Share your summer recipe ideas for our magazine!


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Do you have ideas about meals that are great to eat in the summer?

Have you found anything that helps to keep food appealing or help someone living with dementia stay hydrated in the hot weather?

Are there specific recipes you've been able to rely on time and again?

If so, we'd like to share these with readers of our magazine, Dementia together - and we'd love to see pictures too!

Email or reply on this thread.

Thanks everyone :)

A brown bowl filled with fruit including grapefruit, kiwi, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and cherries.


Registered User
May 17, 2024
East of England
Do you have ideas about meals that are great to eat in the summer?

Have you found anything that helps to keep food appealing or help someone living with dementia stay hydrated in the hot weather?

Are there specific recipes you've been able to rely on time and again?

If so, we'd like to share these with readers of our magazine, Dementia together - and we'd love to see pictures too!

Email or reply on this thread.

Thanks everyone :)

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Iceland currently doing 5 fo4 on Swizzels jelly pots, ideal if there are diabetic issues as only 2g carbs per pot. Original or apple and cherry. I keep them in the fridge and OH has them instead of ice lollies or cold drinks. And, wonder of wonders, he asks instead of taking them behind my back. He loves them.

He also loves D'Aucy Ratatouille, hot or cold. ( For sale on Amazon, they do several varieties and other veg. )

M & S Spicy Tomato juice in a bottle, hot or cold and can be diluted.