Your advice - Appointing an attorney


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Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Do you have any tips for other people with dementia about deciding who to appoint as an attorney through an LPA or similar legal document?

Perhaps they’re wondering whether the people they have in mind will be able to agree with other, or they might be unsure about how to ask a friend or relative about being appointed as their attorney.

Maybe they can’t think of anyone suitable at all.

We’d love to share your advice with readers of our magazine, Dementia together – please email or add your tips below before 27 June.


Registered User
Apr 1, 2021
South West
I chose friends i trust with my life. I know they will make good decisions for me. They know the care homes where i am happy to go when time comes and will sort it out.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2024
I really didn’t realise how the law works until I got diagnosed was very confusing but got everything sorted out with my year post diagnosis support


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Do you have any tips for other people with dementia about deciding who to appoint as an attorney through an LPA or similar legal document?

Perhaps they’re wondering whether the people they have in mind will be able to agree with other, or they might be unsure about how to ask a friend or relative about being appointed as their attorney.

Maybe they can’t think of anyone suitable at all.

We’d love to share your advice with readers of our magazine, Dementia together – please email or add your tips below before 27 June.
Just about to do LPAs for self and OH dementia victim. We're both going to have one of his brothers. Did LPA and executor for their mum's will, so experienced. Former Wingco RAF, now a very senior Local Government executive. He does his best to do the right thing, and has a reputation to lose if he doesn't do right. I will be OH's main LPA, not quite sure who else to choose for myself.
Half my family old and abroad.
Bossy sister very keen, but also very keen to do things her way.....
Will try to exclude her as she is older than me and frail, but might be mitigated by her equally old and frail husband who is legally trained and likely to do the right thing.
Then there's their daughters, my two nieces, one quite emotional, had a lot of hard knocks, some questionable life decisions, and her younger sister, coming out of hard knock life, very practical, runs her own business on the side, and studying Law.
We're getting a solicitor to do our LPAs to get things tight and right. Poor experience with an illegal DOLS when husband in hospital has been a big red flag. (DOLS implemented without my involvement or knowledge, though wife, next of kin and interested party and sole visitor. No proper reason given. Completed by a nurse who just gave her name, not her position, but gave her personal mobile contact. Some of husband's details wrong. I was reluctantly given a copy 3 days later after Security men were called to prevent me discharging husband as hospital making him worse. We were manhandled to the floor by main hospital lifts. I had to ask my solicitor what a DOLS was.......)
If solicitor determines OH dementia prevents capacity for LPA after all, will go Court of Protection route
Solicitor rang today, going with youngest niece and OH's brother for me. Told the rest of the family to support Emma, but I intend to be a Crazy Cat Lady and live to 90!
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Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
We live in a free country, to be detained against your will there has to be some legal mechanism, whether it be the police arrest you, sectioned (usually section 2 or 3) or a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, currently Form 4 I think is the current one there has to be some due legal process to detain (for want of a better word) it is a free country.
There has to be a Relevent Persons Representative (RPR) usually a family member, relative or friend.
Previously sectioning was used, section 2 for 28 days (not renewable) then section 3, problem is that if you get section 3 then you also get section 117 aftercare so all for free.
Bringing in the DoLS regulations must be saving the government a fortune.
As I say there has to be some legal process to detain someone. K

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