Research on trauma and dementia


New member
Sep 14, 2023
Hi there,

My name is Georgia Chambers, I’m a trainee clinical psychologist and doctoral researcher at the University of Bath. My supervisor, Dr. Ashley Vanstone, and I, are carrying out some research into the symptoms and experience of dementia for people who have had a trauma earlier in life. This will involve interviewing family members/loved ones/informal carers of people with advanced dementia who have experienced a traumatic event earlier in their lives, about their perceptions of how the person’s dementia developed over time.

This will most likely be over Teams, but can also be in person if the person lives within travelling distance of the University of Bath. The findings will be really important in helping to inform dementia care for people who have experienced trauma.

The study has ethical approval from the University of Bath (approval number: 23-076) and participants will receive a £20 voucher of their choice for taking part.

I am happy to answer any questions or send some more information if that would be helpful.
You can click this link for more information:


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