Research Study - Exercise Classes for Older People living with dementia


New member
Jun 5, 2024
Hi everyone,

My name is Annabelle and I am a researcher at the University of Nottingham. I recently completed my PhD looking at exercise classes for people living with dementia in the community. One of the important findings was that most exercise classes that take place are not seen as suitable for those living with dementia. However, many of these classes could be adapted to make them more appropriate.

I would really like your help in understanding what would be most important to you to make sure that a class is safe and suitable for people living with dementia to attend and take part.

I am looking for people who are living with dementia and their family carers to take part in a survey which should take no longer than 10 minutes. The survey asks you to rate how much you agree with some statements provided on the questionnaire. These are mainly ‘tick box’ style questions with some free text answers for any additional comments you may have.

These answers will help me find a consensus from both people who run classes, as well as those who take part, as to what the most important features are in a class for people living with dementia. I will then use this information to develop some recommendations to enable exercise classes that take place in the community to be inclusive for people living with dementia.

I have attached a QR code to the survey below and would appreciate any responses. At the moment most people who have responded are exercise professionals so the views of people living with dementia and their carers are not being properly represented. If you feel able to take part that would be very helpful.

If you are not able to access the QR code but would like to take part please email me on and I can provide you with a link instead.

This study has been reviewed and given a favourable opinion by the University of Nottingham, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee FMHS 177-0424.

Many Thanks


  • QRCode for Exercise Classes for Older People Living with Dementia_ a Modified Delphi Study..png
    QRCode for Exercise Classes for Older People Living with Dementia_ a Modified Delphi Study..png
    138.5 KB · Views: 14


New member
Jun 5, 2024
Hi everyone,

This survey will be closing in one week and unfortunately, we still have no responses from people living with dementia and their carers.
If you have any opinions on exercise classes for people living with dementia and how these can be made more accessible and appropriate it would be fantastic if you have 10 minutes to take part in the survey so that these views are heard and represented in the research.

Many thanks
