Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hi @sdmhred
After the experience my mum had in hospital (end of 2020), I wouldn't like her to go back - she wasn't treated very well.
I've just done a Google search for 'hospital at home' and that looks promising for PWD.

Last week my mum had an outpatient appointment (first one since covid - had been by telephone for past two yrs) with endocrine nurse. It would have been a quick in and out job, I tried to gently persuade her but she wasn't having it. Anyway, the specialist nurse was very understanding, and we've gone back to phone appointments again, with blood tests at her GP surgery.

I hope your mum's feeling well soon.
I hear you @sdmhred. My mum suffers with gallbladder problems, a GA would be problematic for obvious reasons. She had a crisis event prior to Christmas, I won't go into details but from diagnosis to discharge wow... I was not a happy bunny! It was only through my interventions and mum's determination we managed to get her home. It helps as you've mentioned to have understanding professionals who can accommodate but this isn't always the case. I understand why mum does not like hospitals or doctors, you can have a shiny new building but the staff and work practices remain the same.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thanks guys. I do feel a bit wobbly about keeping her home but it is her wish too. Her last admission was 2021 and ended up being 5 weeks where mobility deteriorated, she had delirium & got hospital acquired pneumonia. In the end she was diagnosed autoimmune disease which could have been diagnosed and treated without admission!

im so aware that at her late mid stage an admission may well tip her into the next stage 😢😢


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Warning about hospital stays:
My OH's stay in hospital following a fall was not a success, to put it mildly!
She perceived the hospital floor tiles in the ward - blue/green plastic tiles - as water and thought she would be unsafe if she got up into water. She, therefore, wouldn't get up and stayed in bed. Staying in bed then changed her "wouldn't" get up to couldn't get up because of wastage of muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. and she's been bedbound ever since - now about 10 months ago! (Double damn.)


Registered User
Aug 11, 2021
Fully understand your decision @sdmhred. Hospitals are not good for dementia sufferers. Our local hospital prides itself on being dementia friendly. Well when my husband was an ‘inmate’ I didn’t see any evidence of this at all.

My Sister in laws experience of hospital at home with her father who has Parkinsons has been excellent. Hoping you enjoy a similar experience and that things improve.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Thank you @GillP

Our first experience has been good. The nurse arrived when they said, was v pleasant, took her blood and gave her a good set of observations. Pleased I stood my ground yesterday.

Definately worth asking about these teams for us all I think.

I hope everyone has reasonable days considering our varied situations And circumstances xx


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Thank you @GillP

Our first experience has been good. The nurse arrived when they said, was v pleasant, took her blood and gave her a good set of observations. Pleased I stood my ground yesterday.

Definately worth asking about these teams for us all I think.

I hope everyone has reasonable days considering our varied situations And circumstances xx
I'm so happy for you and your mum @sdmhred :)You made a well thought out choice in difficult circumstances. Hope things now take a more positive turn for you both.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well mum woke up to me watching Hellraiser II after finishing her late morning nap, I was all ready to turn it over but she stopped me from doing so!! Truth 😇 I usually watch such classics piecemeal over several weeks but not today... Trade off? Mum expects running commentary, never heard her laugh so hard though! Early lunch as it's Sunday, unexpected treat for her, a meager portion of thinly sliced roast beef with roast potatoes and a thick, salty gravy. Very naughty I know but much deserved after tolerating a chicken/fish only diet for an extended period. I think she was expecting her usual chicken breast fillet sandwiches, you should have seen the look of excited enthusiasm on her face :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Meal finished off quick smart, cigarette time with cup of tea to follow. Now is there anything decent on the box? Please, please, please no more Hotel Transylvania 🙏


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Goodness - don't know how I missed all the book-chat! I think I may have read every author you mentioned (and others) @Eddcorner !

For sci-fi fans I'd like to suggest Larry Niven (Ringworld, the Mote in God's Eye, etc) and the best fantasy I've read, probably ever, would be Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of The Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. Eagerly awaiting book 3... Also worthy of mention is Michael J Sullivan - Theft of Swords, etc.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Gonna be dead busy for the next two weeks on top of the existing busy... Mostly all fun! Need to do something different though afterwards, mum has a dislike for anything 'dementia oriented' so will be mainstreaming. Tally ho!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Goodness - don't know how I missed all the book-chat! I think I may have read every author you mentioned (and others) @Eddcorner !

For sci-fi fans I'd like to suggest Larry Niven (Ringworld, the Mote in God's Eye, etc) and the best fantasy I've read, probably ever, would be Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of The Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. Eagerly awaiting book 3... Also worthy of mention is Michael J Sullivan - Theft of Swords, etc.
Always eager for new material @Jaded'n'faded, especially a book series. Larry Niven does ring a bell, will review my own library and dig around a bit ;) Another sci-fi fan eh? Feel free to chip in with any further recommendations!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Goodness - don't know how I missed all the book-chat! I think I may have read every author you mentioned (and others) @Eddcorner !

For sci-fi fans I'd like to suggest Larry Niven (Ringworld, the Mote in God's Eye, etc) and the best fantasy I've read, probably ever, would be Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of The Wind and The Wise Man's Fear. Eagerly awaiting book 3... Also worthy of mention is Michael J Sullivan - Theft of Swords, etc.
Larry Niven!! Now I remember... 'Footfall' (1985). Excellent :)


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Yes indeed - after Lucifer's Hammer. I do love a good End of the World story. Another you might like is The White Plague by Frank Herbert, him of Dune fame. Brilliant story :)
Bar 'The Road' with Viggo Mortensen, could only watch it the once for some reason - just pulled at me a little bit which is rare. 'The Rats' trilogy by James Herbert, 'Domain' being the stand out volume of the three, he's a little bit obsessed with intimacy (putting it politely) but a great read nonetheless ;)

Christopher Stasheff's 'Warlock' series and 'The Stainless Steel Rat' books by Harry Harrison are works of brilliance too. Hmm, 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress' by Heinlein also springs to mind and another good option... Oops there I go again! So many books haha 😄


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
You know I mentioned about being busy at the weekend? Well I've just realised that my rate of 'busy' has probs doubled this past couple of months, crept up on me I guess. Hard to quantify it as such - everything takes a little bit more effort and support to keep mum at her existing level; activities are the main area, finding stuff that she is willing to engage in. Having good success with recent purchases but having to become increasingly creative in planning, eventual design and delivery. Already looking at new stuff haha ;) Keeps me on the move my mum 💚


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Slogging through Ice Age animation films with mum... again ;) watch one gotta watch them all eh? Been yo-yo-ing most of the evening, up and down proper work out as mum in a distracted mood. Moderate success with drawing, even bigger success though with an exercise in problem solving/manipulating objects earlier today. I call that a win!!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Slogging through Ice Age animation films with mum... again ;) watch one gotta watch them all eh? Been yo-yo-ing most of the evening, up and down proper work out as mum in a distracted mood. Moderate success with drawing, even bigger success though with an exercise in problem solving/manipulating objects earlier today. I call that a win!!
shrek is better


New member
May 9, 2023
love reading all these posts. lightens up what is usually sad situation. its interesting how most of us are wives of the PWA. we are more comfortable sharing our feelings. i've recently joined a knitting circle. only because a friend of mine didn't want to go alone. and I have found that these few hours away from the routine are very beneficial to me! I wouldn't have gone for myself you see? I make him a sandwich, lock the doors and he's fine for a few hours. so far so good