A life in the day of.........................

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Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Dear Sylvia, I hope Dhiren recovers rapidly. It is good that the home jumped on things right away, instead of waiting.

My love to both of you.


Registered User
I'm sorry to hear Dhiren is unwell Sylvia. I hope the AB's kick in quickly.

I can see why you have such trust in the care the home provides - it does help knowing they care enough to spot changes and act quickly.


Registered User
Hello Grannie G, I really hope the ABs are working and that some improvement can be seen quickly, for you both. Best wishes. x


Registered User
A day in the life of ......

Hi Sylvia, sorry to hear Dhiren has another chest infection and do hope the AB's kick in rapidly. Love and hugs to you both.

June x


Registered User
Dear Sylvia,

So sorry to see that Dhiren has another chest infection, but pleased to see how quickly the care home picked up on it. I hope he begins to feel much better soon.

Do you mind my asking - were you able to keep your same GP when Dhiren entered the care home? Or did you have to switch to another more local to the home?

Love, Nan XXX


Registered User
Dear Sylvia

Very sorry to read about Dhiren's chest infection and I do hope the ABs do their work and he makes a quick recovery.

It does sound an excellent care home, and you have such a good rapport with management and owners which makes such a diference .Excellent that the Deputy Manager gratefully accepted a copy of Compassionate Communication.

Loo xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Hello Nan

Do you mind my asking - were you able to keep your same GP when Dhiren entered the care home? Or did you have to switch to another more local to the home?

Dhiren has a new GP who is GP to all residents in the home. I made an appointment to see him at his surgery, to introduce myself and tell him I would like to be consulted about any important issues.

He agreed there would be no intervention other than to relieve pain and discomfort and if Dhiren did need to attend any clinic it would be by ambulance rather than wheelchair taxi.

I was able to explain Dhiren is now afraid of going out even into the garden of the home and we should do everything possible to accommodate his fears.

It really helped me to meet this new GP and I think it was good for him too. At least he knows me now and I know he is a GP who cares.


Registered User
Sorry to hear about Dhiren, but glad that he has been started on the ABs. With the best will in the world, it is difficult to keep the bugs away at this time of year.:( Hope the ABs take effect very soon. x


Registered User
Am sorry to hear your Dhiren has another chest infection,
its good to hear the staff acted quickly calling the gp out.

I do hope the Antibiotics work fast and Dhiren recovers swiftly, its so worrying when illness strikes

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Thankyou Folks.

You are all so kind.

Quote Deborah
With the best will in the world, it is difficult to keep the bugs away at this time of year.
I told the owner how impressed I was no one had suffered much this winter. Everyone had flu jabs but most carers are parents of young children who are bringing coughs and colds from school.
Dhiren`s infection doesn`t seem too bad and hopefully has been nipped in the bud. He seems comfortable enough , just more confused.

Winnie Kjaer

Account Closed
Hello Sylvia, Just dropped in to share a bit of music with you all on another thread and obviously just had to check your thread.

I am really sorry to learn Dhiren has another chest infection. They are so nasty but thankfully the ABs seem to take care of them quite quickly. Hope so in Dhiren's case.
My husband suffers such a lot with them, but half the time the doctor says the infection is not on the chest but in the tract. He has so much phlemn all the time that he chokes a lot even when he is just sitting quietly. Much worse when he attempts to eat. He is on all the various medication for the condition but nothing seems to do the trick. Just part of the strokes they tell us.

It is always a joy to read your thread even though I do not manage to keep up with it all and you are such an inspitation to so many of us. Hope you are now well again yourself.

Take care
Love X


Registered User
Sylvia, hi
I hope that Dhiren's infection has been nipped in the bud and he is feeling better. How reassuring that the staff are so proactive.
Take good care of yourself, I hope your skin problems are a thing of the past and all better now.
with kind regards from Jo

sad nell

Registered User
Sylvia. hope the meds are working their magic and Dirhen is more comfortable today. the homes speed at dealing with this is wonderful. Trev did get Chest infections in respite, think he was not used to the hot , dry atmosphere.Hope you tooth socket has healed well and you have enjoyed todays sunshine. our love to you and Dirhen.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Hello Jo
My skin problems are better now with just an occasional itch to remind me. I just hope it doesn`t return with a vengeance in the summer.

Hello Pam
My tooth socket healed really well thanks. I have changed my mind about the dentist who inwardly I called fit to burn. I apologized inwardly too.
Hope............you have enjoyed todays sunshine
What sunshine? It`s been cloudy, dull and dismal all day. :rolleyes:


Registered User
Hello Sylvia,

Sorry to hear about Dhiren's chest infection..hope it clears quickly with the antibiotics.

Glad to hear that your gum and skin problems are on the mend.

Love xx
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