A life in the day of.........................

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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts.

Dhiren isn`t too bad but still in pyjamas and chesty. He only ate a few spoonfuls of lunch but did finish the fruit jelly and ice cream. He is on a different antibiotic, a capsule he has to take once a day. It`s difficult for him to swallow it but the home managed to get it down him this morning.

The lady he sits next to is also on antibiotics. She has a hacking cough. The home is ripe for cross infection but there is little I can do about it. Residents sit in close proximity, touch each others` things, leave tissues about the place even though they are quickly removed by staff and of course it`s kept warmer than average.

While I was feeding him his lunch, he suddenly screwed both eyes tightly and if in pain and they watered. He wasn`t crying, the grimace on his face showed he was in pain. One of the carers called a senior carer over and we both sat and observed him. The carer suggested we call the doctor. I wiped his eyes very gently and he shouted at me as if I`d been really clumsy and hurt him.
The carer wondered if he had poked himself in the eye. She said he does it occasionally. It`s something I haven`t seen him do but thinking about it, he does rub his eyes quite a lot and perhaps his loss of spatial awareness and poor coordination causes him to miss his target.

It passed, his expression calmed and he said it didn`t hurt and he didn`t need a doctor so the carer said they would keep him under observation. My first thought was conjunctivitis but as Dhiren has red eyes anyway it`s difficult to know.

Anyway he slept and seemed comfortable so all`s well for now.


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
I'm pleased that Dhiren seems comfortable now, I suffer from sore eyes when I am woken during the night and it can be very uncomfortable and hurts for a few minutes,

Jeany xx


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
It seems as though the pain will never go but my eyes water and then it goes in a surprisingly short time and they are left just a bit red and watery,

Canadian Joanne

Registered User
Apr 8, 2005
Toronto, Canada
My mother's eyes were often red. The doctor said her eyes were getting dry and ordered drops for her. Her eyes are much better now. I also suffer from dry eyes and put in over-the-counter drops every morning. I occasionally use the drops in the evening & have them at work and in my handbag, just in case. It's amazing how much more comfortable my eyes are now.


Registered User
Oct 17, 2011
I hope Dhiren is a little better when you see him tomorrow Sylvia.

I also suffer from dry eyes and have used eye drops for years. Without the eye drops my eyes can sometimes look quite red and they can feel quite sore and scratchy.
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Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thanks again Folk. There is always new information from TP members and it`s so helpful.

I`m seeing Dhiren`s GP on 30th of this month about the change in his condition. I will ask about his eyes and possible drops.


Volunteer Host
Nov 6, 2008
In the mean time would artificial tears, available from a pharmacy help?

Tom has used them in past, I hope the new antibiotics kick in soon

Helen x


Registered User
Oct 17, 2011
Even though I have dry eyes (diagnosed by an eye specialist), they have, in the past, sometimes been weepy. Strange.

I was prescribed artificial tear drops which I got on prescription, although for years it was cheaper to buy them over the counter.

Of course there could be other explanations for Dhiren's sore eyes. You are wise to get advice from a doctor, although I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm to try artificial tear drops meanwhile. I have always used Hypromellose as it is the cheapest.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Thanks Kassy. It looks as if I`ll have to take this seriously.

I`m unable to visit today but I`ll phone before Tai Chi and ask about Dhiren`s eyes. :eek:
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