advice please

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly @nita. There’s so much going around at the moment and babies dying, it`s hard to know what to do for the best.

Be sure to look after yourself until you are fully recovered.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
I had a sinus problem but last Saturday I became very nauseous as well and I had trouble keeping food down but I'm okay now. Do you think you caught it from someone @nita?

Probably my brother - he had pneumonia just before I did. But my symptoms were a bit different. He didn't have the coughing and choking thing though he was very breathless before he got taken into hospital. I wanted to write about this on a new thread - I had to go into hospital and leave him (I'm his carer) - fortunately he had the Reablement carers coming in 4 times a day but if it had been much longer I would have wanted him to go into respite residential care. I know I need to have an emergency plan in place.

By the way I have been nauseous with my problem too - even last night I was sick. Are you sure it is sinusitis, @MaNaAk - have you seen a doctor?


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been so poorly @nita. There’s so much going around at the moment and babies dying, it`s hard to know what to do for the best.

Be sure to look after yourself until you are fully recovered.
Thank you @Grannie G - I am doing everything so slowly and don't feel right. I think it will take me some weeks to recover.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
Probably my brother - he had pneumonia just before I did. But my symptoms were a bit different. He didn't have the coughing and choking thing though he was very breathless before he got taken into hospital. I wanted to write about this on a new thread - I had to go into hospital and leave him (I'm his carer) - fortunately he had the Reablement carers coming in 4 times a day but if it had been much longer I would have wanted him to go into respite residential care. I know I need to have an emergency plan in place.

By the way I have been nauseous with my problem too - even last night I was sick. Are you sure it is sinusitis, @MaNaAk - have you seen a doctor?
Dear Nita,

Yes and I probably wasn't looking after it properly. I tried to have a full lunch that day and I went down hill from there. At one stage my friend said I could call 111 if I was worried but it never came to that. However she must have been worried because she called back and hour later to make sure I was okay. Anyway I didn't seem to need a doctor but it might be worthwhile seeing one incase it comes back. I hope you get a good night's sleep. Do you have carers to help care for your brother?



Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
What were your symptoms @MaNaAk? I just had a cough and a lot of mucus on my chest. I did the opposite to you - I didn't eat for several weeks or at least not much - the cough made me feel nauseous - so I made myself more ill and when I went into hospital my salt levels were very low.

My brother had carers for about a month after he came out of hospital then we dispensed with them. They came too early for him to get up and wash so he is glad now to have a lie in. When we get a shower put in, I am going to get carers again to help him in there.

Otherwise what I mainly do is just the ordinary things - cooking, shopping, washing, ironing. Not cleaning any longer as I have someone to help with that! And with the garden which got a bit much for me. I also do all my brother's financial and medical affairs, arranging appointments, etc. He'd never be able to do that.

I agree - if your illness comes back I would definitely see a doctor to get the right treatment.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
do you ever get a day when you really shouldnt have got out of bed?
the first think i did was smash a glass. cleared that up and hoovered it twice to make sure freds pads dont get cut. the food was delivered early, it is hot. and nearly tripped over the coffee table. need bubble wrap i think.
positive is that my husband is looking and feeling better after 2 days of steroids. the steroids kept him awake last night. but hes not coughing hardly at all. drinking plenty. i think ive caught it early and dont like to see him struggling. womens football soon.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Dear @jennifer1967,

How are you both today? I hope you're both okay.

good morning @MaNaAk we fine, hes not gone to mens shed as he still really wasnt well yesterday. the steroids have done ttheir job. he is going to go out so i still get a break of sorts. im getting 1 morning a week at the moment with illness and bank holiday. ive asked/told him to go on thursday. im dependent on him to wanting to go.


New member
May 12, 2024
My husband also has vascular dementia and has been angry and abusive in the past. He is on mirtazapine now which is a antidepressant and seems to help. I think things got better when I faced him with the facts:-he could live with me and I would look after him if his behaviour was acceptable or he could go into a home and be cared for by strangers. I'm not sure if this is 'pc' but his behaviour wasn't pc either.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
My husband also has vascular dementia and has been angry and abusive in the past. He is on mirtazapine now which is a antidepressant and seems to help. I think things got better when I faced him with the facts:-he could live with me and I would look after him if his behaviour was acceptable or he could go into a home and be cared for by strangers. I'm not sure if this is 'pc' but his behaviour wasn't pc either.
well done, i think sometimes they need a bit of a shock to see what they are doing. he has been on memantine for more than 2 years and it has worked to calm him down. yes he still has his moments and can still make me cry on occasions but seems to realize easier. i dont suppose it matters which method is used[other than abuse obviously] to make things better for both of you. he probably didnt like being nasty to you.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i just thought i would update about the dentist for housebound. just phone the specialist dental service and 1. you have to have a referral from a health professional and they will only come to the home if a person is bedbound and never gets out of bed. not as the dental service at 111 have been saying. they would expect you to get patient transport and a wheelchair. they do have a hoist and a reclining wheelchair.
thats southern health so i dont know if other areas are the same.


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
That's good to know @jennifer1967 .
In my area I've been told that there is no dentist, NHS or private, that will come to a home to a patient with dementia. It is quite likely that my OH would not be able to follow instructions, and thus, my OH would have to be taken to hospital - hoist, reclining wheelchair, hospital transport or ambulance, and have any work done under sedation. Thus, likely only for an emergency.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
this thread has been well used this week. life has become more difficult. my gum is very painful and im going to have to venture into the dentist again. its a partially erupted wisdom tooth.
then i discovered i had been scammed again with 2 phone calls saying they were from the bank but when i phoned up the bank, they werent. they have cancelled my app and i dont seem to be able to set it up again so need to speak to the bank. we are waiting for new cards to come now.
at least himself is better and going to the shed. i should make the phonecalls whilst hes away but im going to put some music on to wind down before having to wind myself up.
lately it seems that is one thing after another. i felt like staying in bed this morning but that wont help either. hes been asking and ive tried to explain but even hr admits he doesnt understand either so lost cause.
can i just have the easy life and someone get one thing sorted? i know thatsa pipe dream.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
thank you for your replies and support which i could do with at the moment. im usually so sorted but its just one thing after another and as much as he wants to, he cant understand much less solve it. he said last night, i will go and make you a cup of tea to make you feel better. just that simple gesture helped.
got the music up high which will help.