Suggestions welcome


Registered User
Mar 7, 2023
Hi there
My dad has been diagnosed recently and has always been the rock for my anxious mum. She is v demanding of my dad but good at keeping track of medications and appointments etc and they are both poditive in outlook and continuing to do things in their village.

The meds seem to be helping my dad and he is finishing his sentences now. However mum has always deferred anything she sees as complex to dad even though she is capable. They dont want to look to the future and mum just trusts dad to make sound decisions as she always has. But sooner or later he will need to depend on her and they have no insight about this nor that they are in their 80s. They just want to carry on as always without making any adjustments.
Their bills are on direct debit but they are v reluctant to add my name to accounts so i can put their wishes into effect digitally.

I have done rough lpas for them to read and sign witu my brother who lives in the same village. I am a long way away and have no car.

can anyone suggest small steps i can encourage my mum to do which might help them gradually adjust before outside help becomes inevitable?


Registered User
Jan 24, 2019
Hi @catherinewa I had a very similar situation. My mum was the PWD and had done EVERYTHING for her and my dad. He didn't even know how much was in the bank!

I really struggled at the start trying to get him to understand online "stuff". He also panicked every time a bank statement came through the door!

Slowly I stopped anything paper and went down the digital route. Now every week I check his banks online and show him and write down the balances (sorry neglected to say he is now my PWD), the electricity and water etc is on DD and we also receive the bills electronically.

We were too late to get POA for my mum but we opened an account in dads name and changed all the payments to that. Dad and I then went straight to the lawyers and got POA for him and I!

It certainly took the anxiety away.

I hope this helps a little and crossed fingers for you and yours


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