

Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well been up since 4.00 a.m. OH in agony, crying, and he’s good with pain, begging me to take him to the hospital. Ring 111, half an hour later after me, and then him, answering lots of the same questions 3 times to different people we get passed to, - a health professional will call you within 2 hours!!! At this point he says to me “we’ll deal with our ourselves”. I decide increase in pain due to fact he hadn’t yet passed proper stools since Wednesday morning. So an hour spent going from toilet, to sitz bath, to proper bath to shower, a suppository (refused yesterday), a glass of constipation relief sachet my daughter had dropped round (also refused yesterday), repeat circle; we have success on the Pooh front accompanied by a fair amount of blood but all bright red. He’s now asleep, sheet changed, 2nd lot of washing on, pain while still extensive within his level of coping with. Plan is to ring GP’s at 8.15 and get appointment for them to check his wound, some more pain killers and some more antibiotics as the wounds still open. 🤞

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
You poor things. I really feel for both of you. Aftercare has been abysmal. It`s enough to put anyone off sugery.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
I’ve rung 111 a number of times over the years for my Mum and now OH, personally I have found it the most useless service. In general our GP surgery are good so I am hopeful


Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
Oh gosh, I’m so sorry to hear about his awful pain.
I would get a dr to look an see what everything looks like.
do not let him get constipated. Use the sachets your daughter brought around regularly ( I’m presuming it’s laxido or the equivalent) keep bowels moving and soft. If you haven’t been prescribed any cream, then a tiny amount of sudocream is a good idea. Keep the area as clean as possible….. regular sitz baths and gentle drying throughout the day….. and keep on top of the painkillers.
im absolutely disgusted you were sent home with no aftercare instructions or at the least a bottle of lactulose!! I bet you felt totally helpless. X


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Oh we did get a bottle of Lactulose but it didn’t work. Thank you for the excellent advice. Off to the Doc’s at 3.00 pm, see what he/she says about his wounds. He’s still in bed, unknown for him, and refused anything other than water, his normal medication and painkillers. The advice about using hair dryer to dry him went down very well. Dreading getting him in the car, but don’t think he’s up to walking even though not very far.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Oh we did get a bottle of Lactulose but it didn’t work. Thank you for the excellent advice. Off to the Doc’s at 3.00 pm, see what he/she says about his wounds. He’s still in bed, unknown for him, and refused anything other than water, his normal medication and painkillers. The advice about using hair dryer to dry him went down very well. Dreading getting him in the car, but don’t think he’s up to walking even though not very far.
is it worth asking for different laxative like laxido from the doctor as well as cream.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well got oromorph and another 5 days antibiotics. If no improvement by lunchtime tomorrow got to contact hospital and take him back, she was in two minds whether to make us go today. Fingers crossed everyone that we have the improvement. Really dont want him to end up back in hospital. Very difficult for him.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Fingers crossed for you, hope he can avoid the hospital but it might be - needs must. Take care of you both.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
We are both settled in bed, so hoping it’s at least a few hours before ‘a visit’, at the moment each visit requires a change and bum shower (definitely can’t risk wiping) as we now have constant leakage. Am praying so hard that he’s a lot better tomorrow and we don’t have to have hospital trip and possible stay.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well an update. Did ring the Ward on Tuesday, they seemed quite unconcerned, don’t go to A&E, will speak to consultant and ring me back - never got a call. Still soldiering on trying to keep his pain just about bearable, still wondering how this wound can possibly be normal and wondering if I’m doing the right things. It feels such a responsibility, in tears this afternoon with the stress. Been researching in line this evening and found a couple of new pain relief suggestions which we’re trying. Also given him some ibuprofen again, I was giving him before but 111 told me not too, but internet site recommended. Lovely surprise yesterday afternoon SIL and her hubby sent us a M&S afternoon tea box.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Well an update. Did ring the Ward on Tuesday, they seemed quite unconcerned, don’t go to A&E, will speak to consultant and ring me back - never got a call. Still soldiering on trying to keep his pain just about bearable, still wondering how this wound can possibly be normal and wondering if I’m doing the right things. It feels such a responsibility, in tears this afternoon with the stress. Been researching in line this evening and found a couple of new pain relief suggestions which we’re trying. Also given him some ibuprofen again, I was giving him before but 111 told me not too, but internet site recommended. Lovely surprise yesterday afternoon SIL and her hubby sent us a M&S afternoon tea box.
that was nice of your sil and hubby to think of you. doctors etc seem to be making a right hash of managing his pain and its friday tomorrow. the medics might seem unconcerned but they are not the ones suffering the pain. theres got to be something better and not nice for you seeing him like it. i hope they sort something out asap.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
We have a self referral area in our local hospital and if we are unduly worried about a situation we can just arrive and be seen to.

I went when I fell and my knee flared up.

Do you have anything like this @Knitandpurl and if so would your husband be well enough to travel in a car or taxi?


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
I will certainly make some enquiries on that GrannieG. What a wonderful idea. At one time the District Nurses would have visited but doesn’t seem to happen anymore. Thank yo and Jennifer 1967 for your support, it is much appreciated. Today has been much better. We had a busy up and down night but he has been up all day except for 2 hour nap this afternoon, and he’s still awake beside me on sofa now. His pain seems better controlled with the addition of the ibuprofen and at long last some of the inflammation seems to improved. He sat outside on a pillow on a bench for a couple of hours this morning while I pottered around, and has brushed his own teeth, shaved himself and fed himself. 👏. I am optimistic. He finishes second lot of antibiotics tomorrow morning so will have to see what happens then. My stress levels have improved immeasurably.

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