

Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
I’m so sorry for your continued upset. Your poor husband… I really feel for him… it really is so so painful.
the best person for your husband to see is the colorectal consultant who did the surgery. Phone the secretary on Monday And see if you can get fitted in.
it is a slow recovery, as the area is used every day, but keep up with the painkillers, laxido and plenty of fluids and he will get better.
you are doing a fabulous job looking after him. X

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
That’s such good news @Knitandpurl

I know from personal experience the first 48 hours after surgery can be quite frightening , especially when you are at home and have no access to medical care and advice. I didn’t dare risk saying that, not knowing enough about your husband’s surgery.

Fingers crossed he’ll get a little better every day


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
We have had successful 💩💩this evening and only a very small amount of bright red blood. 😃. Felt like jumping up and down with glee, but didn’t seem appropriate. However- up until his op OH has only been incontinent occasionally and capable of cleaning himself afterwards, only requiring the bathroom check on my part- It’s not the dealing with, cleaning, showering etc. that I’m finding stressful about it - it’s the trying to get him to obey instructions so that he doesn’t slip, get covered in it, and generally spread it everywhere. All while trying not to let it show. All good practice for me I suppose.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
We have had successful 💩💩this evening and only a very small amount of bright red blood. 😃. Felt like jumping up and down with glee, but didn’t seem appropriate. However- up until his op OH has only been incontinent occasionally and capable of cleaning himself afterwards, only requiring the bathroom check on my part- It’s not the dealing with, cleaning, showering etc. that I’m finding stressful about it - it’s the trying to get him to obey instructions so that he doesn’t slip, get covered in it, and generally spread it everywhere. All while trying not to let it show. All good practice for me I suppose.
you are doing a great job and i know what you mean by jumping up and down. you can see what would happen if he does move which will increase your cleaning.


Registered User
Oct 4, 2023
Thank you for keeping us updated. I have been checking everyday to see how your husband is doing. It sounds incredibly stressful for you and your husband.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thank you for keeping us updated. I have been checking everyday to see how your husband is doing. It sounds incredibly stressful for you and your husband.
Definitely if could go back in time would cancel op. To make up for this he will need years of being haemorrhoid free, and that’s not possible as apparently they were too big for them to take the all, so they will grow again. Plus I would not be surprised if he never becomes anally continent again. I feel so sad for him.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
OH is definitely feeling a bit better- he is starting to snap “I can do it…. “. I have been following him up the stairs and coming down in front of him since his op as he isn’t functioning as well as normal - he pushes ahead of me to go up the stairs and promptly misses first step, and I made a joke about it (this is a mistake in our house the only person allowed to joke is him). “Oh take a day off for once” he snaps. But the really big and surprising thing : I waited a few moments and then said “well under the circumstances I can’t take a day off”, and he replied ina subdued voice - no, you can’t. Pretty close to an apology me thinks. It is nice to see and hear him more his normal self though.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
OH is definitely feeling a bit better- he is starting to snap “I can do it…. “. I have been following him up the stairs and coming down in front of him since his op as he isn’t functioning as well as normal - he pushes ahead of me to go up the stairs and promptly misses first step, and I made a joke about it (this is a mistake in our house the only person allowed to joke is him). “Oh take a day off for once” he snaps. But the really big and surprising thing : I waited a few moments and then said “well under the circumstances I can’t take a day off”, and he replied ina subdued voice - no, you can’t. Pretty close to an apology me thinks. It is nice to see and hear him more his normal self though.
its like a no win situation, nice that he is better but not so good hes found his voice again.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thank you all. And again some improvement this morning AND he told me I was ‘brilliant’. Holding on to that one. He has blood test this morning so I am hoping he can walk there, not far, and Zi can always come back and get the car to bring him back. 🤞


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thank you all. And again some improvement this morning AND he told me I was ‘brilliant’. Holding on to that one. He has blood test this morning so I am hoping he can walk there, not far, and Zi can always come back and get the car to bring him back. 🤞
you need to record that!! could he put that in writing? then you can wave it at him when he is not so good :) :):)


Registered User
Jan 14, 2023
So pleased to hear he’s turning a corner… and that he realised how well you’ve looked after him. X


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thank you all. It was very nice to be back to a little bit more like our old normal today. He even felt well enough for a short walk and lunch in our village cafe after his blood test. Over did it a bit mind and be asleep more than he’d been awake since we got home, but nice to get out for awhile.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Oh @Knitandpurl …I don’t know how I have missed all this pain and drama going on for you 😢😢😢 I’ve obviously not logged on when your thread is at the top of the pile!

Im so sorry you and OH have been going through all this - what a nightmare….and complete lack of follow up support. I’m glad @Suzysheep01 knew what you should do…

Its just reminded me of one of my work clients who had a hernia op….the wound opened up and in his wisdom he didn’t tell anyone and taped it up with gaffer tape 😱😱😱 It was only when I pitched up a few days later he told me…..

Anyway ……I do hope today is the start of the next stage in recovery….


Registered User
Aug 9, 2021
Thank you so much, the support from this site has really helped. Seems we are on the recovery road, been to doctors today as he has developed a whitish yellow discharge I wanted checked out. But apparently normal and at long last healing nicely. 😀😀


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Thank you so much, the support from this site has really helped. Seems we are on the recovery road, been to doctors today as he has developed a whitish yellow discharge I wanted checked out. But apparently normal and at long last healing nicely. 😀😀
a bit of good news! must be nice for him as well. is he going to get the others shrunk?