Solo flying!

St Just Abz

New member
Jul 9, 2024
Hi there!
My dear Mum is in the process of being diagnosed with early on-set. I have no family or friends to help me out, but have luckily found a lady that lives near by to pop in when she can.
I’m doing all that I can to keep her safe in the house. I’m currently looking at an alto she can wear round her wrist. I have already asked the local services for house adaptations. I’m trying to get my head around LPA for both well-being and financial. I’ve put her meds in a weekly pill box. Set up a big screen telling her the time and which part of the day she in.
The bit that is getting me the most, is her calls to me when I’m trying to sleep. She’s often getting the time wrong ie: thinking it’s 4pm when it’s actually 4am and so waking me up for a chat. I’m a single mother to a special needs child and I’m also just starting the menopause and suffer with health issues myself. So my stress levels with all this are through the roof.
I feel absolutely awful at the the thought of silencing my phone to her, just incase it’s ever an emergency. I am thinking if I get an alarm set up for her as a precaution, that would seem acceptable/fair?
The responsibility for her is overwhelming but she’s been such an amazing mum she deserves all the care in the world, but I’m really suffering physically and mentally. Many thanks.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @St Just Abz welcome to the Forum. I am sorry to hear about your Mum. I know how hard it is to deal with all the things that you have written about. Fortunately the members of this community have a way of helping that makes one feel less alone.

St Just Abz

New member
Jul 9, 2024
Hi @St Just Abz welcome to the Forum. I am sorry to hear about your Mum. I know how hard it is to deal with all the things that you have written about. Fortunately the members of this community have a way of helping that makes one feel less alone.
Thank you. Am I in the right bit of the forum to be asking about alarms and ways to ease the burden of it all!? Thanks again.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Don't worry about being in the right place as all posts get read. I don't have any advice for you myself but I hope that other members will have.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Would she have the ability to use it/Rememer to?
another problem i can foresee is thatit wont solve the calling at anti social hours, as she is calling for a chat- she'll still want those chats and may well panic if she cant gett you.
Have you tried an answerphone your voice maybe enough to reassure her.

Roll on the winter when its dark at 4am- that might change things

St Just Abz

New member
Jul 9, 2024
Would she have the ability to use it/Rememer to?
another problem i can foresee is thatit wont solve the calling at anti social hours, as she is calling for a chat- she'll still want those chats and may well panic if she cant gett you.
Have you tried an answerphone your voice maybe enough to reassure her.

Roll on the winter when its dark at 4am- that might change things
It’s always out of forgetfulness or when she’s got the time of day wrong. I think looking at setting up and answerphone message would be good, thank you.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Thank you. Am I in the right bit of the forum to be asking about alarms and ways to ease the burden of it all!? Thanks again.

As has already been said - don’t worry about posting in the right place. It’s just important to keep posting.

I’m not sure what kind of alarm you mean. Both my mum and my husband had a community alarm. To be honest it was difficult because they didn’t really know how to use it or when to press the alarm for help. My husband had an alarm mat on the bed and when he got up through the night the alarm sounded and set off a telecare alarm.



Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
It’s always out of forgetfulness or when she’s got the time of day wrong. I think looking at setting up and answerphone message would be good, thank you.

Sorry - I cross posted with you - and misunderstood what kind of alarm you were looking for!!