advice please


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Crossed posts @jennifer1967 I am so pleased that they called back so quickly and it was good they they could hear him coughing, hopefully the steroids will work quickly.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hopefully the steroids will kick in quick Jennifer. I remember a previous time you said they helped him.

I’ve always been impressed with 111.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Hopefully the steroids will kick in quick Jennifer. I remember a previous time you said they helped him.

I’ve always been impressed with 111.
thank you yes they do work and i should have given them to him quicker but ive not got a medical degree so just have to rely on my experience of him.

Melles Belles

Registered User
Jul 4, 2017
South east
@jennifer1967 sorryto hear that you’ve both been I’ll.
I hope the steroids start working quickly and that your husband is well enough to go back to his Men’s Shed soon ( and that you get some time to yourself)


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
hes brighter today although the cough is still annoying him. hopefully with steroids and anti-bios, he should start feeling better. he just cant cough to clear the chest so this should loosen it.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
hes a lot better. still got the cough but got his cheek back. i changed his chair cover and left the control on his seat. he sat down not looking and wondered why his chair was lifting him up.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How elevating!


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
no i put the clean cover on so didnt sit on the controls. raining again. have a yellow warning for rain. not sure if hes going to the shed monday, hes still got an awful cough.
It's sunny here but it was awful yesterday evening and this morning.



Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
It's sunny here but it was awful yesterday evening and this morning.

its just heavy showers but cant go out and im saying good morning and goodnight to the walls. i have so many jobs to do but cant be bothered.
hes just said he probably wont go on monday[great!!!!] ive been spoilt that he has been going twice a week for about 2 years. i know others dont get that luxury.


Registered User
May 25, 2020
i think thats half the problem, they dont see him when he is like this as hes very good at acting like dad and they look at me as all have to do is tell him to stop
I don’t want to appear to be wicked , so forgive me please if it’s too wrong . Maybe my suggestion would be against all kinds of codes of conduct, but could you put your phone on to record when he is ranting and raving at you ? Any official person who is involved in this work should be aware of the hosting behaviours . My dear Mum was often unkind to me with words but was never physically cruel. If he was not ill , would you put up with what he does ? The thing is it is still happening to you , hurting you physically and mentally. Meanwhile, as with my mum , my heart goes out to him having to live with this awful illness.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
I don’t want to appear to be wicked , so forgive me please if it’s too wrong . Maybe my suggestion would be against all kinds of codes of conduct, but could you put your phone on to record when he is ranting and raving at you ? Any official person who is involved in this work should be aware of the hosting behaviours . My dear Mum was often unkind to me with words but was never physically cruel. If he was not ill , would you put up with what he does ? The thing is it is still happening to you , hurting you physically and mentally. Meanwhile, as with my mum , my heart goes out to him having to live with this awful illness.
hes been on memantine for about 2 years now which has really calmed him down. he has his moments but usually quite cheerful and calm. i have lost count of the amount of care people, medics ss that ive had to explain host mode, i would be very rich. ive also had to explain the difference of vascular dementia to alzheimers to the same individuals. its not presented as memory necessarily but logic and reason. its like i talk a different language. at the moment, hes not very well so hasnt gone to mens shed twice a week and its been raining so i cant take out my mobility scooter for a break. thats what ive missed in the last 2 weeks.