advice please


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Absolutely giants the both of you @jennifer1967, I'm totally tuckered out with just the extra Christmas doings! Hmm - we always seem to find the energy from somewhere though, hoping things ease a little for you though come the next few days :)
thank you. im sat on my own watching the sound of music. hes up in bed not feeling well and lifeless. has had a cold coming but i will keep an eye on him. maybe he just needs so rest and peace.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
I would like some advice about Covid jabs or some such - everything I have read tells me I have nothing to worry about but since last Wednesday when my husband had his he seems to be a different person. He talks rubbish all day about all these things in the bedroom - most I can't understand because he doesn't open his mouth to speak then during the night he starts again with the chatter, singing and talking rubbish but it is in his usual voice. I don't really understand this. Has anybody else had this?
Plus he has now decided he is not going to stand up so I can put his night pad on - what a battle we have now.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I would like some advice about Covid jabs or some such - everything I have read tells me I have nothing to worry about but since last Wednesday when my husband had his he seems to be a different person. He talks rubbish all day about all these things in the bedroom - most I can't understand because he doesn't open his mouth to speak then during the night he starts again with the chatter, singing and talking rubbish but it is in his usual voice. I don't really understand this. Has anybody else had this?
my husband had his and other than a sore arm he was fine. i had mine last monday and although i didnt feel well and sore arm and i nothing either.
im wondering if he has an uti that was brewing about the same time as the jab so may look like he has a reaction. maybe worth speaking to doctor or 111 just in case its something more serious.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Both OH and I have had covid jabs and no side effects at all
I must say that I too thought it sounded like a UTI - OH always gets more confused and loses his mobility whenever he gets one. Id be inclined to phone 111


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
He has been fine re the jab but the silly talk is not usual all day, sometimes an hour or 2 - he had a UTI a few weeks ago and this is not the same. His carer took a water sample last week and nothing. He speaks quite strange during the day but his night time one is normal - this is what I don' t understand.
When he speaks to me during the day he speaks through his very good teeth clamped together and the sound is awful and I ask him to repeat and it is no better. When I listen during the night to his rambling it is his "normal" voice which is what I don't understand.
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Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
my husband had his and other than a sore arm he was fine. i had mine last monday and although i didnt feel well and sore arm and i nothing either.
im wondering if he has an uti that was brewing about the same time as the jab so may look like he has a reaction. maybe worth speaking to doctor or 111 just in case its something more serious.
It might put your mind at rest if you were to call them @jennifer1967. I remember dad reacting to the flu jab



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
It might put your mind at rest if you were to call them @jennifer1967. I remember dad reacting to the flu jab

i was replying to another post about their husband and the covid jab. my husband had his weeks ago and flu jab. he is always fine. i had my last week and did feel off but fine now. flu jab to look forward to this thursday. i find that one more painful.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
i have done well. he bought me 5 pieces of jewellery. 2 pairs of earrings and 2 chains. an eternity ring. along with other things i chose. well and truly spoilt!!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
he goes back to mens shed tomorrow. thank goodness for that. i had him home for 3 weeks so it will be good for him to see his friends and i get some music on. im going to start knitting again as well. the rain has finally stopped as well and quite a nice day if it wasnt so cold. im playing the delight down a bit as he thinks im trying to get rid of him. where he got that idea from, i dont know :) :)🤪.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
didnt sleep well last night and woke up with toothache. i have a wisdom tooth that has broken the skin but not actually come through. the gum is swollen and painful obviously infected. phoned 111 and my oldest son is taking me as thats the only way im going to get treatment. i then have to phone special care who do dentists at home. not feeling good. the lady on the phone got me. i said that it has gone to my jaw and hard to open my mouth to eat. her reply was that im obviously talking so am opening my mouth!! true but there are better ways to phrase these things.
i havent been out without my scooter for 3 years so really anxious about it. why is it such a problem that people dont believe i dont go out because of the pain im going to get doing it. at least my tooth will be treated.

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