

Registered User
May 19, 2015
Today started with our next-door neighbour's radio alarm going off at 5:00 am. This was after a restless night with an arthritic knee, a pulled lower back muscle and an OH waking me up with his snoring from time to time. Not a good foundation for the: "That's it! We need to be out of here in the next couple of weeks.' Where does he want to go? 'Back to Britain.' Where are we now? 'You know where we are!' But I don't know where he thinks he is and he won't tell me. Of course, he doesn't have Alzheimer's - that's just something I've convinced the medics about.

The result of all of this? Me collapsing into body shaking sobs, followed by him asking if I want him to leave him, get a place to live elsewhere and let me get on with my life. I don't! I want what can't happen ...I want my life back. I want some time on my own from time to time rather than either being at work or with him all the time. I want to go to see my family 200 miles away (he won't go there). We've never lived in each other's pockets before and I want my freedom. I want to be able to go for walks and bike rides with him, but he can't walk well (claudication) and his balance is such that he'd be unsafe on his bike.

Yes, like everybody else on here, I want a cure for this awful disease. Meanwhile, I think I need a decent night's sleep.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
A lot of us have been there, the first 10 years are the worst, after that you just kind of get used to it. Stay strong and remember you're never alone on here. K


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Oh @Grable that sounds like a perfect storm of problems. Do you have any help coming in? A bit of respite might make things a bit better. Also can you have separate bedrooms or would that confuse your husband? That might solve a little of the disturbed night problems as would ear plugs. Also can you go to the doctors and see if there are any painkillers for the knee and the back.