Poor Piedsmum is poorly again.

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Registered User
Mar 6, 2007
Wigan, Lancs
Pied, this is unacceptable. I'm sorry the carers/nurses are under pressure, but you and your mum deserve better than this. You should be able to rely on them to be providing care and compassion, not having to be there to ensure your mum is receiving basic care.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Oh maybe I'm just upset. I know they care about Mum. They are not lazy. They rush everywhere. Do everything fast. It's the owners I'm angry with. The whole system is sad.

Oh Pied your poor mum shouldn't have to put up with this. Bill sometimes won't swallow his pills but that is a completely different sitution.

I bet the Duke of Edinburgh isn't having to put up with this. The Queen doesn't have to go to bed wondering if he's had a wash today or enough to drink.

How true Pied. What can I say?:(


Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Pied,

This is so unnecessary and so sad. I am sorry your mum has to experience this. Unfortunately, I am not surprised any more as there seems to be something desperately wrong with the health/care system.

I hope you get some rest Pied after such an emotional day.



Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Oh Pied I wish I could understand what was wrong. I am faced with it every time I have to attend Haematology Dept:( I have now got to the point where I hate going but just have to put up with it. I would dread to think what my experience would be if I was totally dependent upon them:eek: I have to check everything and everytime there is always something seriously wrong:eek: The nursing care was atrocious and I fail to understand why the word 'care' is used at all:rolleyes:

Sorry for letting go a little on here but I just thank goodness that your mum has you keeping an eye on things and offering her 'care'. I remember the feeling of having someone visit me who really knew how to 'care' and although I was unresponsive because of being so ill, I do remember how wonderful it felt.

Love and a (HUG)


Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Hi Helen, I recall that feeling too, once when I had a nice midwife when I was very ill after having my son and once while on chemo when I felt dreadful. It really means a lot to know that you think it's worthwhile being there when someone isn't responding at all. Mum wasn't today but I firmly believe she knew I was there. My hubby said "why are you going? What difference does it make? You can't do anything ." I said "I can comfort her" and he didnt say anything. But I think I would want someone just to be with me. A good nurse has an aura about her. She's calm and quiet and healing and she brings light and comfort into a room. She watches her patient and tunes into them instinctively, feeling what they need. My MiL said about one of her carers "she reads my mind". She was very ill and could hardly talk at the time.
A good nurse sees what is needed from basics like mouth care and rubbing legs to spiritual warmth.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Oh Pied ! So Sorry ! !

Hello Pied , Just Home from Yoga & just read about the pills & the :mad: Nurse ! Am NOT surprised that you were feeling so cross :( & I feel for you & your poor Mum ( it should NOT have happened Pied ) Am not going to go on about it but just too say the Nurse should have been more *Caring *

Hope you can rest / let go before Bed Time & you & your Mum have a better day tomorrow

Much Love , Peace & BIG HUGS for today & in the days to come

Love & Hugs

Grove x x x x


Registered User
Dec 31, 2009
Only to say i completely understand where you’re coming from and know i’d feel absolutely the same if it was my dad. I don’t think there’s any excuse for not administering your mum’s pills properly when she's so ill especially as they can be crushed up to a powder and mixed with liquid or v soft food if needs be. Realise though that the carers are so often overstretched and underpaid and when speed is of the essence, personalized care which takes patience and kindness is greatly compromised. It’s hard when you lose faith that the basics are being attended to properly, we entrust so much to our CH’s but hope at least the words you had with the nurse will ensure no repeats. Yes, wouldn't it be wonderful if all our relatives were treated like Royalty! All good wishes,
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Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Morning Izzy, thanks. I got a few hours thanks. I do feel really exhausted. I rang the home just now. There's been no change. Mum is described as "weary". She seems worse to me than I've ever seen her. I'm going in shortly.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Morning Pied , Am sorry your Mum is weary & you feel so tired , sending much Love , Peace & Comfort to you & your Mum

Take care Pied

Love & Strength for the C H Visit

Love & BIG HUGS Love Grove x x x x x


Registered User
Sep 20, 2011
Dear Pied.
I have been following your thread. I am sorry to hear Mum is poorly, and the antics with the tablets was unbelievable. Some people just don't seem to understand.

I hope you find your mum comfortable this morning and can get some rest yourself.

Thinking of you. Jan x


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
Dear Pied,

You seem to have had another poor night's sleep again...

I do hope your mum remains peaceful today, and that your run-in with the nurse has paid off in terms of a bit more thought being used before doing such a stupid thing as the tablet incident yesterday. :(



Registered User
Aug 3, 2010
South Ribble
Deep joy of unsurpassable joy, Mum's bed has chosen today to stop working. It's a Cairwave Pegasus and I notice its not been serviced for almost three years.
I am really angry now. The light was flashing when I arrived. Two of the cells aren't filling and emptying and the third one is but that's no good. The director has promised to be here within the hour.

Mum hasn't shown any sign of knowing anythings going on apart from sighing and grimacing when she coughs. The cough sounds like she has a gallon of phlegm going on.

I'd love Nebiroth to tell me what she thinks I should do. I like all those medically informed posts she writes. Xxxx
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