In the end he got a bit annoyed telling me he was going to report me to head office and get me sacked! 🤣🤣Oh , yes please ,I thought🤣🤣

I'm off to try again , now


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Tried to get my OH up this morning as he has day care . He is never keen at getting out of bed ,I think he finds it a lot of effort. I kept on at him to get up. In the end he got a bit annoyed telling me he was going to report me to head office and get me sacked! 🤣🤣Oh , yes please ,I thought🤣🤣

I'm off to try again , now
Success! Off to day care and a bowls match for me this morning. Hope it stays dry😃

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