What is a good night’s sleep?


New member
Jan 18, 2023
5.15 am Good morning, has anyone any ideas for helping a husband who is turning day into night and vice versa?
For over a year the number of quiet nights are being overtaken by nights of repeated wakefulness, wandering, lights on, getting dressed. Wanting to go home sometimes. And obviously keeping me awake for hours. Night shift, as well as day shift. I am shattered and have developed painful sciatica And neuralgia. I am sole carer 24/7. I take him to several activities which he loves. A family member gives me a 3 hour break once a week.
My husband has Alzheimer’s dementia, he is physically quite fit but cognition declining every day…and night! We are both late seventies. He is on Memantine and Melatonin.
My empathy goes out to all carers of loved ones with dementia...and it’s victims.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @ISAIH.

I'm sorry to hear about yur husband's sleep issues. My husband passed away some years ago now but I do remember what it was like trying to deal with this.

It sounds as if you don't have any outside support from carers for your husband. If that's the case it might be an idea to get a care needs assessment done.

It also sounds as if your husband may be sundowning -

I'd ask the GP to review your husband's situation.