another funny!! dementia thing


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
This not exactly a dementia funny but.....
Any one fancy getting themselves a toy boy?

Try getting a wheelchair with no handbrake or power pack. To push your pwd.around in

I've had a few near misses and struggles with mine and I have had some very lovely young men come to my rescue🙂. One young man saw me with the wheelchair stuck on the bobbled drop kerb paving. Kept going round in circles. The young man stopped his car and came to my rescue.
Yesterday two young men working for BT outreach came to my rescue to help push OH up a steep but short slope😃. Been other incidents where help has been offered

So lovely to be helped without asking . And some very nice young men!

Replacement wheelchair with handbrakes on order and hospital has said I can adapt and put a power pack on if I want to fund it. So .. I'm off tomorrow to order one for the new chair when it comes.
Lovely young men abounded whenever mum tripped and fell on her way to/from the shops in her last years. Lifts home, to shops, (once in a top down sport car!), making sure she was okay, getting her into chair at home with cuppa......Nothing too much trouble!
In the end mum had to be persuaded to take the bus even if it was only two stops... Free with bus pass..... She only gave up shopping at 100


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @ Buntie123 - you said "He picks up the remote and points it towards me" - I'm sure there are many spouses who wished this worked!😄😄


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
I try to see the humour in life,it's what releases my 'frustration valve'. That's not to say it always works and on days I feel like kicking the walls I resort to the bottle of Kalms. They do usually work😊😊😊
M and S do a virtually no alcohol Bucks Fizz. Cheap, cheerful, relaxing and looks poshly naughty!


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
At lunchtime today I was feeding my OH. Today's menu was home made veg & bean soup & a cheese roll, before cherries and custard, whilst watch the tennis from Wimbledon,
All going Ok, until there was some down the line winning shot to which my OH reacted by pointing to the screen and knocking the spoon of soup onto her tea towel "bib"
She immediately looked at me and disparagingly said "Not very good at this, are you!"
As on Monty Python with the Spanish Inquisition one always has to expect the unexpected!
Back to the tennis, and she says "Is it what your weekly tennis is like"
"Well we don't get crowds"
"Do you sell tickets?"
"Well what d'you expect!"
I had to laugh at the idea of people wanting to watch me and my old codger friends trying to play tennis in the village rec.!
That I think is longest ordinary words conversation we've had in many many a month.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
At lunchtime today I was feeding my OH. Today's menu was home made veg & bean soup & a cheese roll, before cherries and custard, whilst watch the tennis from Wimbledon,
All going Ok, until there was some down the line winning shot to which my OH reacted by pointing to the screen and knocking the spoon of soup onto her tea towel "bib"
She immediately looked at me and disparagingly said "Not very good at this, are you!"
As on Monty Python with the Spanish Inquisition one always has to expect the unexpected!
Back to the tennis, and she says "Is it what your weekly tennis is like"
"Well we don't get crowds"
"Do you sell tickets?"
"Well what d'you expect!"
I had to laugh at the idea of people wanting to watch me and my old codger friends trying to play tennis in the village rec.!
That I think is longest ordinary words conversation we've had in many many a month.
Mmm ... Takes you by surprise doesn't it when they say something you can follow.
My OH names nothing ,no one ,nowhere so it becomes a jumble of they,it, that, there . I usually just nod and hope it's the right response🤣 I've given up asking questions or asking give me a clue. I never win 🤣


Registered User
Dec 28, 2022
We have just finished dinner. It was nothing very special but it was tasty and enjoyable. At some point I mentioned Christmas and we started remembering previous Christmas's ( at least I did). When we finished dinner OH claimed it was a lovely Christmas dinner and it had been one of the best Christmas's we had ever had. He even raised his cup of tea and wished me Merry Christmas.

So, Merry Christmas everyone.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
We have just finished dinner. It was nothing very special but it was tasty and enjoyable. At some point I mentioned Christmas and we started remembering previous Christmas's ( at least I did). When we finished dinner OH claimed it was a lovely Christmas dinner and it had been one of the best Christmas's we had ever had. He even raised his cup of tea and wished me Merry Christmas.

So, Merry Christmas everyone.
My OH Looooooooves Christmas. (So did his mum) OH has worked as a DJ and on radio. His Christmas Drive Time show season always started and ended with Driving Home for Christmas (Chris Rea) so he could start each season with "welcome back, now where were we.....". He'll probably have this at his funeral. Enjoy.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
We have just finished dinner. It was nothing very special but it was tasty and enjoyable. At some point I mentioned Christmas and we started remembering previous Christmas's ( at least I did). When we finished dinner OH claimed it was a lovely Christmas dinner and it had been one of the best Christmas's we had ever had. He even raised his cup of tea and wished me Merry Christmas.

So, Merry Christmas everyone.
Bless him 🤣🤣🤣