Your story in our magazine


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Do you have something you’d like to share with the thousands of people who read our magazine, Dementia together?

Is there something you’ve done or experienced that might be interesting for other people affected by dementia and supporters of Alzheimer’s Society?

For example, in the upcoming December/January magazine, carer John tells us how he taught karate to others in his young onset dementia support group. Jane, who has dementia, also shares how she recently walked Offa’s Dyke.

If you have something of your own to share, you can email or post below :)


New member
Dec 14, 2023
I have dementia... and also a great interest in butterflies, which brought themselves to my attention perhaps 70 years ago. To keep myself intellectually active, I create new pages about poorly-recorded butterfly species on "WikiSpecies", an online naturalist's "encyclopedia". I am thus kept very busy interrogating the Biodiversity Heritage Library, which holds free online-access copies of ancient biological treatises, and I am thereby able to contribute regularly and correctly to this educational website, making valid, and often ancient, reading clear to anyone interested therein. This activity keeps what remains of my brain quite active during the day, which is much better than just sitting around feeling depressed...