A life in the day of.........................

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Registered User
Feb 11, 2010
I'm sorry Dhiren is feeling low, Sylvia. You know him and your 'vibes' are probably right that he's putting on a brave face but feeling a little 'down.' ABs do that to me, too. I'm pretty sure Dhiren has had these 'off' days before and, if my memory serves me well, he usually comes back up again in a few days. It's unsettling for you, though, isn't it?

I hope he's much better next time you see him and I hope you don't worry too much in the meantime.

You and I are so fortunate-we both have homes where the staff are genuinely caring and they contact us if they are at all concerned about our loved ones. He's in safe hands.

Thinking of you.



Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
This might not be it, but I do find that antibiotics always leave me with a bit of an upset tummy after a course of them. Not painful or anything just "not right". I do try to remember to take acidophilus since I find that helps but I don't always remember :eek:.


Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
I'm sorry Dhiren is still not well. I think you have to have the courage of your convictions - you know he's not right, and you know him best. If you're at all concerned I would ask for the GP to re-visit.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2009
Dear Sylvia
I remember your post from last week, my dad also came down with a chest infection & was put on AB’s about the same time as Dhiren. We must be running in parallel. After initially thinking dad had improved it seems he’s slumped a bit again and in fact the GP has now put him on a 2nd course of AB’s as didn’t think the infection had entirely cleared up. Mum and I are finding visiting at present really upsetting as dad seems much more tired and lifeless than previously, his legs have also become weak and is currently often needing two people either side to assist him to walk. Because so many people have been down with things at the home, incl. now the manager, am just holding onto the hope it’s something not unique to him and that he’ll pick up soon. As you say it's a waiting game but feel it could be a combination of the infection plus the AB’s (which have their own side effects) that are causing present symptoms. Really hope Dhiren improves soon, recovery time from these things can be much longer than we at first think. All good wishes, Px


Registered User
Mar 27, 2009
Hi Sylvia,
One of the things about antibiotics is they cannot discriminate between the good bugs and the bad ones so consequently they get rid of the lot. It then takes the body some time to replenish the good bugs that we need for our bodies to function properly. When I lived in South Africa it was common for GP's there to prescribe a drug called Interflora (yes that really was it's name) when prescribing antibiotics. It put back the good stuff that the antibiotic took out. I would imagine that it is a cost factor here.
Hope Dhiren picks up soon.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thank you for all for your support. I wasn`t going to reply until after my visit this afternoon but you are all so considerate.

Thank you Terry. Lovely to see you here. :)

I`ll pop in to H&B before I visit to see if they have anything to recommend.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Panic over.

Dhiren saw me before I saw him , his smile was ready and it was genuine. He looked so much better.

He felt my relief and that pleased him too. He understood when I told him how worried I`d been about him.

He enjoyed a beautiful pear and a tub of ice cream.

He spoke Bengali to me and grinned when i told him I couldn`t understand. Sadly he was unable to translate because by then he`d forgotten what he had wanted to say.

It wasn`t important. :)

Many thanks, Tina, winda and Izzy.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
That's excellent news Sylvia! You must be so relieved.

Can I be a bit cheeky!? How do you pronounce Dhiren's name? I have a pronunciation in my head but I bet it's all wrong. I've thought for a while I'd like to know I was hearing the correct name in my head! xx


Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
I think Dhiren is pronounced di-ren, but Sylvia will correct me if I'm wrong
Well the other Dhiren I know of is pronounced that way Sue.

I'm so pleased that Dhiren was so much brighter Sylvia. I'm sure thta makes you feel much better. XXX
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