advice please


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thank you, it's just a confidence thing and the ramp on the bus broke last time and the driver made a right drama out of it. I have anew bus pass as well that needs using


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
I remember last time - I’ve been reflecting recently that if we can look after a PWD we can do ANYTHING!!!

Have a lovely coffee with ur friend xxxx


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
no idea how to help but i can say you helped me as my partner seems fine with every one else but takes it all out on me . i thought it was me that was doing something wrong but now i know other people get it too .
stay strong and thank you
Glad I could help @try to stay strong that was posted 3 years ago now. I phoned the doctor who referred me to mental health. He has take memantine for 3 years now and he is a lot calmer, happier, a nicer person to know. He has his moments but they are easier to handle.
Have you heard of host mode? They try and keep up appearances for other people but only for a short while. When that person goes, they are exhausted and the carer tends to get the flack. Mine can do it but is very tired after they've gone and galls asleep
It's not always the carer they want to be nasty with.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I did it and managed to steer it on the bus and in the wheelchair space without crashing or knocking anyone flying. Definite success but not going to do it too often. Thank you for support and confidence. Wasn't sure I was going to go. Mens shed tomorrow. He taken in the washing


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I seem to come up against problems a little harder these day. Cry easier, lose it quicker, I've had to deal with so much in the last couple of weeks, being scammed again, waiting for cards and numbers, my son splitting with partner again recurring and tells me he doesn't have the headrace for me to tell him off, neither have I to take on his problems as well. HD 3 attempts to finishing polishing hoovering until it hurts. Husband telling me to simmer down. He's giving it some. Just about lunch time and is it time for bed yet


Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
I seem to come up against problems a little harder these day. Cry easier, lose it quicker, I've had to deal with so much in the last couple of weeks, being scammed again, waiting for cards and numbers, my son splitting with partner again recurring and tells me he doesn't have the headrace for me to tell him off, neither have I to take on his problems as well. HD 3 attempts to finishing polishing hoovering until it hurts. Husband telling me to simmer down. He's giving it some. Just about lunch time and is it time for bed yet
Have you heard of the stress bottle?Basically we can function even when the bottle is full but one more drop makes it overflow- this is when it all becomes overwhelming.Try to make yourself the priority for a while.Your son is an adult and can sort out his own problems.Don’t do housework that is making you feel physically unwell,it will definitely still be there when you’re better!Take care of yourself


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Have you heard of the stress bottle?Basically we can function even when the bottle is full but one more drop makes it overflow- this is when it all becomes overwhelming.Try to make yourself the priority for a while.Your son is an adult and can sort out his own problems.Don’t do housework that is making you feel physically unwell,it will definitely still be there when you’re better!Take care of yourself
Thankyou, I cope so far then buckle. I need to care for me. My son is 38 tomorrow, it's about time he sorted himself out. He's now got the message now.y husband is calmer. I'm just tired. Thankyou I will have to look after me.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Hi @jennifer1967 - its always easier said than done, but I'll say it anyway - if you can, calm down, meditate, or do something for yourself that you have to concentrate on, as this takes your mind off everything else.

Grown up kids have to live their own lives.

Somebody once told me - about housework - "I did the dusting. Then when I wasn't there, it all came back again. Not going to get caught like that again!"


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hi @jennifer1967 - its always easier said than done, but I'll say it anyway - if you can, calm down, meditate, or do something for yourself that you have to concentrate on, as this takes your mind off everything else.

Grown up kids have to live their own lives.

Somebody once told me - about housework - "I did the dusting. Then when I wasn't there, it all came back again. Not going to get caught like that again!"
I don't do as often as I used to. Never-ending job like painting the forth bridge


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Seem to be in calmer state. Went out on my scooter and nearly got run down by a bike not looking. I had to have a break. Will be sorting things out Tuesday. Son taking husband shopping tomorrow, shed Monday so a few breaks. Didn't sleep well last night as dreamt that I was being given general anaesthetic while being awake and being aware of it all. Missed my tablets this morning. Shows how stressed I've been. Just have to keep going.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It does sound as if more is being asked if you @jennifer1967 Is there no way you can get some help?

I know you said your husband won’t hear of it but he is not the one who’s worn out and in danger of carer breakdown.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
It does sound as if more is being asked if you @jennifer1967 Is there no way you can get some help?

I know you said your husband won’t hear of it but he is not the one who’s worn out and in danger of carer breakdown.
I agree with @Grannie G. Is there any way that you can get extra help in by getting at least a home help in @jennifer1967?




Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I agree with @Grannie G. Is there any way that you can get extra help in by getting at least a home help in


Thankyou @Grannie G and @MaNaAk it would be good if I can sort the bank out on the phone but I have to go to the office. I'm missing my laptop, not being able to go out, the pain and whatever support is out there is not accessible to me, carers support any groups etc which I do explain to them all the time. I can walk but the pain is too bad when I do with nerve pain. I say it's like my leg whatever is wired up to the national grid.
I'm just having a moan. Doesn't help having to repeat myself constantly. No he won't agree and he's too aware for love lies or knowledge.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
I worry that you are doing too much.



PS: What about getting a gardener again because this could eventually lead to a home help/cleaner?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
My local AgeUK has a handyman service. They are vetted people who will come and do small jobs. One fitted an outdoor light for me.

I had to pay but they are reliable and will come for the smallest jobs regular tradesmen are unlikely to want to do.

Is there anything like this for you @jennifer1967 ?