

Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
a bit of good news! must be nice for him as well. is he going to get the others shrunk?
I think he will probably give it a miss, at least until he forgets about this…. He had already had them “banded “ and a colonoscopy 2 years ago and he hasn’t forgotten yet how much that hurt; so hopefully this will be good enough to at least give him some long term relief.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
Well this was yesterday not today but in the evening - out of the blue OH looked directly at me and says “thank you”. Smiling I said that’s nice, thank you too, but what for - “looking after me”. Brought tears to my eyes. And this morning I have been out (do talking newspaper reading twice a month), and come back to find he’s washed and dried the dishes. Strange after complete disappearance of empathy a couple of years ago that recently it’s returned. I’m appreciating and enjoying.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
that was lovely, long may it last, this appreciation and empathy. I am happy for you. mine does that and yes, it is nice when that happened


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well today folks it’s me who’s a Plonker - OH much better so took him to once a month Activity Group run by the Blind society. Dropped him off as pouring, went back out to move car to a Car Park and opened the car door into my forehead. Got a good sized lump and bruise. Luckily would have been worse but my glasses took some of the hit. OH has been very sympathetic, for a long while he seemed to have very little or no empathy, so nice to have this side of him back.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Well today folks it’s me who’s a Plonker - OH much better so took him to once a month Activity Group run by the Blind society. Dropped him off as pouring, went back out to move car to a Car Park and opened the car door into my forehead. Got a good sized lump and bruise. Luckily would have been worse but my glasses took some of the hit. OH has been very sympathetic, for a long while he seemed to have very little or no empathy, so nice to have this side of him back.
it just has to happen especially as the group is run by the blind society. a bit ironic. hope you dont feel too bad but be aware of concussion. my husband was sympathetic yesterday when i nearly slipped down the stairs because the cat had decided to lay right across the step.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Not today but yesterday, popped round to my daughters and we were sat in the garden, her neighbour has dementia. Out she comes and starts giving my daughter a tirade about “no one is taking Alfie (her little dog), he’s her dog and nothing to do with them. And so on and on. My daughter tried in vain to calm her down and re assure her but no joy and off she stormed.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
It must be difficult to be a neighbour of a person with dementia, especially if they are living alone and have no one to support them.


Registered User
Feb 16, 2023
My wife can get very agitated about her cat, and is anyone hurting him. Any noise outside and she wants to know if the cat is OK, and is anyone doing anything to the cat. Again reassurance can only go so far. It must be difficult for your daughter @Knitandpurl , but hopefully she understands.

leny connery

Registered User
Nov 13, 2022
yep, and there are PWD who knock on neighbours door in all hours. so difficult to handle if it becomes a nuisance, isn;t it?


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
yep, and there are PWD who knock on neighbours door in all hours. so difficult to handle if it becomes a nuisance, isn;t it?
My daughter finds it very difficult, particularly as she has been accused of interfering more than once by her neighbours son and daughter, both of whom live in close villages, moved their Mum here but (in my daughter’s opinion) do not do a lot to support their Mum. I think Social Services not only depend on family to care but the care if neighbours and the community.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
And her neighbour has indeed both knocked on her door and rung her up at all hours. And she had to start locking her door because she used to just walk straight in.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Got back yesterday from a lovely week away. We stayed in a cottage 10 mins from hubby’s daughter and her partner. They really stepped up to help us have a nice time. Spent time with us and his daughter even took him out on her own for a few hours - it was wonderful, actually felt like a holiday rather than just harder work. Feeling very grateful. In another note though went round to see my daughter and she has a bruise across her cheek bone - her neighbour had been round shouting about no one taking her dog again. Was nearly strangling the poor thing with its lead which she’d got twisted round its neck, daughter had told her to calm down and bent down to try and slacken the lead at which point neighbour had hit her (with the lead in her hand). Then storms off and comes back with the local drunk and they both start kicking at her door. She had to call the police. Her son and daughter came round later to ‘apologise’ and she could hear them laughing about it outside…… Despite it being a rented house my daughter is now going to get a 6’ foot fence put up .


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
So good that you enjoyed the holiday but awful about your daughter. Is there any way that she could move and rent elsewhere, the whole situation must be so stressful for her.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
That’s what OH says, but then she wouldn’t be near me 😢……. She is hoping (for her neighbour’s sake as much as her own), that SS will move her into a Home soon. But so far it is ‘care in the community’.


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Very little 'care in the community' by the sounds of it @Knitandpurl She really does sound like a danger to herself and others. Hopefully the police will have reported the assault to the relevant authorities.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Well we are on holiday in Berwick upon Tweed, lovely place full of history. OH coping fairly well with the different environment, but it’s hard work. Went on an explore into the old town this morning - not a good idea, was busy , he wouldn’t let me take his arm or hand and wouldn’t take mine. Trying to guide someone who only sees in patches with words he only half hears is difficult to say the least. Eventually I snapped at him after only just stopped him walking into a door frame then a number of people, had him pull away from me saying he’d seen it (not true). Ends up with him saying we’d go back to the cottage and then back home (only got here yesterday), I agreed and started walking, suddenly all change…. and he grabs my arm and starts dragging me off at a rate of knots. Been very quiet the rest of the day. But had a nice walk this evening. Hopefully a more peaceful day tomorrow.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Second thing to happen was not me but my poor daughter…. Had a text from her and this morning her neighbour (with dementia) called her name and then gave her a load of verbal abuse including calling her a f…… b….. . As my daughter says, “I know she’s ill but it still cuts”. It’s a horrid disease. I feel guilty, because she only stays where she is to be close to me.

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