So, what’s my Pauline been up to today?


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Our Plateau of peace continues but not without incident of course but tomorrow will be interesting as it is DayCare time with ‘A Twist‘ as it were. I have a family (my side) funeral to attend and so can’t collect her and have asked one of her sons as other is on holiday and it is agreed but she has no idea and I won’t mention t until drop off time as I advise staff. Bet he doesn’t get the vitriol I usually get 😂.


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022

sorry to hear you have a funeral to go to.

I would be inclined not to tell Pauline at all. I would let her son pick her up and say you got held up and hence he rescued her… will no doubt pay for it tomorrow evening…but telling her as you leave may mean she doesn’t settle????

I don’t know what others think but my instinct.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Well yesterday went a lot better than expected and even I got a sort of kiss goodbye as she entered the daycare facility. She wasn’t actually happy but certainly has accepted attendance as part of life. After the funeral rather than go to the wake I came home and seemingly arrived minutes after her son had dropped her off which was a surprise as I expected him to at least stay with her a while but not judging him as she may have told him to go. One big surprise last night was when she noticed that the film ‘Whatever Happened to Baby Jane’ had recorded as she requested and so wanted to watch it again and did - all the way through and so a very late night 😆.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Recently we have been having a sort out of Paulines wardrobe as lots in there that will never be worn and so delivered several bags to local Age UK charity shop. As we did I asked her about me getting her some new short sleeved T-shirt vests instead of the long sleeved ones she favoures but she wasn’t keen. Anyway, notwithstanding that, I went online and ordered some really nice looking ones and did so in her name so that the parcel would be to her not me as is usual. The delight and looks of intrigue were amazing as she examined and then opened it and kept showing me her name on the label. She was really delighted with the vests as very good quality with pretty pattern around the neck. Lesson to self on inclusion methinks.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I went online and ordered some really nice looking ones and did so in her name so that the parcel would be to her not me as is usual. The delight and looks of intrigue were amazing as she examined and then opened it and kept showing me her name on the label.
Excellent ploy.


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Recently we have been having a sort out of Paulines wardrobe as lots in there that will never be worn and so delivered several bags to local Age UK charity shop. As we did I asked her about me getting her some new short sleeved T-shirt vests instead of the long sleeved ones she favoures but she wasn’t keen. Anyway, notwithstanding that, I went online and ordered some really nice looking ones and did so in her name so that the parcel would be to her not me as is usual. The delight and looks of intrigue were amazing as she examined and then opened it and kept showing me her name on the label. She was really delighted with the vests as very good quality with pretty pattern around the neck. Lesson to self on inclusion methinks.
its all a learning curve. good pauline liked them. i bet it felt like her birthday


Registered User
May 8, 2024
Pauline is my partner of 27 years and they have been wonderful years in the main. Well the pre Alzheimer’s were. At the moment and indeed on and off over the past months it is me with the health issues and Pauline sharing my caring with mainly my youngest daughter and youngest son. As well as my family Paulines care is shred by her eldest son of three. While I have been in hospital and indeed when at home being nursed by District Nurses Pauline was thier uninvited assistant and sort of care giver to me although when not hooked onto IV drip 3 times a day I was partially mobile. She has been so wonderful and changed so much during this time I want to share our story as things develop. As with all posts feel free to drop in give advice if you wish and comment when you like. Hope it is ok to go ahead.
That's lovely ..get well soon


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
A most wonderful day was had today! This morning was our Tuesday group at Retain Welbeing/Welcome Me, and Pauline really tried her best at chair excersise or Movement to Music as it is told as, and then we finishe off our ‘Peacocks’ that were started last week and left for paint to dry so as to finish them of this week. It is a real bond working and creating together as we do here ( see pic).
After lunch we attended at Dementia Together group and we all joined to get her to make music with African Bongo style Drums and various percussion instruments and again a delight to be part of.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
You seemed to be really enjoying your time together and the groups sound great.
I will keep taking her to as many groups and activities as I can and so try to give her a better quality of life and mental stimulation than sitting staring at the TV screen or out of our living room window, thank you x


Registered User
Nov 16, 2016
Moreton, Wirral. UK.
Pauline has always been very independently minded but of course has come to depend on me in so many ways which was expected and fully accepted, but of late she is asserting herself and insisting on ‘Helping Out.’ An instance was this morning and a big weekly shop that we did and three large heavy bags full to show for it. However, once back home and instead of just turning on the TV in the living room she busied herself helping me pack it all away and a magical mystery nightmare it was given that our kitchen is small and compact. We both ended up sort of dancing around each other and her continually blocking access to the fridge freezer. To be honest it did have its funny side but overall it was quite traumatic and once she was indeed seated in the living room I had to rearrange the placement of several items she had packed away as she favoured the drawer, cupboard or shelf that was closest rather than the correct one, and there was some confusion regarding fridge stuff and freezer stuff but she was so proud of her achievement and yes, I praised her to high heaven and really showed her I was grateful and, do know what?
I was 😀


Registered User
Mar 15, 2020
Pauline has always been very independently minded but of course has come to depend on me in so many ways which was expected and fully accepted, but of late she is asserting herself and insisting on ‘Helping Out.’ An instance was this morning and a big weekly shop that we did and three large heavy bags full to show for it. However, once back home and instead of just turning on the TV in the living room she busied herself helping me pack it all away and a magical mystery nightmare it was given that our kitchen is small and compact. We both ended up sort of dancing around each other and her continually blocking access to the fridge freezer. To be honest it did have its funny side but overall it was quite traumatic and once she was indeed seated in the living room I had to rearrange the placement of several items she had packed away as she favoured the drawer, cupboard or shelf that was closest rather than the correct one, and there was some confusion regarding fridge stuff and freezer stuff but she was so proud of her achievement and yes, I praised her to high heaven and really showed her I was grateful and, do know what?
I was 😀
I think it adds to the fun, trying to work out where things have gone. He tends to put the bottles away as they are heavy then gets in my way after that