advice please

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Toothache is the worst pain. I hope you get it sorted @jennifer1967.

I took drastic action after suffering gum infections and abscesses and now wear dentures. Apart from dreading to be seen without them, it is the best decision I made. No more pain, I can brush my gums as hard as I want and no more dental fees.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Toothache is the worst pain. I hope you get it sorted @jennifer1967.

I took drastic action after suffering gum infections and abscesses and now wear dentures. Apart from dreading to be seen without them, it is the best decision I made. No more pain, I can brush my gums as hard as I want and no more dental fees.
im nearly there, have 2 and a bit left. they seemed to crumble and were taken out one by one. this one hasnt come down yet, just the gums are so swollen and throbbing with a gap for the tooth to come through.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
went to the dentist and have anti-bios for an abscess. very nice and swollen. another shock to the system and it was so cold. he left the chair where it was. didnt have to wait very long. so just got to wait for them to kick in. i have the number for the home dental team to call if needed. my d-i-l came in and waited with me.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Did the dentist recommend you to take a double dose to start you off @jennifer1967 ? I was always allowed that in the past.

Great sympathy. There’s little worse than a gum abscess.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Did the dentist recommend you to take a double dose to start you off @jennifer1967 ? I was always allowed that in the past.

Great sympathy. There’s little worse than a gum abscess.
no every 8 hours and the pharmacist emphasized not allowed to drink so the party is off!!! :) :) i dont drink any way but its the way my son told me that made me smile. at least now i have hope to get better that i didnt have yesterday.