So bizarre !

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

Glad you had a lovely weekend away, Slugsta - thank goodness for Tesco club points and bargains, lol - same for us, we couldn't usually have afforded the hotel we stayed in, we had just been lucky enough to stumble across a bargain on the hotel's website.

I was steaming with youngest. We arrived home at about 9pm, to the mess, and couldn't even have a cuppa or a sandwich as she hadn't bought bread, butter or milk for us to come home to - the remains of the bread and milk that I had left for her were still in the bread bin and fridge, obviously well past their best. I had 2 more days hols left before going back to work - needed them to sort the house out and catch up with the laundry. I just don't get it with her - we don't live in a palace, by any means, but I like the house clean and comfy, she has grown up with that, so you would think she had some idea of what is acceptable or not? I don't understand how she can just ignore the sort of chaos she seems happy to live in - not just untidy, but things like dirty worktops and not even cleaning the bath!

We left pressies and cards for Mil, for Mothers day, JM - but I have no idea if she had any idea about what they were for - I would think it doubtful. I had a call from the home yesterday, saying her 1-1 has now been reduced to just 4 hours a day - though they have it in writing that it can be increased back up to 12 hours immediately, if needed. Mil is still aggressive - but doesn't want to spend time in lounge/dining room, so is in her room most of the time - and despite the fact that she will still hit out, she is what they describe as 'very settled'. The TD seems to have reduced to just tremors, no longer any danger of her falling from chair to bed. They put on music, or a film and she sits chuckling away at it, cuddling her 'baby' or - when they havent lost it - her doggy. 1-1 staff are often told to leave (and not politely, either), and they say she seems happier in her own company, for the majority of the time. And all I can say is 'Thank God' - some sort of relief from the constant agitation has been such a long, long time coming for her - to know that she has calmed enough and is content enough to not need that level of support, at long last, is just - well - fantastic. I am so, so grateful that she at last has some semblance of peace.

OH went to see her yesterday and came home saying she was incredibly switched on - she knew his name, asked after the kids - by name - and even knew that I was his wife! He was stunned. She has pretty much consistently identified him as her brother, Paddy, for months and months now - and when shown photos of the kids, hasn't been able to say who they were, either. She was chatty and amazingly clear. Some confusion, of course - she identified her late husband as one of her brothers - but she even chatted about her old friend Shirley - and she hasn't even mentioned her for over 2 years now. When OH was leaving, telling her he had to go shopping, she called him back to give him a list of the things she wanted from the shops. He said they had an incredibly lucid conversation about which ham she prefers, of all things. OH was on a real high, seeing her so settled and relaxed. Both of us are just hoping that this lasts now, that there are no returns to the old agitation, or to any of the more horrible aspects of the dementia, that would cause her distress.

Easter holidays here means I am 'catching up' work wise - the usual paperwork and admin. I've put in a couple of hours on the mundane job of shredding and sorting already today, and before I tackle the rest of the admin and emails, I intend to spend a few hours geting my office sorted - housekeeping, I guess you'd call it - very much needed at the moment, but usually at the bottom of the list of 'to do' things.

Its a short week this week - I finish on Wednesday afternoon (Thursday being my rest day), then Good Friday followed by Easter Monday, meaning a 5 day break :D And I have the whole family comming home, complete with the oldest two's partners, and - of course - my Granddogs :) No plans made, as yet - it will be fab to have them all home though :)

Sending lots of love to you all, as always xxxxxx


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Ann, it is so lovely to hear that, at long last, MIL is more peaceful. You have never wanted her to need the 1:1 and the reason for it being reduced is the only acceptable one - she no longer needs that level of support :)

The fact that MIL was so switched on with OH is amazing, a flash of the 'old' MIL that you haven't seen for so long.

It sounds as if you are going to have a house-full over the weekend. I know you love having everyone home but please don't forget to make some time for relaxation too (((huggs))).

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning all,

You guys will remember the huge problems about no respite beds in our area? And how, in the end, the council caved and agreed to comission just one bed for the whole area? Well , it very much looks like that one bed no longer exists!

I have a friend who's Dad was diagnose about 5 years ago. He lives at home, with her Mum and with my friend helping out as much as she possibly can. Dad is very clingy, where Mum is concerned, and until now, they haven't asked about respite, despite the usual carers assessment recommending it. But now Mum needs surgery for cataracts, and it would be impossible for her to have the surgery and recover, whilst caring for the Dad. My friend works full time and has a toddler, and though she would do all she can, it wouldn't be enough. So - thinking it wouldn't be that difficult - they have asked for respite, for 2 weeks, whilst Mum has surgery and recovers.

And its exactly the same situation I faced. Being given the runaround from adult services, passed from department to department, no straight answers, no information on what, if anything is available. They not only - as is usual - have no named social worker, they don't even seem to have a CPN as a point of contact, so no support at all. She contacted me yesterday, asking if I knew where they could get help to sort out respite, saying that Mum has already delayed the surgery because of this, and that her sight is at risk if she doesn't have the op soon.

I gave her all the info I have, the name and contact numbers for the home where the council had agreed to comission a bed - no one had mentioned this to her at all, so I am very much afraid that this bed no longer exists. Afterwards, I checked out the council's website, and a search for respite care takes you to an external page, which is basically an advertising page for several homes in the area. Thats exactly what happened when I search whilst looking for Mil. And I contacted all the homes on that list back then, and none offered respite care - its not 'cost effective'. There is no mention, on the councils website, of the home where the bed was eventually comissioned, which adds to my conviction that it's no longer being held as a respite bed.

It's really upset me - all that misery, all that effort, all those promises - and 4 years on, back to square one. My friend is frantic with worry, she and her Mum are exhausted. I spent a fair bit of last night, tossing and turning - the situation has churned up and brought back all the emotions I went through when we were fighting for respite. The frustration, the disbelief, the anger, the hopeless feeling.

So - I've done what I always do, and come on here to moan to friends who understand. Just nothing has changed, and it breaks my heart to think of not only my friend and her Mum, who are going through this now, but everyone else who is faced with this battle.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Speechless Ann

These situations don’t ever seem to change, constantly pushed under the sand and ignored by those “here to help” Same old same old, it’s the story since TP began, and before


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Ann - I'm so sorry about respite beds, it was such a battle to get it.

Quick post to say I'm in the middle of 18th birthday celebrations - so in a cake making frenzy - Easter cupcakes and Easter chocolate cake on Friday. Out for lunch with brother in law yesterday at colwyn bay, kids swam in sea for a couple of minutes after lunch - too cold for any longer, and no one else was daring. Birthday cake part made - but dau suddenly asked for all sorts of creations I am not capable of yesterday evening (very fancy buttercream flowers from you tube videos) so she is only getting some of what she wants - I didn't sleep worrying about it.

Happy Easter everyone (we aren't doing anything Eastery today by request of dau)


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Happy Easter everyone :)

Jm, I'm sorry that worrying about the cake gave you a sleepless night (((hugs))). I used to make cakes for friends, but stopped doing it because it took more time and worry than it warranted!

Son arrived yesterday at 5.30, we went out and had drinks overlooking the bay. Today's plan is lunch overlooking the sea - we booked a table to be certain as everywhere will be crowded today,

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Happy 18th to your daughter, JM - I hope she has a fantastic day :) I'm sorry you had a sleepless night, hun - easpecially as I'm sure dau will enjoy the cakes anyway - and I hope appreciate your efforts - without the additional fancy bits and bobs!xxx

Slugsta - enjoy your lunch out xxx

*waves* at Spamar - hope you are OK, Hun ? xxxx

So - finally established there is a respite bed - but just the one that they agreed to 4 years ago 'as a trial' - and it's booked up, months and months in advance. Thats it, nothing else. My friend is left phoning round, trying all the private homes, and hoping to find one that has a free bed that they will let her have around the operation dates. Its not looking good. And nowhere for them to turn - no one in the local authority will take respnsibility for helping them - they just pass them from one department to the next, no straight answers, no advice - no admitting that there is a problem, even. My advice has gone to 'Threaten them with the press and carry the threat out if you have to'. Because thats the only thing that seems to stand any chance of working. It's left me feeling upset and stress - God only knows how my friend and her Mum are feeeling.

Its been a lovely, but hectic Easter here. Son and his GF (and dogs) turned up on the Thursday evening, instead of the expected Friday morning - they decided to beat the Good Friday morning traffic, so I got them for an extra night :) Huge improvement in Oscar dog, in terms of him being settled and less destructive, but still some issues - and you still can't let him go off-lead. However, so much more confident, and actually coming to me and demanding cuddles now :) And he's really playing with the other dogs too - so lovely to see.

Easter Friday, we took the hounds for a hike around Alyn Waters Country park, including a play in the river. Saturday we spent at the seaside, and Sunday we headed to a huge Easter Car boot sale, followed that with a visit to Mil and then an humongous Easter roast dinner.

To my amazement, youngest suddenly decided to come and visit Mil with us! I was so pleased - I've been worried that if we suddenly lost Mil, and youngest hadn't seen her, she would so regret it. I think she was really shocked by how much her Nana had changed though - she is so much frailer now. But she handled it OK, and I think she feels better for seeing Mil.

Mil herself had had a long lie in - apparently doing one of her rare marathon sleeps - right through the night, and through most of the morning. She had refused to get up and get dressed, so was still in her bed, propped up on her wedge cushion, looking very comfy, and watching an old episode of 'Columbo'. All of us greeted with big smiles and kisses - not that she knew our names or anything, but as long as she was happy to see us, thats' fine. The Easter Egg that oldest had bought for her was also greeted very warmly, lol! She was quite chatty and pretty alert. She left us all in pleats by very clearly telling oldest that she liked Columbo and would like a date with him. Oldest asked what she would wear if she went out with him. 'If I went out with him? said Mil 'I'd wear nothing at all!' .

We stayed for around 45 minutes - any longer, and we know she starts to get agitated. We (of course) got the 'squeezing fingers' trick - at one point, she was holding son's GF's hand (sons GF always comes with him to see Mil - and she is so lovely with her!) and actually asked her was she hurting her fingers?. GF told her she was't - to which Mi replied 'I'll try harder then'! So she does know exactly what she is doing!

Nurse M popped in with some meds for Mil, and quietly told me that Mil has never been so settled. The reduced 1-1 hours are working out really well, although staff check her every 15 mins, she is quite content in her room, with music or a film or one of the old TV series, talking to herself, singing and/or cuddling her doll or a soft toy. She can suddenly 'flash' and hit out, and of course, the attempting to squeeze fingers or scartch and pinch is still something to watch out for. But on the whole, she is a 'different woman' from a few months back - and what was nice, was the very obvious pleasure on Nurse M's face when she told me this. The CHC have agreed that the 4 hours can 'float' - i.e., the home use them when Mil's needs dictate they are best utilised - and its working out brilliantly. All I want now is for her to remain this settled and agitation free for whatever time she has left - I think, after the horrendous time Mil has had with the delusions, paranoia, hallucinations and everything else that she has had over the last several years and the absolute misery her life has been because of them, it's the very least she deserves now.

All my older chicks are heading back this morning, and youngest is off for two days, with friends, to Norwhich - of all places - to go to a concert. Some group called Koala? Anyhow, she faces a 5 and a half hour train journey to get there - rather her than me! So OH and I are having a very quiet end to our Easter. Tomorrow, I will only work about 2 - 3 hours, because Wednesday and Thursday I'm in London - with travel, one day of meetings and one day of training, it addes up to a minimum of 18 hours, so that will be me done this week.

Enjoy whats left of your Easter break, and much love to you all xxxxx



Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Ann, it is so lovely to hear that MIL is settled and happy - long may it continue :)

Youngest must really want to see that band, to put up with such a long train journey! How is her general behaviour at the moment.

It must be heartbreaking to know that the respite bed you fought so hard to get is not being used as it should. My heart goes out to your friend - but I know that is of absolutely no help to her whatsoever :(

Jm, I also send Happy 18th Birthday wishes to your daughter.

We had a nice lunch with our son yesterday (glad we had prebooked as the place was packed!). We ordered lots of starters and ate tapas style, very sociable and relaxed. He is going back to London today and we (OH and I) are going to visit our friend in Salisbury hospital.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Morning all!

Thank you Ann, I had 4 pain free consecutive days last week. Unfortunately it didn’t last! However, I managed roast lamb and potatoes yesterday, plus home made gravy and mint sauce. Lucky I’ve plenty of herbs growing! The rest of the food came out of tins! But it’s the first time ive done anything like that for several years. Just need to keep up with the exercises and keeping in touch with my small army of friends! It all helps! Team Spamar! I’m going to try and pick rhubarb and asparagus later - they’re the only useful things I grow these days, though I used to have a full veg bed, soft fruit trees and a flower picking area.

Now you know how I feel when I try to get away. Where I live is even further than Norwich. Though I think Norwich is a nice place, good shops, large market. Maybe I’m biased, I went to UEA which is based in Norwich!

Hi Slugsta, enjoy your Salisbury visit, hope all is as well as it can be.

JM, add birthday wishes to dau from me, as well. Hope you are OK and fully fit. Is it France for the summer?
Hope your fritillaries survived. Mine are very small this year. I’m guessing it was lack of water last year that’s affected then!

Cheers all round!


Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter x

Spamar, I'm so glad you had the run of pain free days - and sorry that it didn't last xxx Being able to do the roast, though, it does sound like the exercises are helping - fingers crossed for even more of an improvement xxx

Slugsta, the lunch sounds delish - I love tapas style food, only trouble is, I find I tend to eat more! Hope the visit to Salisbury went well, and your friend is OK.

Easter, having started with a 'bang', with everyone home, very much went out with a whimper once they had all gone - such a contrast from a houseful to just OH and I rattling around! Not much time to brood, as Wednesday saw me off to London, for the annual big meeting, followed by a training day. Its easier - and quicker - to get to London than it is for me to get to South Wales, but it still makes for long days! Out of the house for 6.20, at the meeting for 10.15, then once that had finished, to be fair, the big boss arranged a lovely meal at a pizza place, right on the river, with a great view of the London Eye and The Shard - kicked myself for not bringing camera, had to be content with phone photos - definitely not the same! I chose to stay for the training, as we were told it was about mental health, and increasingly I'm finding myself with working with groups of young people who have mental health problems, as are many of my colleagues - none of us were too happy, however, to find the training had been changed to something very different - and we hadn't been told. Several left early, in disgust - the replacement training was interesting, but not as useful as the original course would have been, and I half wish I'd left too. Got home just after 9 on the Thursday night - shattered, but thankfully, the fibro is being quite good at the moment, so only mild aches to contend with.

Slugsta - you asked about youngest. Not going particularly well, I'm afraid :( We had a strop session, for no real and valid reason that anyone could see, when the oldest two were home, leaving everyone walking on eggshells for several hours. Then, whilst I was away, she and OH had a fall out, again over her being so slovenly and laksidaisical about clearing up after herself - sparked this time by a combination of OH asking her to bring down the washing from her room (yes - again! Towels and clothes all over the floor) and her leaving her dinner plate, with chicken bones, just sat by the pc, where the doggys could reach them :mad: After the marathon journey to and from Norwich, she has taken on a massive number of hours in work, and I guess she is shattered - but that isn't our fault. To be fair to OH, he is really trying with her - calm, measured, trying so hard to be fair and reasonable - but as he says, if he dared to breathe loudly at the moment you can bet she would accuse him of either doing it to annoy her or doing it to 'have a go' ! I remember oldest clashing with her Dad at this age - but youngest takes it to a whole new level.

Mil continues chugging along - still often fiesty, but long periods of calm, where she is happiest in her room, in her own company. Biggest concern is that her ability to walk seems to be definitely gone now, but she (obviously) forgets, and very occasionally tries to get up - surrounded by alarms and crash pads, with frequent checks by staff, I don't think there is much more can be done to keep her safe, she really doesn't want, or need at this point, anyone sitting with her in case she maybe, less than once a week at most (from what the staff say), tries to stand. So its just a case of hoping that if she does fall, it doesn't cause serious injury and/or pain. She is still eating, mainly food that she can manage with her fingers or a spoon, from what I can see, but eating a lot less than she used to. I feel that she is sort of slowly 'fading out' - but she is calm, hardly any agitation, no signs of pain or discomfort, her breathing is of course poor, but its not causing her distress. I think this is the very best we can hope for - a level of peace that she hasn't had for years, and please God, this will last now until the end, whenever that may be.

We are back to cold and rain here now - such a contrast to last weekend - its currently bouncing down, and I have the heating on. Not planning on going anywhere today, just pootling round after a busy week, and probably being roped in to proof reading OH's college work (He is undergoing a lot of training, and doing a few extra qualifications through work at the moment).

Hope you all have a lovely, stress free weekend - take care, and love to all xxxx


Registered User
Aug 25, 2015
South coast of England
Ann, thanks for the update. I'm very glad that MIL seems, mostly, calm - what a relief (for everyone) after the years of delusions and distress!

Also glad to hear that the fibro is fairly quiet at the moment, I hope this allows you to spend some time doing the things you enjoy (((hugs))).

Sorry to hear that your daughter is still being a PITA - 'sterkte'* as the Dutch say.

Spamar, I'm sorry that your pain-free period was short lived but hope it is a sign that things are improving (((hugs)))

Hope that everyone else is doing OK

* The literal translation of this is 'strength' and it is used for anything from a sneeze right up to bereavement.


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Thanks for update Ann, I do know how quickly daughter's can flare - after a really lovely weekend mine was overtired on Tuesday morning and boom - and I mean boom. OH had a little reminder to both children to bring the bins up when they got home from school (2 recycling boxes a food bin and a wheelie bin every week) as invariably they are left. We made it clear to dau it wasn't just aimed at her but she exploded about it in the van(car issues) on the way to school. I had to pull over on the hard shoulder and then when near school she wanted me to drop her off, when I didn't she undid seatbelt opened door and got out, I had realised what was happening, we were on a road with vicious speed bumps anyway so I had near enough stopped when she got out. OH was less than impressed so she was firmly told Tue evening. What actually led to meltdown was being told she wasn't getting a lift to school the next day and was walking for the bus. Not sure what she expected.

My mum is slowly deteriorating and I will update, but I find it upsetting so find it hard to put the words down.

Party for dau tonight - no chance of a BBQ - as Ann said the weather is grim, back garden is waterlogged.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2013
Hope the party goes well, JM. Also hope the weather is calming down for everybody! Still windy here, but not had too much rain.
Had lunch with a couple of friends yesterday, which was enjoyable. They were both late, I thought I’d got the date wrong!

When I got home the first swallow was clinging to the electric wires and singing it’s heart out. Plus I heard one today as well. Does two swallows make a summer? If so, welcome to summer! Yeah, it windy and grey, but.......


Registered User
Jan 5, 2014
Back garden is now much worse than it was before, and rain hasn't let up.

I did cycle in the rain yesterday but it was light and not too cold and not too windy. Heavy rain and very windy all day.

Car was towed to a garage this morning. Couldn't get key to turn last Monday. Barrel lock has probably collapsed we are told, known fault with VAG group cars, it does have 147,000 miles on the clock so I really think time to replace, clutch and or gear box are dodgy as well. Might be 2 weeks before we get car back.


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
Sorry to hear the teenage girls are causing such...... can’t find a polite term

Ann glad mil seems more content
JM Sorry to hear mum isn’t too great HUGS xx

Our health - the 2 jays in this household - hasn’t been great. For one of us it’s the struggle to get over THE VIRUS which has needed 3 lots of anti bios and is looking like needing another lot or something else as a chest is sounding like an old wheezy spluttering boiler. For the other, more blood tests and a scan is needed

Otherwise we are fine. :)


Registered User
Jan 13, 2019
Hope the party goes well, JM. Also hope the weather is calming down for everybody! Still windy here, but not had too much rain.
Had lunch with a couple of friends yesterday, which was enjoyable. They were both late, I thought I’d got the date wrong!

When I got home the first swallow was clinging to the electric wires and singing it’s heart out. Plus I heard one today as well. Does two swallows make a summer? If so, welcome to summer! Yeah, it windy and grey, but.......

I heard a cuckoo when walking the dogs in the forest this week.

Ann Mac

Registered User
Oct 17, 2013
Morning everyone x

JM - I'm really sorry to hear your Mum isn't doing well. Sending {{{{{hugs}}}}, its so hard to see the deterioration happening xxx As for your dau's latest - Boy, some of that is so familiar! It sounds like you and your OH are doing what my OH and I are finding ourselves doing. Starting conversations with our dau that begin by us carefully explaining that we are not 'having a go', not 'being nasty', not 'picking on her' etc - only to have her respond by accusing us of those very things, and then - BOOM! The car stunt was totally unacceptable, and like you, we would have responded with a refusal to give a lift the next day. And we would 100% definitely had the same sort of melt down from dau because of it. I'm betting anything that somewhere in your dau's meltdown, she would have 'reminded' you that she is 'grown up now' - and all the while, tantrumming like a two year old. So incredibly frustrating :(

We had more grief from our dau last night. She has decided to come on holiday with us, this coming September. It was agreed, when she said she wanted to come, that I would pay a contribution towards her share, for her 18th (We are also paying towards a gig she wants to go to, and have got her a new laptop, btw), but she would pay the rest. We have paid up front, for the holiday, she is supposed to pay us back. We explained at the time that we expected her to pay a reasonable amount, every month, until its clear. Bear in mind that she usually earns enough every month to pay for her share of the holiday, almost (and often more than) twice over. Her first payday, after we booked and paid, was just a couple of days later. She then said that she had committments for this month, made prior to us booking, which meant she would start paying the next month. We both held on to our temper, made it clear that she must pay a decent amount regularly, and that the paying us back must start from her next payday. We got the 'I said I would/stop having a go/you're just looking to start an argument' response, but we wouldn't bite, just kept calm and stuck to our guns. A week later, she came home with a new TV for her bedroom - apparently one of the 'comittments' she had been referring to! We fumed, but said nothing, just were very determined that from the next payday, she WOULD start paying. Last night (both also being aware that there seems to be some planning going on regarding yet another concert with her friends, that will no doubt cost quite a lot), OH reminded her that she had promised to pay a 'decent amount' off the holiday on her next payday, and asked her how much she intended to pay? Cue melt down. She didn't know, would have to see what she actually brought home, we knew she had worked 'loads of overtime' so she could pay, were we stupid? We know how many hours she is has done this week, etc, etc, etc. And then storming off to her room, shortly followed by a very rude response to OH when he let her know that a TV programme she wanted to see was coming on. I pulled her about it, she apologised - but not particularly meaning it - and later, after OH went to bed, she started on about how he was 'having a go' at her and 'trying to cause a row' - all because he asked her about paying HER share for the holiday. She got pretty short shrift from me, as you can imagine. When I went up to bed shortly after, OH was awake and actually quite upset. He said he was trying really hard to be reasonable, and was just so fed up with her accusing him of the same old things, every time he tried to have a conversation with her. I am currently really angry with her, because OH is 100% right - he is being far more reasonable than I think she deserves, while also trying to get her to stick to her promises and meet her responsibilities. And she just keeps 'kicking him in the teeth', as he said.

So - I've decided. Not today - but tomorrow, when OH is in work, so he can't be 'accused' of anything - I am going to have a talk with dau. And I will tell her that unless she pays at least 1/3rd of what she owes, for the next three pay days, I will be cancelling her booking. That I will then give her the cash share that I'd promised to pay as part of her birthday gift - but that will be minus any cancellation fee. If there is any shortfall, she must pay me that - and if she doesn't, she can start cooking for herself and washing her own clothes, because I will not be doing it. I've tried the softly-softly approach, and if anything, she is seeing that as a weakness. I suspect this will cause the meltdown to end all meltdowns - but, I've had enough. So - if you all hear what sounds like WWIII breaking out in Wales tomorrow - well, you'll all know why!

2jays, I'm so sorry to read that you and 1jay are having health issues at the moment. I have fingers and toes crossed, hoping that the next lot of ab's finally see off the virus, and that both scan and bloods return good results xxxxx

Not seen any swallows here yet, Spamar (nor heard any cuckoo's , Banjomansmate) but in the last week, have had to 'rescue (or at least, try to rescue) two fledglings. First one was a very tiny blackbird chick, much too small to be out of the nest, found hopping about outside our back gate. No nearby trees/bushes that would hold a nest, so had obviously been out a while and moved away from the nest it had somehow fallen out of, but very exposed - both our two younger dogs went straight for it, and we had to intervene. Could hear parent blackbird tweeting madly nearby, so put it in our garden, in a spot where Mum/Dad could find it, but hopefully safe from our dogs and next doors cats. No sign of it several hours later, can only hope that parents encouraged it to somewhere safe. Second one was a young song thrush - which had fledged, but still young enough for parents to be probably still feeding and looking after it. That half flew into the house, shot behind the computor desk - and found the wall opening where the stop cock is! Eventually got it out, and returned it to the garden, and again, just hoping parents were able to continue caring for it. You know you can't interfere any more than the bare minimum to help - but boy, you wish you could!

Rain still coming down here, but its a not as heavy, and nor is the wind so fierce, as it was yesterday. Such a change from last weekend, when we spent Sat on the beach and Sunday wandering a car boot sale in the sunshine. We have both the heating and our jumpers back on.

Sending love to all, as always xxxx