

New member
Apr 12, 2023
Hello, my mum in law has had Alzheimer’s now for 2 years. She has developed a very sweet tooth and now will not eat her main course…. She pushes the food around the plate and our wonderful carer has tried all sorts of tactics to encourage but she is only interested in sweet things. As soon as the carer is out of the room to do other tasks the food is hidden. The carer has had to hide her sweet treats as she would just devour everything. She is managing to find all the hiding places and now we’ve had to put them in a lockable cupboard.
I would welcome any suggestions or advice to encourage a better diet please. We have exhausted or the things she used to like to eat and tried many other things but do no avail. Many thanks 🙏


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
With dementia tastes usual go, the last being sweetness.
Hot/spicy is not a taste, you could try adding herbs or spices, eg ground pepper in mashed potatoes.

Ultimately calories becomes more important than varied diet.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Food is food. Indulge mum in law. It is better she eats something than nothing. We all start on breast milk or formula, which is naturally sweet, and mum in law is regressing and losing the ability to tolerate spicy, sour, bland, earthy etc.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
As well as sweet things my wife liked spicy things to the extent that given mashed potatoes with ground pepper she would pouch the potato in one cheek and chew on the pepper on other side other side of her mouth.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
As others have said, it is very common but there is very little you can do about it. The best you can do is make the sweet stuff as 'healthy' as possible, so fruit-based where possible. My mother liked smoothies or puddings made with fruits like berries, mango, banana.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2023
You could sprinkle a layer of sugar over the healthy food. I found that often helped mum to eat it. Or make a sweet sauce and mix that in. One day I was delighted that mum ate some roast chicken soup. The next day she would only eat it with sugar.


Registered User
Jun 28, 2024
This chimes with our experience. Mother in law who already had a sweet tooth, even adding sugar to fruits like strawberries, and to veg like carrots... took to liking sweet biscuits in bulk... her shopping list included six packs of shortbread most weeks... plus fruit yogurts, corner yogurts...

She ended up in hospital due to dementia issues... and was found to be malnourished and underweight (different things)...

It happens slowly... If sugar makes good food palatable to the patient, so be it...