Dear Diary!


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Hi @Eddcorner
Cinema - no they do violent films, as they don't think they're dementia friendly.
Dentist - how did you get a dentist to house call? I don't think my OH would be able to properly engage with instructions such as keep your mouth open etc. I'll have ago at trying to find a dentist that does home visits, but reaction may be just another strange young person trying to tell her what to do, against which, her first reaction will be to resist. Post how you get on, please.
Yes my mum's tastes vary between the extremes of Hotel Transylvania to the Walking Dead/Horror-type movies, she insisted on watching Hellraiser II with me the other day... Mum has never laughed so hard! I take the person centred approach haha, mum doesn't easily fit into the 'normal' dementia stereotypes ;)

Got a referral from our community team who have an attached dentist, I thought there was no way mum would cooperate when they came but she opened her mouth no problems. It helped that the dentist was a mature female I reckon, she even had a filling on the last visit! Multiple home appointments with no issues, fingers crossed for a similar outcome but will feedback nonetheless @Chizz.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh managed to arrange covid boosters for me and mum next week (home visit), reminded them I expect them to wear gloves, masks and apron on attending. Last time I had to ask 'staff' to return to car and get the necessaries, visibly taken aback by my request! 'Extremely clinically vulnerable' didn't seem to register; unsurprisingly this service had been contracted out. Ah well at least it will be sorted, dentist is to visit the following day, next on list? Opticians 👓
I’ve taken to greeting clinicians at the door with a mask in hand and give it to them - with a ‘we’re still being careful’. Most are fine - but I did get a stroppy refusal with a ‘we don’t have to anymore’ once. I’m a bit frustrated that I’m not eligible - I will be the one who gives it to mum.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
I’ve taken to greeting clinicians at the door with a mask in hand and give it to them - with a ‘we’re still being careful’. Most are fine - but I did get a stroppy refusal with a ‘we don’t have to anymore’ once. I’m a bit frustrated that I’m not eligible - I will be the one who gives it to mum.
What a load of rot :/ Totally unacceptable in my book, they didn't even have ID when they turned up on our doorstep! I take particular umbrage having worked as a clinician myself, it's basic stuff. Yes I've had problems with eligibility too, I've really had to push in the past - if I get covid who then looks after mum as well as an increased risk of infection to her? It's not been such an issue this time round as I was informed I was also on the list... pot luck methinks and a total nonsense.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
im having problems booking my husbands covid booster.
They won't visit you both at home? I'll keep my fingers crossed that they will accommodate yourselves, you should be eligible for a home based appointment. Different areas, different approaches sadly :(


Registered User
Jan 10, 2023
Yes, v silly.
My OH is clinically vulnerable and over 75 and we've been told that she's on the list for a home visit (in due course, no doubt). What about me? They say, you're not bedbound, so make your own arrangements!


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
They won't visit you both at home? I'll keep my fingers crossed that they will accommodate yourselves, you should be eligible for a home based appointment. Different areas, different approaches sadly :(
actually, they dont do his at home as he can go out. my oldest son normally takes in but theres no where to take him at the moment. im housebound so they do all mine at home but at 56 im not entitled to a booster.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
actually, they dont do his at home as he can go out. my oldest son normally takes in but theres no where to take him at the moment. im housebound so they do all mine at home but at 56 im not entitled to a booster.
It's must be so frustrating for you, I'm 52 and am receiving the booster whilst mum gets hers. I can only assume it varies from area to area which is wrong, you would think a uniform approach would be the norm. Bonkers in my book and putting the most vulnerable at risk.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Yes, v silly.
My OH is clinically vulnerable and over 75 and we've been told that she's on the list for a home visit (in due course, no doubt). What about me? They say, you're not bedbound, so make your own arrangements!
And they wonder why carers feel sidelined! I fail to understand their supposed logic in not adopting what would be a much easier pathway for all parties.


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well sun and warmth followed by heavy rain and thunder, glad we didn't travel forth as there was a scheduled visit by sister midafternoon today. Mum now clocked off for an hour so taking a breath with feet up. Sister remarked upon mum's progress, cognitively sharp and much more aware; gave lowdown on new raft of activities and sustained level of engagement with support. Mum does have a routine which is literally by the clock, almost to the minute. I think I've learnt that catering to your loved one's needs becomes an art form in itself, what I do is an automatic response - anticipating need without compromising choice on a subconscious level. I was feeding back to my sister about all the ins and outs of what we do... so much information to convey, you don't realise the enormity of it all until you try and put it into words. As carers we don't measure what we do, we just do, we don't seek plaudits or a pat on the back - it's mum's bravery in the face of such adversity that deserves acclamation, just thought I'd say. So now? Time for a ciggie haha 😄


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
Well mum up and about, cod fillets are a cooking and busy again now until 11.30pm. Please, please, please let there be something decent on the box. Need inspiration methinks ;)


Registered User
Oct 12, 2022
Just had a quick look, @Eddcorner and the main event on tonight's schedule seems to be the Eurovision 2nd semi final - I'd rather sit on a spike, myself, but there you go. 🇪🇺😵


Registered User
Aug 27, 2020
If Freeview

You can set region top right.
We have sky but no household Internet, just phone and tablet geared up as we were getting ripped off... it has to be telly only with no on demand services sigh...


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
We‘ve literally just sat down to mum’s favourit hunk Michael Portillo in Singapore 🤣🤣 Shes always happy to co-operate for washing if he follows! I should write and tell him 🤣🤣🤣 I imagine he scores even lower than Eurovision!

Im pretty zonked as she has a mild infection which seems to be leading to an hour of hyper before bed 😴😴 last night was mildly hilarious - she was hosting me (well not me)…realised there was no spare bedroom and then said u can sleep in Rachel’s room - if u don’t mind she hasn’t tidied up 🤣🤣 put me right in my place!

so I will now scroll to find something on Netflix and just put it on - I’m afraid @Eddcorner your mum gets a higher grade of entertainment than mine!

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